Blog: I'm Making Calls to Get Out the Vote This Weekend. Can You Sign Up to Join Me?


Date: Nov. 1, 2014

Howard Dean thought of it first -- the 50 state strategy, to unite progressives in action in every corner of the country. That's why I was so excited to kick off our 16-county tour yesterday with Jim Dean, phone banking in Portland. We have seen what happens when we unite behind the call for change. Here in Maine, we have seen grassroots movements triumph at the ballot box when we legalized medical marijuana, restored same day voter registration and won marriage equality.

So what's the most important thing you can do in the next four days to help us win? Phone bank. Where can you do it? Everywhere.

I will be traveling to Democratic headquarters in all 16 counties over the next four days to phone bank with volunteers to Get Out the Vote.

Want to join me for a phone bank? Sign up here!

Can't join us at a phone bank but want to support the final GOTV efforts? Donate $5 here.

In the coming days, I'll be in Machias, Dover-Foxcroft, Belfast and Kittery to call out the vote with volunteers. I hope you'll join me. We're building a movement.

Take care,
