Aguilar Launches Middle Class Initiative

Press Release

Today, Redlands Mayor Pete Aguilar, Democratic candidate for Congress in California's 31st district, announced his campaign's Middle Class Initiative, a set of priorities to expand our nation's middle class, focusing on the issues that affect the daily lives of Inland Empire residents. In his statement, Aguilar pledged his commitment to these issues and the middle class families he hopes to represent in Congress.

"This race is all about the Inland Empire's middle class," Mayor Aguilar said. "As our economy continues to recover, we must remain committed to policies that will grow our middle class and expand opportunity for those aspiring to get there, like raising the minimum wage. As I meet with voters and listen to the concerns that affect their families, the same issues come up again and again: a quality education for their kids, a good paying job after college and a secure retirement."

"These are the values of the middle class, the values of my family and families across our region. I will do everything I can to make sure we deliver."

Pete Aguilar's Middle Class Initiative is a 3-part priorities list that focuses on strengthening education, creating a robust and fair economy with good paying, middle class jobs and a commitment to our seniors and future generations of retirees.

Education: A fair economy starts with an equal shot at success, and every student in America deserves an opportunity to succeed. As the father of two young children, Pete supports early childhood education for all students and robust funding for schools across the country. He is also an advocate for Pell Grants and student loan reform. College graduates should enter the workforce ready to start their adult lives, not drowning in debt that will prohibit them from buying a home or starting a family.

Economy: Pete is committed to supporting policies that will grow our economy and create jobs. He supports small businesses, one of the greatest engines of economic growth in our communities, equal pay for women and raising the minimum wage. Pete also believes that corporations should pay their fair share and be encouraged to keep jobs here in America instead of outsourcing good paying, middle class jobs overseas. He is a strong advocate for smart investments in manufacturing, infrastructure and renewable energy.

Retirement: Pete believes that we have a moral obligation to keep our promise to seniors and future generations of retirees. He will always support Medicare and Social Security and refuses to balance the budget on the backs of seniors. Americans who work hard their entire lives deserve to retire with dignity.

Pete Aguilar is a small business owner and Mayor of Redlands. He is a strong advocate for economic growth and fairness in the Inland Empire, a leader who has reached across party lines to serve the best interests of middle class families in San Bernardino County.
