Issue Position: Religious Representation and Freedom

Issue Position

It seems like our nation which once was founded on the principle of "Freedom of Religion," is fast becoming a place where "Freedom from Religion" is the norm. When the religious rights and freedoms of the majority are being eroded at the rate in which they are (by the efforts of a small, organized, and very vocal liberal minority), we have real problems on the horizon. If we have not learned anything from history, we will be forced to repeat it. All over this nation, we are bearing witness to a deluge of Gestapo like tactics being used on people who exercise their religious freedoms to speak their convictions or choose whom they do business with. Through intimidation, threats, and even smear campaigns, we are witnessing abusive tactics being used against anyone who contradicts their agenda. We are also witnessing systemic abuses by political powers to further these agendas as well.

It's time for those of Faith to dig in their heels and fight. If we do not, there is fast approaching a time when it will be too late.

Dan Eubanks pledges to fight every battle where religious freedoms and liberties are being threatened. Dan Eubanks will tirelessly strive to do everything within his power to help make Mississippi a Sanctuary State for every person of Faith.
