The Monitor - Abbott Visit Seen as Opportunity for Region to Have Voice in Next Governor's Vision

News Article

Date: Nov. 11, 2014

By Ty Johnson

One week after Cameron County emerged as one of 19 counties in the state to support his opponent, Gov.-elect Greg Abbott was in Brownsville making good on his plans to collaborate with Rio Grande Valley leaders on a slate of projects across the region.

Democratic lawmakers sat on either side of Abbott during an economic roundtable discussion held by the Brownsville Economic Development Council.

Abbott's Tuesday visit marked his first official event since the Nov. 4 election that swept him into office with nearly 60 percent of the vote statewide.

Abbott was a regular in South Texas during his campaign despite the area's history as a Democratic stronghold. That outreach now has local leaders optimistic that he will work to erase the perception of the Valley as a remote area far from the government buildings of Austin.

State Rep. Eddie Lucio III, D-Brownsville, spoke specifically about water projects, including the Rio Grande Valley Water Authority's plans for a regional water master plan, and the need to address Mexico's water debt.

Abbott sounded confident that the Texas Water Development Board would approve the master plan project, which would mean state funds could be invested into the project, which seeks to put the region's unison rhetoric into practice as cities and counties join to solve the area's water security issues.

Abbott spoke about the economic importance of the new University of Texas Rio Grande Valley, which will open during his term.

"That will really lay the groundwork for the future prosperity of the region," he said. "Higher education in the Rio Grande Valley is heading in the right direction."

UT-RGV is the latest manifestation of the region's efforts to put an end to historic infighting among cities and counties and state Sen. Eddie Lucio Jr., D-Brownsville, said he hopes Abbott's openness to work with leaders across the Valley will offer another opportunity for that kind of collaboration.
