Norton to Host Annual Senior Legislative Day at Dunbar, Her Alma Mater Today

Press Release

Date: July 21, 2014
Location: Washington, DC
Issues: Senior Citizens

Congresswoman Eleanor Holmes Norton (D-DC) today will host her annual 2014 Senior Legislative Day at the newly-constructed Paul Laurence Dunbar High School (101 N Street, NW) from 10:00 a.m. -- 1:00 p.m., where Norton and many D.C. seniors went to school. Nearly 150 D.C. seniors from wellness centers throughout the District will have lunch with the Congresswoman and discuss pending bills and other congressional actions. The seniors will also enjoy the music of Clarice Labbe Karter, a well-known violinist and teacher of the violin, who is also a senior, and an exercise presentation from William Yates, Associate Coordinator of Older Adults at the YMCA. A tour of the new Dunbar High School will be offered after lunch. Special greetings will come from Solomon Keene, President of the Hotel Association of Washington, D.C., which provided lunch for the seniors, and the D.C. AARP. Norton holds Senior Legislative Day at a different location each year to give seniors a sense of some places they may not have been. Among recent sites have been Arena Stage, the African American Civil War Museum, and the Capitol Visitors Center.

"D.C. seniors have shown a great interest in attending Senior Legislative Day because they have a great deal at stake in congressional legislation," Norton said. "This year, anyone who grew up in D.C. would want to see the magnificent new Dunbar High School facility, but especially our seniors, many of whom attended Dunbar. Senior Legislative Day is always special, but, needless to say, this year's session at Dunbar is particularly close to my heart."
