Vincent's Plan: Honest Leadership for South Carolina Jobs

Press Release

"Vincent Sheheen has proven time and again that he is the type of leader South Carolina needs, one who will put the best interests of the state ahead of politics. There is no doubt in my mind that the candidate best equipped to lead South Carolina's economy in the years ahead is Vincent Sheheen."

- Scott Middleton: CEO, Agape Senior and member of SC Chamber Board of Directors

Since Nikki Haley took office, family incomes in South Carolina have fallen while a record number of South Carolinians have dropped out of the workforce. It's too hard for too many South Carolinians to make a living and support their families, Meanwhile, according to The State, the jobs data that Nikki Haley, "cites is misleading and some of her claims are outdated." South Carolina deserves so much better.

As Vincent says:

"Like most South Carolinians, I believe in hard work. I believe we should expect everyone who is physically able to have a job. I don't believe in handouts. But I also expect that our state government will do all it can to ensure that opportunities exist for our citizens to find a job. It's in all of our interests for the state to provide a hand-up in the form of job training, economic development, good education and support for small businesses."

Here's Vincent's Plan:

-Keep our Medicaid dollars working in South Carolina: We'll bring $11.7 billion to our state and create 44,000 jobs while we provide access to better, more affordable care, to people across South Carolina.

-Lower the industrial property tax: Manufacturers in South Carolina pay the highest industrial property tax rates in the country. This not only hurts our existing businesses but also discourages new businesses from opening in or relocating to South Carolina. Vincent Sheheen supports reducing and simplifying the system to make it fairer for South Carolina companies looking to expand or stay in business.

-Streamline worker training: State government has too many different agencies providing workforce development and training programs. Vincent wants to streamline worker training to save taxpayer money, while providing better service to companies looking for workers and employees looking to improve their skills.

-Equal Pay for Equal Work: Women are a key part of our state economy and our businesses, and whole families suffer when women do not get paid equally to men. However, wage disparity is alive and well in South Carolina. Nationally, women earn only $0.77 for every $1.00 that a man makes. There is anecdotal evident that it's in our state it's even worse. So it's time for action.

-Provide better training for tomorrow's workers: Degrees from technical colleges are becoming more important as employers search for people with specific technical skills. Fully funding our state's technical college system is a critical component for a successful economic future. Vincent will work to make technical college education affordable for South Carolinians who want it.

-Help existing businesses to grow: South Carolina should put as much emphasis on job retention as it does job recruitment. Our state's long-term economic stability is based upon retaining and supporting the businesses already here. Vincent will review and revise existing workforce incentives to ensure they are helping local South Carolina companies grow and succeed.

-Focus on small businesses: Small businesses are the backbone our economy, and we must do more to support and encourage startups and entrepreneurs. As governor, Vincent will work with local communities to develop entrepreneur-friendly environments that link and provide the resources for new business to start and thrive.

-Support Women-Owned Small Businesses: South Carolina is close to last in the nation with the percent of businesses owned by women. But it's not a lack of talent. So what's the problem? Under Nikki Haley, women face significant challenges in opening and growing their businesses, and have unique barriers to achieving the American dream here in South Carolina.
