Bruce Braley Touts His Record Of Bridging Partisan Divides in Davenport

Press Release

Date: Oct. 6, 2014
Location: Davenport, IA

Today, Bruce Braley touted his record as a bridge builder in Congress while touring the Centennial Bridge construction site in Davenport.

Braley has a strong record of working across the party divide to deliver results for Iowa and stand up for Iowa's working families. Braley worked with both Democrats and Republicans to secure back pay and GI Bill benefits that had been denied to hundreds of Iowa National Guard soldiers. In addition, he worked to pass the bipartisan "Back to Work Act" that provided tax credits to businesses hiring unemployed workers. He also has a strong record of working across the aisle to protect and grow Iowa's agriculture economy-- including working for three years to pass the bipartisan Farm Bill and testifying alongside Governor Terry Branstad to protect the Renewable Fuel Standard and the 75,000 jobs it supports in Iowa.

In contrast, Sen. Joni Ernst's radical Tea Party agenda, which includes supporting a government shutdown that cost Iowa's economy $112 million and calling the President a "dictator," would only add to the gridlock in Washington.

"I'm running for U.S. Senate to be a bridge builder, not a bridge burner. I'm proud of my record reaching across the party divide and working with my colleagues on both sides of the aisle to deliver results for Iowans," said Braley. "But Sen. Ernst stands with Tea Party obstructionists who are the bridge burners in Congress, and her radical Tea Party agenda would lead to more obstructionism. There's a clear choice in this race, and Iowans deserve a Senator who will bring people together and put Iowa first."

Braley, who worked for the Poweshiek County Roads Department to help pay for college, also proudly accepted the endorsement of the International Union of Painters and Allied Trades at Centennial Bridge today.

"Congressman Braley's visit to this project today, in addition to his consistent voting record on fair wages for construction workers, makes it clear that he is determined to get America working again by creating new jobs with infrastructure investment," said Bobby Gilmore Business Manager for IU PAT District Council 81. "The IUPAT stands ready to do our part to make certain Congressman Braley continues to fight for working families on Capitol Hill for years to come as our next Senator."
