Rep. Rick Allen Supports Bill Repealing ObamaCare's IPAB

Press Release

Date: June 23, 2015
Location: Washington, DC

U.S. Congressman Rick Allen (R-Ga.-12) today applauded House passage of H.R. 1190, the Protecting Seniors' Access to Medicare Act. The legislation repeals the Independent Payment Advisory Board (IPAB) established under ObamaCare. Allen is an original cosponsor of the legislation and issued the following statement:

"The IPAB is yet another example of how ObamaCare is flawed. By giving a board of unelected bureaucrats the authority to make significant changes to Medicare, the law gives seniors less control over their health care decisions and jeopardizes their access to care. I will continue to support any effort to fight bureaucratic overreach and remove the burdens of ObamaCare on families, individuals and businesses. Repealing IPAB represents another step to protect Americans from the consequences of this broken law."

IPAB is an unelected panel of 15 political appointees given substantial authority under ObamaCare to reduce the growth of Medicare spending. The Protecting Seniors' Access to Medicare Act repeals IPAB to ensure such critical decisions aren't made by unelected bureaucrats without proper accountability to the American people and Congress.
