Appropriations Committee Approves Fiscal Year 2016 Energy and Water Appropriations Bill

Press Release

Date: April 22, 2015
Location: Washington, DC

The House Appropriations Committee today approved the fiscal year 2016 Energy and Water Development, and Related Agencies Appropriations bill, which will now head to the House floor for consideration. The legislation provides annual funding for national defense nuclear weapons activities, the Army Corps of Engineers, various programs under the Department of Energy (DOE), and other related agencies.

The bill totals $35.4 billion -- $1.2 billion above the fiscal year 2015 enacted level and $633 million below the President's request.

"This bill will help ensure the safety, security, and reliability of our nation's nuclear stockpile, help drive this nation towards energy independence, and help improve the infrastructure that facilitates American commerce," House Appropriations Committee Chairman Hal Rogers said. "It is a well-rounded, responsible bill, and I urge my colleagues to support it as it moves through the process."

Energy and Water Subcommittee Chairman Mike Simpson also commented on the importance of the bill:

"This is a responsible bill that prioritizes national security needs and improving our nation's infrastructure within tight budget caps," Chairman Simpson said. "It makes critical investments in the maintenance and safety of our nuclear weapons stockpile, while also funding important infrastructure projects and research that will increase U.S. economic competitiveness and growth."
