Congressman Becerra: President Obama's Budget Proposal Rewards Hard Work


Date: Feb. 2, 2015
Location: Washington, DC

Today, Congressman Xavier Becerra (CA-34), Chairman of the House Democratic Caucus, released the following statement after President Barack Obama unveiled his 2016 budget proposal.

"President Obama's budget proposal makes it clear that his chief goal is to continue to build on our economic recovery by implementing policies that help middle-class families. The proposal reverses the senseless budget cuts of the past and instead invests in our future by making community college tuition-free, moving our tax code towards rewarding hard work instead of wealth, and strengthening our nation's infrastructure. It also reflects the benefits of comprehensive immigration reform, which would encourage further job growth and strengthen our long-term economic outlook.

"Congress must follow the President's lead in putting middle class families first and making smart investments for our future. We need to move forward so we can build an economy that works for all Americans, not just the wealthiest few."
