Congressman Cleaver's Comment on the Arrest and Charges Following the Incident at His Kansas City District Office on September 11th

Press Release

Date: Sept. 18, 2014

The U.S. Attorney's Office for the Western District of Missouri, working in conjunction with local and federal law enforcement, has filed criminal charges against Eric G. King, alleging that King violated Title 18, United States Code Section 111. King was arrested by the Kansas City Police Department in connection with a separate incident.

"Property can be replaced, people cannot. I will be forever grateful that no one was hurt in the senseless attempt recently to destroy my Kansas City office," said Congressman Emanuel Cleaver, II. "I have devoted my entire adult life to preaching, and hopefully living, the belief that civility supersedes viciousness, and the passion for positive outshines the vehemence of violence. I thank the Kansas City Police Department and the many dedicated law enforcement officers involved in this investigation. I am humbled by and grateful to the numerous residents of Missouri's Fifth District, who have reached out with such overwhelming support and concern."

The Congressman believes this investigation has been an exceptional collaborative work among the Kansas City Police Department, FBI, ATF, US Capitol Police, Jackson County Prosecutor's Office, and US Attorney Tammy Dickinson and her team.
