Public Statements

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Date Title Politician
Nov. 1, 2022 Tweet - "For 21 years, I've been working to protect Dreamers by passing the bipartisan Dream Act, but Republicans have filibustered the bill time after time. With Dreamers' lives on the line, we need 10 Republicans to stop their political posturing and come to the negotiating table." Sen. Dick Durbin
Oct. 6, 2022 Durbin Statement On Fifth Circuit Ruling On DACA Sen. Dick Durbin
Aug. 24, 2022 Durbin Statement On DHS Regulation To Preserve And Fortify DACA Sen. Dick Durbin
Oct. 8, 2021 Op-ed by Reps. Adriano Espaillat (D-n.y.), Jesús "chuy" García (D-ill.), and Lou Correa (D-calif.) - We Can't Abandon a Nation of Immigrants - That's Why We're Putting Our Votes on the Line Rep. Chuy Garcia, ...
Sept. 2, 2021 Durbin, Business Leaders Discuss Immigrant Legalization Through Reconciliation Sen. Dick Durbin
Aug. 24, 2021 Tweet - ""Reconciliation is not only a legitimate way to realize these long overdue measures, it may be the only way." #HomeIsHere. It's time to get this done." Sen. Dick Durbin
July 19, 2021 Dream Act Sen. Dick Durbin
July 13, 2021 Letter to the Hon. John Cornyn, U.S. Senator, and the Hon. Thom Tillis, U.S. Senator - Durbin Responds To Cornyn, Tillis Letter On Dream Act Proposal Sen. Dick Durbin
June 15, 2021 Durbin Delivers Opening Statement At American Dream And Promise Act Judiciary Committee Hearing Sen. Dick Durbin
March 31, 2021 Tweet - "The fact that overcrowding of kids at our borders occurred under both the Obama and Trump Admins is cold comfort as we see the shocking photos on the morning news. Congress cannot hide behind the filibuster. After 35 years of excuses, comprehensive immigration reform is overdue." Sen. Dick Durbin
March 22, 2021 Business Before the Senate Sen. Dick Durbin
March 19, 2021 Ahead Of House Vote On Immigration Legislation, Durbin Calls On The Senate To Act Sen. Dick Durbin
March 18, 2021 Tweet - "I applaud the House for passing the American Dream and Promise Act. If the Senate follows suit, we would enact the most significant immigration legislation since 1986. As the original sponsor of the Dream Act, I hope we seize this moment." Sen. Dick Durbin
March 18, 2021 Filibuster Sen. Dick Durbin
March 18, 2021 Tweet - "Today the House passed Dream & Promise Act. It has already been filibustered in the Senate 5 times over the years, a perfect example of why it's time to reform the filibuster. Lives depend on it and the future of America is at stake. #HomeIsHere" Sen. Dick Durbin
Jan. 20, 2021 Dream Act Sen. Dick Durbin
Date Title Politician
Nov. 1, 2022 Tweet - "For 21 years, I've been working to protect Dreamers by passing the bipartisan Dream Act, but Republicans have filibustered the bill time after time. With Dreamers' lives on the line, we need 10 Republicans to stop their political posturing and come to the negotiating table." Sen.Dick Durbin
Oct. 6, 2022 Durbin Statement On Fifth Circuit Ruling On DACA Sen.Dick Durbin
Aug. 24, 2022 Durbin Statement On DHS Regulation To Preserve And Fortify DACA Sen.Dick Durbin
Oct. 8, 2021 Op-ed by Reps. Adriano Espaillat (D-n.y.), Jesús "chuy" García (D-ill.), and Lou Correa (D-calif.) - We Can't Abandon a Nation of Immigrants - That's Why We're Putting Our Votes on the Line Rep.Chuy Garcia, ...
Sept. 2, 2021 Durbin, Business Leaders Discuss Immigrant Legalization Through Reconciliation Sen.Dick Durbin
Aug. 24, 2021 Tweet - ""Reconciliation is not only a legitimate way to realize these long overdue measures, it may be the only way." #HomeIsHere. It's time to get this done." Sen.Dick Durbin
July 19, 2021 Dream Act Sen.Dick Durbin
July 13, 2021 Letter to the Hon. John Cornyn, U.S. Senator, and the Hon. Thom Tillis, U.S. Senator - Durbin Responds To Cornyn, Tillis Letter On Dream Act Proposal Sen.Dick Durbin
June 15, 2021 Durbin Delivers Opening Statement At American Dream And Promise Act Judiciary Committee Hearing Sen.Dick Durbin
March 31, 2021 Tweet - "The fact that overcrowding of kids at our borders occurred under both the Obama and Trump Admins is cold comfort as we see the shocking photos on the morning news. Congress cannot hide behind the filibuster. After 35 years of excuses, comprehensive immigration reform is overdue." Sen.Dick Durbin
March 22, 2021 Business Before the Senate Sen.Dick Durbin
March 19, 2021 Ahead Of House Vote On Immigration Legislation, Durbin Calls On The Senate To Act Sen.Dick Durbin
March 18, 2021 Tweet - "I applaud the House for passing the American Dream and Promise Act. If the Senate follows suit, we would enact the most significant immigration legislation since 1986. As the original sponsor of the Dream Act, I hope we seize this moment." Sen.Dick Durbin
March 18, 2021 Filibuster Sen.Dick Durbin
March 18, 2021 Tweet - "Today the House passed Dream & Promise Act. It has already been filibustered in the Senate 5 times over the years, a perfect example of why it's time to reform the filibuster. Lives depend on it and the future of America is at stake. #HomeIsHere" Sen.Dick Durbin
Jan. 20, 2021 Dream Act Sen.Dick Durbin