Barr Receives Kentucky Fraternal Order of Police Endorsement

Press Release

Date: Oct. 1, 2014
Issues: Infrastructure

Congressman Andy Barr's statement on earning the endorsement of the Kentucky Fraternal Order of Police:

"I greatly respect all our law enforcement officers and appreciate their dedication and commitment to keeping our communities safe. I have advocated for and supported legislation that would fund grants necessary to provide local law-enforcement agencies with equipment and help them hire additional officers. I am honored to receive the support of the Kentucky Fraternal Order of Police and look forward to continuing our strong and successful partnership."

Statement from Sheriff Berl Perdue, Kentucky State Fraternal Order of Police President (and Clark County Sheriff):

"The Kentucky State Lodge Fraternal Order of Police is proud to announce that we have endorsed Andy Barr for re-election as Kentucky's Sixth District Congressman. Congressman Barr has historically been a staunch supporter of the FOP and law enforcement. Congressman Barr has fought for the protection of police officer's rights and benefits and has always been an advocate for law and order issues affecting the law enforcement community. The Kentucky FOP proudly supports and endorses Congressman Barr's effort for re-election to the U.S. Congress."
