Enewsletter: Leading the Effort to Secure Half a Billion Dollars for Tennessee Hospitals


Dear Friend,

This week, the President signed into law a compromise that followed negotiations I led to secure half a billion dollars for Tennessee's hospitals, I voted to ensure Tennessee taxpayers don't have to shoulder more federal tax burden than citizens in other states, I discussed the unconstitutional efforts by the Tennessee General Assembly to name the Bible as our state's official book, and my bipartisan CARERS Act to reform our nation's criminal marijuana policies gained 6 more cosponsors--3 Republicans and 3 Democrats. Keep reading to learn more about what happened this week, or if you'd like to receive the updates in this eNewsletter (and more) as they happen, simply "like" my Facebook page. Be sure to check it regularly, as it will be updated often with news, pictures, and videos.

Leading the Effort to Secure Half a Billion Dollars for Tennessee Hospitals

Tennessee hospitals deserve the same level of certainty about their "disproportionate share" (DSH) payments that hospitals throughout America have, and I am proud to report that an agreement I negotiated to provide that certainty was signed into law by President Obama yesterday. Senator Alexander asked me to pursue a compromise between Democratic leaders and Republican leaders, and I was pleased to lead the Tennessee Congressional delegation's efforts to secure this 10-year extension which will secure half a billion dollars for Tennessee hospitals to help them treat citizens who cannot afford to pay. Shelby County taxpayers will benefit as the DSH funds received by Regional One would otherwise be their responsibility. Read more about the agreement here.

Protecting Memphians' Tax Refunds

This week, I voted to permanently extend a provision that helps protect Tennessee's taxpayers from paying more than their fair share of federal taxes and I was pleased the extension passed in the House of Representatives. Without the sales tax deduction extension, citizens of states without income tax--like Tennessee--would be forced to shoulder a larger share of the federal tax burden than other Americans. I am pleased that this extension passed the House and hope the Senate passes it as well so Memphians can save on their taxes.

Safeguarding the Sanctity of Holy Books

I spoke with Chris Hayes on MSNBC's All In last night about the Tennessee General Assembly's unconstitutional efforts to make the Bible the official state book, which would have clearly violated the Tennessee Constitution which states that "no preference shall ever be given, by law, to any religious establishment or mode of worship" and the separation of church and state principle that is one of the bedrocks of our nation. If you missed it last night, you can watch it here.

Closing the Economic Gap Between African-Americans and Caucasians

While Memphians struggling to find jobs and make ends meet won't be surprised, a new Congressional report issued this week snaps into focus the stark reality of just how much work we still must do to bridge the economic gap between African-Americans and Caucasians. African Americans are twice as likely to live in poverty and to be unemployed, and black men are six times as likely as white men to be incarcerated. These problems are real, they are significant, and this Congress cannot ignore them any further. It is time for us to act, and I will continue working to ensure our criminal justice system treats every American--black or white-- fairly and to help Memphians find good-paying jobs so they can experience the same recovery the rest of the nation is seeing. Read the report here.

Reforming our Nation's Outdated Criminal Drug Policies

A 3-year-old Memphian, Chloe Grauer, suffered from debilitating seizures that could have been alleviated by cannabidiol, or CBD, but the treatment was denied to her because of out-of-touch state and federal drug laws. CBD does not contain enough THC to produce a high, and it has been shown to work for similar medical conditions. I am glad that this week the Tennessee General Assembly unanimously passed a common-sense bill to make the treatment more accessible and I hope Governor Haslam signs it without delay to help children suffering like Chloe, who sadly passed away late last year, have access to this vital treatment.

In Congress, Republicans and Democrats also agree that marijuana policy is outdated and needs to change. Just this week, we added 3 more Republicans and 3 more Democrats as cosponsors of the common-sense, bipartisan CARERS Act to recognize states' rights to regulate marijuana and recognize medical marijuana at the federal level that I am proud to lead with my friends, Senator Cory Booker, Senator Rand Paul, Senator Kirsten Gillibrand, and Rep. Don Young--the senior-most Republican in the House. You can read more about our bill, which now has 14 cosponsors in the House, here and don't miss Jerome Wright's column in the Commercial appeal here.

Stopping Further Police Shootings

A New York Times column by Charles M. Blow published this week called for better data on police shootings. I have a bill that would fix a reporting loophole that allows local police departments to sweep uses of deadly force under the rug. Read more about it here.

Promoting Freedom and Democracy in Cuba

President Obama decided this week to remove Cuba's outdated designation as a state sponsor of terrorism. His decision is an important step that will help open new markets for Memphis entrepreneurs and businesses like FedEx. Read more here.

Helping Save Teenagers' Lives

With a new report showing that teen driving deaths have declined significantly on recent years, it's clear the graduated driver's license law I led fight for in the Tennessee General Assembly is helping save lives.

Helping Uninsured Memphians Gain Health Care Coverage

When you filed your taxes this year, you may have noticed that your refund is smaller than expected if you did not have health insurance coverage last year. You can avoid a similar reduction in next year's tax refund by ensuring that you are enrolled in a qualified health insurance plan this year. HealthCare.gov has opened a special enrollment period for families and individuals who did not have coverage and are seeing reduced refunds or increased taxes owed. Click here to find out more about how to take advantage of this special enrollment period and lower your tax burden.

As always, I remain.
Most sincerely,

Steve Cohen
Member of Congress
