AIA Presents 2014 Wings of Liberty Award to Rep. Hal Rogers

Press Release

Date: Sept. 18, 2014
Location: Arlington, VA
Issues: Transportation

The Aerospace Industries Association is presenting its prestigious Wings of Liberty Award September 18 to Rep. Harold "Hal" Rogers (R-Ky.), in recognition of his longtime support of the aerospace and defense industry.

Rep. Rogers is Chairman and a 30-year member of the House Appropriations Committee, which is responsible for oversight and passage of the annual appropriation bills that provide over $1 trillion annually to the federal government. Rogers has served on the Defense subcomittee, and as chairman of the Transportation, Commerce, Science, Justice and the Homeland Security subcommittees. During his tenure in office, he has been a strong advocate for national and homeland security, civil aviation and space programs.

"The Wings of Liberty is our industry's highest award," said AIA President and CEO Marion C. Blakey. "It is an honor to present it to Congressman Rogers who has been a tremendous leader of our cause and richly deserving of this year's award. Through his leadership of Appropriations, he has served the House with great distinction and has always put national security first."

In response to receiving the Wings of Liberty Award, Rep. Rogers, said, "I am honored to receive the Wings of Liberty award from the Aerospace Industries Association. Our nation is recognized as the global leader in defense systems and aerospace engineering due to the daily work of the innovative members of this industry. At a time when terrorist groups are growing in number and boldness around the world, we must continue to maintain the very best national defense efforts, which are heavily supported through aerospace technology. I commend the continued ingenuity and leadership of AIA, allowing this nation to be on the forefront of defense, air travel, and communication."

The Wings of Liberty award is presented annually to a member of Congress who has made significant contributions to help bolster aerospace and national defense. The award, which embodies the spirit of America and the drive to achieve any dream, will be made at a reception on Capitol Hill, one of several events celebrating National Aerospace Week. Past honorees include Senator Barbara Mikulski (D-Md.), Rep. Howard P. "Buck" McKeon (R-Calif.), Senator Patty Murray (D-Wash.), Rep. Norm Dicks (D-Wash.), and Senator Daniel K. Inouye (D-Hawaii).
