Rep. Fudge Announces $3 Million Federal Grant to the Cuyahoga Metropolitan Housing Authority

Press Release

Date: April 2, 2015
Location: Warrensville Heights, OH

Congresswoman Marcia L. Fudge (OH-11) is pleased to announce the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) has awarded a three-million dollar grant to the Cuyahoga Metropolitan Housing Authority (CMHA) to implement a Jobs-Plus Pilot program. Research based on a 5 year demonstration project has shown that when properly implemented, the Jobs-Plus program produced substantial increases in residents' earnings. Higher pay levels were sustained even when residents left public housing and were no longer in the program. The program also increased employability skills, successfully bringing some unemployed residents into the workforce.

The Jobs-Plus grant will enable CMHA to partner with community resources and provide on-site job training and placement services as well as rent incentives to residents living in specific City of Cleveland sites. CMHA is one of nine public housing authorities selected by HUD to participate in the four-year program that invests a total of $24 million in a comprehensive initiative designed to bring better paying jobs to residents of public housing.

"Empowering families to be self-sufficient is at the core of the Jobs-Plus Pilot Program. I'm excited residents of Cleveland will have an opportunity to build a better future through strategically placed resources that will help them find and keep jobs," said Congresswoman Fudge.

"I support the Jobs-Plus program because it builds on a model proven to provide residents of public housing with the tools they need to attain and maintain employment. Congratulations to CMHA and its community partners for securing the grant. I look forward to full and robust implementation of this promising program."
