Issue Position: Working Together for Our Veterans

Issue Position

Funding Important Programs for Veterans
As Chair of House Committee on Defense and Veterans' Affairs, Representative Menéndez worked alongside Senator Van De Putte to create one of the state's largest mental healthcare systems for our Veterans. Representative Menéndez authored House Bill 2392 which developed the Military Veteran Peer Network and appropriated over $3 million to assist members of the military, veterans, and their families cope with mental health issues. The new law will put a major focus on peer-to-peer counseling and increase the number of counselors. Peer-to-Peer counseling allows better interaction and treatment for a wounded warriors who may need that "been there and I can understand" strength from a fellow veteran.

Healthcare Strike Force Team
Representative Menéndez refuses to wait on Washington to help our Texas Veterans. So many of our nation's heroes have been treated disgracefully by the Veterans Administration's healthcare system. That's why along with the Governor, Senator Van de Putte, and the Texas Veterans Commission, Representative Menéndez helped create the Healthcare Strike Force Team. Any Veteran can meet with the state's Healthcare Strike Force Team to get the care they need and deserve at the VA.

Employing Veterans
Veteran unemployment is at one of the highest levels in recent history. As Chair of House Committee on Defense and Veterans' Affairs, Representative Menéndez worked to pass multiple bills make it easier for a Veteran to find a job. These bills allowed a service member with a specialty skill learned in the military to apply to their learned skill to a civilian job with occupational licenses.
