Blackburn Vows to Fight Back Against Obama's Lawless Amnesty


Date: Nov. 20, 2014
Location: Washington, DC

Congressman Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) today issued the following statement regarding President Obama's planned executive action that would provide amnesty to millions of illegal immigrants who have entered America with complete disregard for our nation's laws.

"After months of crafting comprehensive immigration reform behind closed doors and delaying it to shield Democrats up for re-election, the self-proclaimed most transparent Administration in history is finally announcingthe scope of its lawless amnesty. The President's decision to nullify the immigration laws of this country through executive action will hurt our economy, lead to more unemployed American citizens, and make us less secure. It signals that America is an "open borders' society with no rules governing entrance except those announced through Royal decree.

"This is the culmination of President Obama's executive amnesty, which began in June 2012 with the creation of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals Program (DACA). DACA has provided deportation deferrals and work permits to illegal aliens, which has served as a magnet to encourage more non-citizens to cross our Southern border. The President's decision to expand amnesty for over five million unlawful entrants is a gross abuse of power.

"President Obama's relentless assault on the Constitution will be his legacy. His actions have established a new precedent for Executive behavior that will have repercussions for years to come. Soon we will no longer need the legislators or the courts. King Obama will make the law, interpret the law, and if he so chooses, enforce the law. His "ends justify the means' approach is exactly the type of Executive mentality our system of government was designed to discourage.

"Republicans will fight the President's amnesty. America is a nation of laws and lawlessness will not stand." -
