Issue Position: National Security

Issue Position

Date: Sept. 17, 2014
Issues: Defense Veterans

John recognizes that in order to keep our homeland safe, we need a military that's both strong--and smart. That means giving our fighting men and women the tools they need for 21st century combat, and not funding obsolete weapons systems.

It also means focusing on counterterrorism, so we can prevent attacks in the first place. And it means supporting our veterans and their families, especially those Americans who have been wounded in our most recent wars.

John strongly believes that instead of building roads and bridges overseas, we should be building them here at home. He believes we should continue to focus on counterterrorism in Afghanistan, while bringing our troops home as quickly and responsibly as possible.

John has been an outspoken advocate for a steady but strategic draw down in Afghanistan
As a member of the National Guard Caucus, John believes we must keep our National Guard units strong, well-equipped, and ready to continue the vital role they have played in our overseas conflicts this past decade.
John believes that we have a sacred responsibility to take care of our soldiers when they're in the field and once they're back home. He has voted to provide important benefits for our troops through the National Defense Authorization Act.
John has introduced legislation to rein in NSA surveillance programs to ensure that Americans' privacy is protected.
John has been a strong supporter of imposing tough sanctions on Iran. He believes preventing Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon is vital to the stability of the Middle East, and the safety of our allies in the region.
