Murkowski Welcomes Add'l $1.5M to Address Alaska's Energy Cost Challenges

Press Release

Senator Lisa Murkowski today shared news with Alaskans that $1.5 million in Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) funds are headed to the state from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Starting today, $730,000 will be distributed through the DHHS Division of Public Assistance, as well as $800,000 by Native Tribes or Tribal Associations, listed below. This amount is in addition to the $17.9 million provided to the state in October to help Alaskans deal with heating bills.

"With our state facing the highest home heating costs in the nation, these LIHEAP funds are absolutely necessary for many Alaskans," said Murkowski. "Helping to protect Alaskans from our extreme winter temperatures and budget-breaking energy bills remains my top priority in the 114th Congress."
