KCCI News - Cruz Says He's Playing Hard During Stop in Iowa

News Article

By: Ted Cruz
By: Ted Cruz
Date: July 6, 2015
Location: Des Moines, IA
Issues: Religion Marriage

By Cynthia Fodor

Several presidential hopefuls will be making campaign stops in Iowa early this week. The first to make the rounds in Des Moines was Texas Sen. Ted Cruz on Monday.

KCCI's chief political reporter Cynthia Fodor spent some one-on-one time with Cruz.

Cruz stood in line at Smokey Row coffee shop in Des Moines, chatting with voters.

Cruz will get the vote of Betty Odgaard, who owns the Gortz House in Grimes, because of Cruz's view of religious liberty. Odgaard was sued for refusing to host a same-sex wedding because of her Mennonite beliefs.

"We have enjoyed getting to know him and tell him him our story. He is so passionate about religious liberty, biggest issue in our country today," Odgaard said.

"There is a liberal intolerance that seeks to punish and persecute those who follow a biblical teaching of marriage. That is scary, it is wrong and it is contrary to who we are as American people," Cruz told Fodor.

Cruz, the son of an Evangelical pastor, said he's playing hard in Iowa, recruiting key grassroots volunteers.

"We have conservatives, libertarians, Evangelicals, Republican women. We have the coalition it will take to win Iowa and win nationally," Cruz said.

Cruz spent the day signing his book, "A Time for Truth." He said he'll spend the next few months trying to persuade Iowans it's time for an uncompromising conservative named Cruz.

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