Rep. Grijalva Celebrates 50 Years of Head Start


Date: May 18, 2015
Location: Washington, DC

Congressman Raúl Grijalva (D-AZ) released the following statement on the 50th anniversary of the launch of Head Start, which provides early childhood education to millions of American families.

"Fifty years ago today, President Johnson signed the Head Start Act into law with the belief that children born into poverty should not be held captive by it. Early education gives kids a foundation for success, and empowers them to live the lives they choose. And over the past five decades, Head Start has ensured low-income children are every bit as prepared to succeed in classes from kindergarten to college as any other peer. In Arizona alone, more than 22,000 kids are learning the skills they need to have a brighter future thanks to this vital program.

"Despite this, Republicans continue to cut away at Head Start funding. Nation-wide, only two in five students who are eligible for Head Start have access right now, and the GOP's budget cuts will mean another 35,000 will miss out. That's 35,000 kids whose futures will be stunted over politics and misguided priorities. So as we mark 50 years of Head Start, let's renew our commitment to the ideals that helped create the program in the first place, and ensure all our children have access to the tools for success today, and for another fifty years to come."
