What is your opinion of the tiered licensure proposal for teachers?


Date: Jan. 1, 2015
Issues: K-12 Education

I agree in principle with modifying the compensation ladder to allow a system that pays our best teacher more money. This is could be an important tool for districts across the state when recruiting and retaining educators. I am cautious of the current proposal, however, since it seems to place too great an emphasis on things that are beyond the teacher's control and doesn't consider that many of our most talented educators may be making a difference in areas such as special education. Finally, the current proposal potentially puts teacher's professional license at risk based on the evaluations they receive from their immediate supervisors. When you're looking at possibly forcing someone out of a career that they spent thousands of dollars to get a college degree to enter, you want to make 100% sure that it's based on more than a potential personality conflict. I believe there is a way to reward the best teachers with the best wages, I just don't think we're there yet.
