No Social Security for Nazis Act

Floor Speech

Date: Nov. 19, 2014
Location: Washington, DC

Mr. BECERRA. Mr. Speaker, today, 160 million Americans pay into Social Security every day that they work, and as a result, they know that they and their families will be protected if they die, become disabled, or retire.

For most of the 58 million Americans who currently receive Social Security, a Social Security benefit check is their most important source of income. We recently learned that some Nazi war criminals and collaborators slipped through a loophole in our law and are in fact receiving these very same Social Security benefits.

I am pleased to join with my dear friend and colleague from Texas, Mr. Sam Johnson, to introduce the No Social Security for Nazis Act, which tightly closes this very loophole.

As the chairman and the ranking member of the Social Security Subcommittee, Mr. Johnson and I have the responsibility to safeguard Social Security, and I believe this bill is the right way to do that.

Like past Congresses, we believe that there is no place for the Holocaust perpetrators in the United States of America, and if there is no place for them in our country, then there is certainly no place for them in our crown jewel, Social Security.

I hope we can move quickly to enact this legislation before Social Security is required to pay another dime to a Nazi war criminal.

I thank Chairman Johnson for his tireless work on this issue, and I urge my colleagues to join Chairman Johnson and me in sponsoring the No Social Security for Nazis Act.
