Issue Position: Immigration and Border Security

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2015

The politicians in Washington D.C. have failed to fix our broken immigration system. Texans today face a disaster. We're seeing a border invasion of illegal immigration, drug trafficking, and human smuggling. Lois knows this problem is not just about immigration, it's about national security. She's frustrated that while you and I are searched at airports, at the same time we watch as thousands of people flow unchecked into our nation for unknown reasons. She lives by the Ronald Reagan adage that a nation without borders isn't really a nation. That's why Lois wants Texas to take charge where Washington has failed us. She demands that we secure our border now, and provide our state forces with the money, manpower, and technology to carry out the constitutional duties that D.C is ignoring. Lois proudly passed one of the toughest immigration bills in Texas. Under HB 1196 80R, she cracked down on businesses that hire illegal immigrants. Under the law, any business that has received taxpayer funds must return every penny, if they're found guilty of employing illegal immigrants. She stood up to the open-border crowd. When Sen. Cruz was state solicitor general and fought a Mexican government attempt to use the United Nations to overrule our Texas death penalty, Lois wrote and passed a bill to clarify that Texas law cannot be modified by international governments like the UN. To protect our sovereignty and our voter integrity, she authored one of the first voter ID requirements in Texas, and fought alongside fellow conservatives for over a decade to finally pass this critical law.
