Barr Builds Coalition of Proven Support

Press Release

Andy Barr today released a list of key endorsements from across the Sixth Congressional District. The comprehensive list is comprised of groups representing several constituencies from a broad spectrum of political backgrounds that have given their full support and endorsement to Barr's reelection campaign.

These groups include:

* The United States Chamber of Commerce
* The United Mine Workers Association
* The Kentucky State Lodge Fraternal Order of Police
* Lexington Professional Fire Fighters IAFF Local 526
* National Vietnam & Gulf War Veterans Coalition
* The National Rifle Association (NRA-PVF)
* The National Right to Life
* Kentucky Right to Life Association

In addition to awards and recognition from several non-partisan organizations:

* The NoLabels Foundation Awarded Barr the "Problem Solver Seal of Approval"
* The National Federation of Independent Business (NFIB) named Barr a "Guardian of Small Business"
* The National Association of Manufacturers (NAM) Award for Manufacturing Legislative Excellence

Andy Barr reacted to these endorsements saying "I am beyond humbled by the outpouring of support I have received from groups across central and eastern Kentucky who have endorsed my efforts to best represent all of the people of the Sixth District. I have been committed to listening and being as accessible as possible so that I can better understand the concerns and challenges they face, and will continue to stand up and effectively advocate for all Kentuckians."

This broad coalition built from such a wide swath of groups that support Barr's reelection further underscores that Kentuckians from across the district know that they have a Congressman who is listening to their concerns and believe that he deserves more time in Washington to continue making a difference on their behalf.

Excerpts from Endorsement Announcements:

U.S. Chamber of Commerce Endorses Andy Barr

Rob Engstrom, the Senior Vice President and National Political Director of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce said, "The U.S. Chamber is proud to put our full support behind Rep. Andy Barr. Andy has a proven record fighting for free enterprise and promoting job creation and growth in Central Kentucky and across the country. We're honored to stand with him and look forward to working together to get our country back on track in the days ahead."

"I am honored to be endorsed by the world's largest business organization that represents so many central and eastern Kentucky job-creators," said Barr. "I have made it one of my top-priorities in Congress to promote and support legislation that protects Main Street and enables all business owners to succeed because their success leads to job growth and a stronger economy."

The United Mine Workers Association Endorses Andy Barr

The United Mine Workers Association lists their endorsed candidates online, and have "strongly supported legislation Barr helped introduce to address retiree health care, pension issues."

"During the past few years, I have had the privilege of meeting many coal miners, both active and retired, in Kentucky and throughout the nation," said Barr. "I have been impressed beyond words by these dedicated, professional and hard working men and women who, day in and day out, perform heroic and difficult work to deliver affordable, reliable energy to the American people. I am honored by this endorsement and will continue to work with the United Mine Workers of America, their officials, miners, and retirees to ensure that promises of healthcare and retirement benefits made to our nation's coal miners are kept."

Kentucky State Lodge Fraternal Order of Police Endorses Andy Barr

Kentucky State Fraternal Order of Police President and Clark County Sheriff Berl Perdue said, "The Kentucky State Lodge Fraternal Order of Police is proud to announce that we have endorsed Andy Barr for re-election as Kentucky's Sixth District Congressman. Congressman Barr has historically been a staunch supporter of the FOP and law enforcement. Congressman Barr has fought for the protection of police officer's rights and benefits and has always been an advocate for law and order issues affecting the law enforcement community. The Kentucky FOP proudly supports and endorses Congressman Barr's effort for re-election to the U.S. Congress."

"I greatly respect all our law enforcement officers and appreciate their dedication and commitment to keeping our communities safe," said Barr. "I have advocated for and supported legislation that would fund grants necessary to provide local law-enforcement agencies with equipment and help them hire additional officers. I am honored to receive the support of the Kentucky Fraternal Order of Police and look forward to continuing our strong and successful partnership."

Lexington Professional Fire Fighters IAFF Local 526 Endorses Andy Barr

Christopher T. Bartley, President, Lexington Professionals Fire Fighters IAFF Local 526, said "Because the Lexington Professional Fire Fighters IAFF Local 526 support those who support us, we urge the citizens in the Sixth Congressional District to re-elect Congressman Andy Barr this coming November."

"I am honored to receive the endorsement of the Lexington Professional Fire Fighters IAFF Local 526 in my first re-election campaign," said Barr. "I have worked closely with fire fighters on federal issues important to them and other first responders, and look forward to continuing our strong working relationship."

National Vietnam & Gulf War Veterans Coalition Endorses Andy Barr

Chairman of the National Vietnam & Gulf War Veterans Coalition John J. Molloy, OSJ, wrote "On behalf of the National Vietnam and Gulf War Veterans Coalition, I would like to take this opportunity to express our appreciation for your willingness to continue to serve our nation in the US House of Representatives and to support those who answered America's call to duty. Your leadership and patriotism are specially needed in the House of Representatives at this particular time in our history when our beloved country is at risk, not only from foreign terrorists, but also from domestic advocates of extreme social and economic "reform' in the weaklings who failed to confront them. Accordingly the board of the national Vietnam and gulf war veterans coalition was pulled and has unanimously approved endorsement of your candidacy."

"I am humbled by the endorsement of the National Vietnam & Gulf War Veterans Coalition for my support of veterans and military issues," said Barr. "Working on behalf of our military men and women who risk their lives in the name of freedom has been a top priority for me in Congress, and I will always stand up for all of Kentucky's veterans and active service members."

NRA Endorses Andy Barr

Chris W. Cox, chairman of the NRA-PVF said, "Congressman Barr has consistently opposed all attempts to ban lawfully-owned firearms and magazines, and has stood strong against the Obama-Bloomberg gun control agenda. With our Second Amendment Rights under attack like never before, gun owners need leaders like Andy in Congress to protect our freedoms. We can count on Andy Barr to stand up for our constitutional freedoms in the U.S. House. On behalf of the NRA's five million members, I want to thank Andy for his steadfast support of the Second Amendment and urge all NRA members, gun owners and sportsmen in Kentucky's Sixth Congressional District to vote Andy Barr for Congress on November 4."

Barr responded, "I am glad to have earned an A rating from the NRA and their endorsement for my unwavering commitment to preserving the Second Amendment of the U.S. Constitution -- a fundamental American right that grants law-abiding citizens the ability to keep and bear arms. I am honored by their support and will continue to be a champion of the Second Amendment and our Constitution."

National Right to Life Endorses Andy Barr

David Osteen, the National Right to Life Executive Director, stated "During the 113th Congress, [Barr has] earned a perfect 100% pro-life voting record in the scorecard issued by National Right to Life…All voters who are concerned with the right to life and with the protection of the most vulnerable members of the human family should vote to return you to Congress, so that you can continue to work to advance vital pro-life public policies."

Barr responded, "I appreciate National Right to Life's endorsement of my first re-election campaign. I consider protecting the unborn and the most vulnerable among us as one of my greatest responsibilities as a parent and legislator. As a strongly pro-life father of two young girls, I have and will continue to support legislation that protects the lives of the unborn and their mothers."
