Issue Position: Issues

Issue Position

The Maine Senate Democratic Caucus represents the values and work ethic of the people of Maine. Our members bring diverse life and business experiences and come from each corner of our great state.

In the 126th Legislature, Senate Democrats are committed to standing up for Maine people by:

-supporting Maine businesses, products and services in the marketplace and beyond our state's border; creating predictable and timely regulations that will strengthen our economic climate;
-advocating for the needs of our state's most vulnerable, including our children, seniors, those with mental illness, disabilities, and others who may otherwise be disenfranchised or under-represented;
-preserving and enhancing the Maine-brand in order to cultivate a welcoming environment for visitors and Mainers alike;
-investing in and prioritizing Maine's educational system--beginning with early childhood through post-secondary college or training. A well prepared and well trained work force is the most effective tool toward long-lasting economic development;
-promoting and ensuring constitutional and civil rights including economic and social justice;
-ensuring every Mainer has access to affordable health care; health care should not be based on affordability.
