Congresswoman Adams' Statement on the Verdict Rendered by the Grand Jury in the Michael Brown Case


Date: Nov. 25, 2014
Location: Washington, DC

Congresswoman Alma Adams (NC-12) made the following statement regarding the Grand Jury's decision not to indict Officer Darren Wilson in the killing of Michael Brown:

"I was extremely disappointed that the Grand Jury did not allow justice to move forward in the Michael Brown case. This case underscores a disturbing trend of senseless killings of African American men by law enforcement authorities. I hope this tragic situation will begin a broader discussion on race relations and the relationship between our communities and local law enforcement. Although many are angry with this outcome, it is important that protestors exercise their constitutional right to protest peacefully and that law enforcement respect that right. My thoughts and prayers go out to Michael Brown's family as they mourn the loss of their son and deal with this disappointing decision."
