Department of Homeland Security Appropriation Act, 2015

Floor Speech

Date: March 3, 2015
Location: Washington, DC


Mr. LABRADOR. Mr. Speaker, I thank the gentleman from Kentucky.

This fight today is not about immigration. This fight today is about the separation of powers. Any person who votes for this deal today is voting to cede some of our power to the Executive. Any person who votes for this deal today is voting to allow the President to make decisions like this on taxation, on EPA, and on any other agency that this President decides that he has the executive authority to take over the powers of the Congress.

Mr. Speaker, today we all sat here, and I think every Republican stood up when Bibi Netanyahu talked about leadership. When he talked about what it was important for a leader to do, he said that we are being told that the only alternative to this bad deal--speaking about the deal on Iran--is war. That is just not true. The alternative to this bad deal is just a better deal. Every one of our Republicans stood up when he said that.

But today we are being told by our leadership that the only alternative to this bad deal is a government shutdown. That is not true. The alternative to this bad deal today is a better deal. It is to force the Senate to actually go to conference so both the House and the Senate can speak the will of the American people.

