Issue Position: Jobs and the Economy

Issue Position

Creating jobs and growing the economy is John's number one priority. John knows that the future of the middle class depends on building a 21st century economy that provides good-paying jobs to families in Delaware and across the nation. To that end, we need to encourage companies to build factories here at home and make things in America again.

John has worked across the aisle to put forward common sense proposals to spur job growth. He's been successful in passing legislation to do just that. In his second term, John will continue to focus on simple, practical ways to get American back to work.

John was a lead author of legislation that makes it easier for small companies to go public, expand their facilities, and create jobs. President Obama signed Congressman Carney's legislation into law in April after it passed the House and Senate in overwhelming bipartisan votes.

John is a strong supporter of the "Make It In America" agenda, a package of initiatives to incentivize companies to rebuild the U.S. manufacturing sector and create jobs here at home.

John has introduced legislation that would give a 25 percent tax break to emerging companies who build their first factory in America rather than overseas.

John has introduced legislation that would create an "America Star" labeling program to make it easier for consumers to buy American-made products.
