Commerce, Justice, Science, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2016

Floor Speech

Date: June 3, 2015
Location: Washington, DC


Mr. FLEMING. I thank the gentleman for yielding, and I certainly agree with Dr. Harris. I rise also in opposition to this amendment.

Cultivation of cannabis for industrial purposes is governed by the Controlled Substances Act, and that includes hemp. It is permitted pursuant to the registration requirements found in title 21, United States Code.

In addition, the Agricultural Act of 2014 permits ``institutions of higher learning and State Departments of Agriculture to grow or cultivate industrial hemp.''

But let's make one thing clear. The DOJ says they have no intention at all of interfering with what has been provided for in this Department of Agriculture permit. But they still have control, they still have oversight responsibility, and as a result of that, they should do that.

Now, if there is any delay along the way, certainly we should help with that. We should facilitate administratively. But the potential for abuse here is very significant. The DEA and law enforcement must retain control and oversight of hemp, which is a cannabis, just like marijuana.

