Obamacare is a Threat to Jobs

Floor Speech

Date: July 16, 2014
Location: Washington, DC

Mr. DAINES. Mr. Speaker, Montanans have long known that ObamaCare's taxes and mandates are a direct threat to thousands of jobs, and this fact is becoming all too clear for in-home care providers.

ObamaCare's burdensome employer mandate would force in-home care businesses to cut jobs or employee wages and, in turn, hurt the elderly, the disabled, and low-income Montanans who rely on them for critical services.

The Ensuring Medicaid and Medicare Access to Providers Act protects Montanans' access to care by exempting their health providers from ObamaCare's oppressive employer mandate, and it protects health care workers from losing their jobs or getting their hours or their pay cut.

I urge my colleagues to support H.R. 5098 and help ensure that disabled and vulnerable Americans can continue to receive critical health services in the comfort of their own homes.
