Congressman Latta Hosts Briefing With DOE And EIA On Propane Supply

Press Release

Date: Oct. 20, 2014
Location: Washington, DC
Issues: Oil and Gas

Congressman Bob Latta (R-OH) and Congressman Ron Kind (D-WI) today hosted a bipartisan briefing with the Department of Energy (DOE) and the Energy Information Administration (EIA) on the winter fuels outlook and propane supply leading up to the winter heating season. Administrative officials also provided information on what they are doing to prepare for and respond to winter fuels issues.

"Since last winter, I have been working with my colleagues on a number of initiatives aimed at preventing another propane shortage," said Latta. "Some of my constituents were forced from their homes at the height of winter and others are still feeling the economic impacts from the increased costs of propane. This year, I want to make sure we are better prepared and better informed. Access to affordable and reliable heat will be essential for all Americans during the upcoming winter months, and today's briefing is another step to ensure we are well-equipped to handle any winter heating challenge."

Last winter, a combination of weather conditions, high demand and infrastructure challenges led to a propane shortage in Northwest Ohio and throughout the Midwest. Reduced capacity and the resulting high prices of propane were especially harmful for homeowners, businesses and farmers. Latta led multiple emergency response efforts. He also sent a letter to New York Governor Andrew Cuomo last month expressing support for a pending propane storage facility that could help stabilize the regional markets.

Latta also introduced companion legislation to the Propane Supply and Security Act, a comprehensive policy proposal aimed at preventing future propane shortages.
