E-Newsletter: Welcome to the 'Babin Bulletin'


Date: Jan. 29, 2015
Location: Washington, DC

Dear Friend,

It is an honor and privilege to represent you in the United States Congress. As your voice in Washington, my goal is to always keep you informed, listen to you, and assist you in any way possible. We have lots of work to do to get America back on the right track and I am determined to do that. I look forward to working on your behalf and fighting for the conservative values that are so important to the 36th District of Texas.

Stay Connected

Tell me what you think - take my Winter 2015 constituent survey. Also, sign up here for my monthly e-newsletter to receive updates and news from Washington and around the 36th District. You can also stay connected by liking me on Facebook, following me on Twitter, or e-mailing me directly.

Constituent Services

I am pleased to inform you that our offices in Deer Park, Orange, Woodville and Washington, DC are now up and running and ready to assist you with any problems or requests you may have. Please contact us if you need help with a federal agency, would like to order a flag, are requesting tours and tickets for a visit to Washington, DC, or are considering applying to a military academy.

Defunding the President's Executive Amnesty

I recently voted for House passage of H.R. 240, the FY2015 Homeland Security Appropriations bill, which included provisions of legislation I cosponsored (H.R. 191) to defund amnesty.

Why I Did Not Vote for the Speaker

Following the passage of the Omnibus spending bill late last year, I believed it was time to have a discussion over who should be the House Speaker in 2015. Like many, I was disappointed with this massive bill, which did not end funding for Obamacare and failed to reverse the Administration's executive actions on immigration. I shared these concerns directly with Speaker Boehner and informed him that I would not be voting for him. I did this because our district believed it was time to consider new leadership and I believed that the matter of who should be our nominee for Speaker should be sent back to the House Republican conference for reconsideration. By voting present rather than for the Speaker or one of the other candidates I voted to do exactly that.

An overwhelming majority of House Republicans felt differently. I am committed to working with the Speaker and all our leaders to advance conservative values. We must get started right away repealing Obamacare, rolling back job-killing regulations, and cutting wasteful spending. I am already working with my conservative colleagues to put forward an agenda to leadership that moves this nation back to the conservative principles upon which it was founded.

Keystone XL Pipeline

I proudly joined a strong bipartisan group of my colleagues in voting for House passage of H.R. 3, the Keystone XL Pipeline Act. This legislation is not only good for America, but it is also uniquely important to the 36th District of Texas. The Keystone pipeline will bring an economic boost to our area through its construction and new energy supply. This is an important step in putting more Americans back to work and growing our national economy. It passed the House by a vote of 266-153-1 and is now before the Senate.

Speaking Up for the Unborn

I offered my steadfast support to thousands of Americans who gathered in support of the right to life in Washington, DC on the 42nd anniversary of the Roe v. Wade Supreme Court ruling. As a man of deep faith and proud grandfather of 11 grandkids, I will always fight to protect the unborn and defend the sanctity of life. I commend all of those who attended for standing up on behalf of the unborn and for providing a voice to the voiceless. I also spoke on the House floor in support of H.R. 7, the No Taxpayer Funding for Abortions Act, which passed the House by a vote of 242 -- 179.

State of the Union

I thought President Obama's speech amounted to a rehash of old, worn out big-government rhetoric. I believe his agenda of higher taxes, more spending, and new regulations was exactly what Americans soundly rejected three months ago. Government is not the answer -- it's the problem. We need real solutions focused on the priorities of hardworking Americans. We need to remove government barriers and let taxpayers keep more of their hard-earned money. The American people deserve an efficient, effective and accountable government and that's what I'm fighting for.

Thank you and God Bless,

Brian Babin
