Congressman Becerra "Honored and Humbled" to be Re-Elected as Chairman of the House Democratic Caucus


Date: Nov. 18, 2014
Location: Washington, DC

Today, Congressman Xavier Becerra (CA-34), Chairman of the House Democratic Caucus, released the following statement after being re-elected by his colleagues, by unanimous acclamation, to serve as Chairman of the House Democratic Caucus for the 114th Congress.

"I am honored and humbled to have been given the trust of my colleagues to serve another term as their Chairman of the House Democratic Caucus. Together as a strong, united Caucus, we will work to ensure that we grow America's middle class by creating jobs at home, making education more affordable and accessible for working families, and releasing the full economic potential of all Americans."

Congressman Becerra was nominated for Chairman of the House Democratic Caucus by Rep. Dan Kildee (MI-05) and seconded by Rep. Jan Schakowsky (IL-09), Rep. Kurt Schrader (OR-05) and Rep. Terri Sewell (AL-07).
