Issue Position: Environment

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2015

In the Bay Area, we sometimes take our beautiful environment for granted. This is risky, because environmental stewardship requires ongoing vigilance. Our clean air and water, bays, forests, grasslands and creeks won't stay protected unless they are a part of every discussion.

I strongly believe in an ethos of conservation. It has driven a big part of my three decades of public service. Here are some highlights:

* In Northern California, I led campaigns to protect old growth redwood forests, San Francisco Bay, parks and open spaces.
* I worked with the Trust for Public Land on measures in more than 25 states to protect clean water and thousands of acres of open space.
* I helped pass the Propositions 12 and 13 Water and Park Bonds in 2000 which protects clean water, clean air, parks and coastline throughout California
* On the Board of Contra Costa County Solid Waste Authority for almost five years, I significantly increased recycling and reuse practices.

My environmental priorities for the State Senate include:

* Conserve water. Protect California's long-term water availability through recycling, reuse and better groundwater practices.
* Oppose Delta tunnels. The current plan to build massive tunnels to take Delta water to Southern California does not make environmental sense and I will firmly oppose it.
* Protect urban growth boundaries. Voter-approved growth boundaries prevent sprawl and protect the quality of life in our communities.
* Reduce carbon emissions. One of my key priorities will be to keep California on track to meet our carbon reduction goal 1990 emission levels by 2020.
