Westrom Agrees to Three Candidate Debates in Minnesota's 7th Congressional District

Press Release

Date: Sept. 30, 2014
Location: Fargo, MN

Torrey Westrom, the Republican nominee for Congress in Minnesota's 7th District, announced that he will participate in three candidate debates in October, leading up to November 4th election.

"This election is about holding Washington accountable, along with the representation we send on our behalf to DC," Westrom said in a statement. "Western Minnesotans are tired of heading down the same trajectory we've been on, and want real answers about what we're going to do to stop Congress's out of control spending along with fighting to repeal ObamaCare. I look forward to discussing these issues and am pleased voters in our 7th Congressional District will have an opportunity to get the answers they deserve out of the candidates we elect to represent us."

The first debate will be sponsored by Pioneer Public Television in Appleton, Minn. and will air the evening of October 23rd. The second debate, hosted by Prairie Public TV, will take place in the Fargo-Moorhead area and will air on Friday, October 24th at 8:00p.m. CT.

Westrom has also agreed to a debate on KSTP-TV's "At Issue with Tom Hauser" on October 17th, but Congressman Collin Peterson has yet to confirm whether or not he will participate.
