President Signs Into Law Udall, Polis Bill to Expand Workforce Housing in Summit County

Press Release

Date: July 25, 2014

U.S. Senator Mark Udall and Congressman Jared Polis heralded the news today that the president signed into law their legislation to help Summit County support local businesses and jobs by expanding affordable workforce housing. The Lake Hill Administrative Site Affordable Housing Act, which the U.S. Senate passed in early July, conveys 40 acres of federal administrative land from the U.S. Forest Service to Summit County to build affordable workforce housing while supporting a new Dillon Ranger District administrative building nearby.

"The availability of affordable workforce housing is essential for Colorado's mountain communities and local economies. I was proud to lead the effort in the U.S. Senate to pass this bill and am gratified the president swiftly signed it into law," Udall said. "This is a significant victory for the people of Summit County and Main Street businesses along the Interstate 70 corridor. I will continue to work across the aisle to ensure we do everything we can to help our mountain communities and local economies throughout Colorado thrive."

"I am thrilled that President Obama has signed the Lake Hill Administrative Site Affordable Housing Act into law. With his signature, the citizens of Summit County are on their way to having more high quality affordable housing in their community," Polis said. "In addition to making beautiful Summit County more affordable for local residents, this law will enable the U.S. Forest Service to streamline its operations and fund improvements to its facilities."

The Lake Hill Administrative Site, which sits between Interstate 70 and the Dillon Dam Road, is no longer suitable for management by the Forest Service. The transfer would allow Summit County to develop the area to provide much-needed affordable housing near public transit. The proposal has received broad community support, including from the Summit County Board of County Commissioners, the towns of Frisco and Dillon, and Conservation Colorado.

Udall and Polis have been longtime champions of the Lake Hill Administrative Site Affordable Housing Act, along with co-sponsor U.S. Senator Michael Bennet. Udall helped pass the bill through the U.S. Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee, on which he serves, after hosting a public comment period last year. Polis championed companion legislation in the U.S. House of Representatives, which passed the bill in October 2013.
