Public Statements

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Date Title Politician
April 1, 2014 Letter to Ander Crenshaw, Chairman of Subcommittee on Financial Services and General Government - Keeping Pressure on IRS for Targeting John Fleming, ...
April 27, 2015 Letter to Ashton Carter, Secretary of Defense - Aviation Restructure Initiative John Fleming, ...
March 21, 2016 Letter to Chairman Ken Calvert and Ranking Member Betty McCollum of the Appropriations Subcommittee on Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies - Address the Ongoing Decline in Health of Our National Forest System John Fleming, ...
May 5, 2015 Letter to Chairman Pete Sessions, Committee on Rules - Urging Committee to Remove DACA Language from NDAA John Fleming, ...
March 18, 2015 Letter to Chairmen Calvert Simpson and Ranking Members McColllum and Kaptur - Waters of the United States John Fleming, ...
May 13, 2013 Letter to Douglas H. Schulman, Commissioner of IRS - IRS Targeting John Fleming, ...
April 24, 2012 Letter to Douglas Shulman, Commissioner, Internal Revenue Service - Internal Revenue Service Emails John Fleming, ...
Feb. 26, 2014 Letter to Eric H. Holder, Attorney General of the United States - Jones Votes to End IRS Targeting of Conservative John Fleming, ...
July 3, 2013 Letter to Eric Holder, Attorney General - Religious Censorship by the Department of Justice John Fleming, ...
May 17, 2013 Letter to Eric Holder, Attorney General - Special Counsel to Investigate IRS John Fleming, ...
April 16, 2015 Letter to Gene Dodaro, Comptroller General of the United States - Audit on United States Citizenship and Immigration Services John Fleming, ...
March 4, 2016 Letter to Gene Dodaro, Comptroller General of the United States - Transparency Regarding Federal Funding Of Planned Parenthood, Affiliates John Fleming, ...
March 25, 2015 Letter to Hal Rogers, Chairman of the House Appropriations Committee and Tom Cole, Chairman of the Labor-HHS-Education Appropriations Subcommittee - Planned Parenthood Funding John Fleming, ...
March 17, 2015 Letter to Harold Rogers, Chairman of the Committee on Appropriations, Nita Lowey, Ranking Member of the Committee on Appropriations, Mike Simpson, Chairman of the Subcommittee on Energy and Water Development and Related Agencies Appropriations, and Marcy Kaptur, Ranking Member of the Subcommittee on Energy and Water Development and Related Agencies Appropriations - Harbor Maintenance Funding John Fleming, ...
July 31, 2014 Letter to Harry Reid, Majority Leader of the Senate - FY2015 National Defense Authorization Act John Fleming, ...
June 6, 2011 Letter to John Boehner, Secretary of the U.S. House of Representatives and Eric Cantor, Majority Leader of the U.S. House of Representatives - Spending Reductions John Fleming, ...
Aug. 21, 2013 Letter to John Boehner, Speaker of the House and Eric Cantor, House Majority Leader - Defunding ObamaCare John Fleming, ...
Oct. 9, 2015 Letter to John Boehner, Speaker of the House and Kevin McCarthy, Majority Leader - Fiscal Discipline in Year End Spending John Fleming, ...
Aug. 13, 2014 Letter to John Boehner, Speaker of the House, and Kevin McCarthy, Majority Leader of the House - End the Wind Production Tax Credit John Fleming, ...
July 21, 2011 Letter to John Boehner, Speaker, U.S. House of Representatives, and Eric Cantor, Majority Leader, U.S. House of Representatives John Fleming, ...
April 10, 2014 Letter to John Koskinen, Commissioner of Internal Revenue - Identity Theft Related Tax Fraud John Fleming, ...
Oct. 5, 2016 Letter to Julian Castro, Secretary, US Department of Housing and Urban Development - Community Development Block Grant John Fleming, ...
Feb. 27, 2015 Letter to Mitch McConnell, Senate Majority Leader - Funding the Department of Homeland Security John Fleming, ...
June 3, 2015 Letter to Paul Ryan, Chairman of the House of Representatives, and Sander Levin, Ranking Member of the House - Timber Tax Treatment John Fleming, ...
Feb. 17, 2012 Letter to President Obama John Fleming, ...
Feb. 4, 2010 Letter to President Obama - No Cost Stimulus John Fleming, ...
Sept. 30, 2010 Letter to Robert Gates, Secretary of Defense U.S. Department of Defense - Testify John Fleming, ...
Oct. 23, 2013 Letter to Senator Patty Murray and Representative Paul Ryan - Maintain Defense Spending in House Budget John Fleming, ...
Feb. 27, 2015 Letter to Tom Price, Chair of the House Budget Committee - Budget Views and Estimates Letter for FY2016 John Fleming, ...
April 20, 2016 Letter to the Honorable Gina McCarthy, Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency - Management of EPA Funds Spent on Lobbying Efforts John Fleming, ...
April 2, 2009 Making a Paradigm Shift John Fleming
March 6, 2012 Members Question Obama Admin on FY13 Budget Priorities, Raise Concern Over Endangered Species Act Litigation, Settlements John Fleming, ...
April 15, 2015 Minden Press-Herald - Fleming: Tax Code in Need of Change John Fleming
July 8, 2009 No Second Stimulus John Fleming
March 10, 2009 Oil and Gas Lease Sales John Fleming
July 18, 2011 One Solution and Three Simple Steps John Fleming
Sept. 28, 2010 Op-Ed: Colbert Flap is Emblematic of Democrats' Lack of Leadership John Fleming
June 18, 2009 Op-Ed: Reckless, Runaway Spending - But How Are We Going to Pay the Bill? John Fleming
Sept. 24, 2010 Op-Ed: The Pledge to America: An agenda set by the people (The Hill) John Fleming
Nov. 18, 2011 Proposing a Balanced Budget Amendment to the Constitution John Fleming
Jan. 26, 2010 Put Americans Back To Work John Fleming
Sept. 22, 2011 Rep Fleming Fights Excess Government Spending John Fleming
Aug. 1, 2011 Rep Fleming Rejects "Deal" to Raise Debt Ceiling John Fleming
Aug. 15, 2011 Rep Fleming to Obama: STOP Insulting the American People John Fleming
July 11, 2011 Rep. Fleming Calls For Open Debt Ceiling Negotiations John Fleming
April 8, 2011 Rep. Fleming Declines Salary if Government Shuts Down John Fleming
July 11, 2011 Rep. Louie Gohmert Calls For Open Debt Ceiling Negotiations John Fleming, ...
July 31, 2013 Repeal Obamacare and Cut Taxes John Fleming
April 17, 2013 Seniors' Tax Simplification Act John Fleming
May 31, 2011 Setting the Record Straight on Medicare John Fleming
Date Title Politician
April 1, 2014 Letter to Ander Crenshaw, Chairman of Subcommittee on Financial Services and General Government - Keeping Pressure on IRS for Targeting John Fleming, ...
April 27, 2015 Letter to Ashton Carter, Secretary of Defense - Aviation Restructure Initiative John Fleming, ...
March 21, 2016 Letter to Chairman Ken Calvert and Ranking Member Betty McCollum of the Appropriations Subcommittee on Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies - Address the Ongoing Decline in Health of Our National Forest System John Fleming, ...
May 5, 2015 Letter to Chairman Pete Sessions, Committee on Rules - Urging Committee to Remove DACA Language from NDAA John Fleming, ...
March 18, 2015 Letter to Chairmen Calvert Simpson and Ranking Members McColllum and Kaptur - Waters of the United States John Fleming, ...
May 13, 2013 Letter to Douglas H. Schulman, Commissioner of IRS - IRS Targeting John Fleming, ...
April 24, 2012 Letter to Douglas Shulman, Commissioner, Internal Revenue Service - Internal Revenue Service Emails John Fleming, ...
Feb. 26, 2014 Letter to Eric H. Holder, Attorney General of the United States - Jones Votes to End IRS Targeting of Conservative John Fleming, ...
July 3, 2013 Letter to Eric Holder, Attorney General - Religious Censorship by the Department of Justice John Fleming, ...
May 17, 2013 Letter to Eric Holder, Attorney General - Special Counsel to Investigate IRS John Fleming, ...
April 16, 2015 Letter to Gene Dodaro, Comptroller General of the United States - Audit on United States Citizenship and Immigration Services John Fleming, ...
March 4, 2016 Letter to Gene Dodaro, Comptroller General of the United States - Transparency Regarding Federal Funding Of Planned Parenthood, Affiliates John Fleming, ...
March 25, 2015 Letter to Hal Rogers, Chairman of the House Appropriations Committee and Tom Cole, Chairman of the Labor-HHS-Education Appropriations Subcommittee - Planned Parenthood Funding John Fleming, ...
March 17, 2015 Letter to Harold Rogers, Chairman of the Committee on Appropriations, Nita Lowey, Ranking Member of the Committee on Appropriations, Mike Simpson, Chairman of the Subcommittee on Energy and Water Development and Related Agencies Appropriations, and Marcy Kaptur, Ranking Member of the Subcommittee on Energy and Water Development and Related Agencies Appropriations - Harbor Maintenance Funding John Fleming, ...
July 31, 2014 Letter to Harry Reid, Majority Leader of the Senate - FY2015 National Defense Authorization Act John Fleming, ...
June 6, 2011 Letter to John Boehner, Secretary of the U.S. House of Representatives and Eric Cantor, Majority Leader of the U.S. House of Representatives - Spending Reductions John Fleming, ...
Aug. 21, 2013 Letter to John Boehner, Speaker of the House and Eric Cantor, House Majority Leader - Defunding ObamaCare John Fleming, ...
Oct. 9, 2015 Letter to John Boehner, Speaker of the House and Kevin McCarthy, Majority Leader - Fiscal Discipline in Year End Spending John Fleming, ...
Aug. 13, 2014 Letter to John Boehner, Speaker of the House, and Kevin McCarthy, Majority Leader of the House - End the Wind Production Tax Credit John Fleming, ...
July 21, 2011 Letter to John Boehner, Speaker, U.S. House of Representatives, and Eric Cantor, Majority Leader, U.S. House of Representatives John Fleming, ...
April 10, 2014 Letter to John Koskinen, Commissioner of Internal Revenue - Identity Theft Related Tax Fraud John Fleming, ...
Oct. 5, 2016 Letter to Julian Castro, Secretary, US Department of Housing and Urban Development - Community Development Block Grant John Fleming, ...
Feb. 27, 2015 Letter to Mitch McConnell, Senate Majority Leader - Funding the Department of Homeland Security John Fleming, ...
June 3, 2015 Letter to Paul Ryan, Chairman of the House of Representatives, and Sander Levin, Ranking Member of the House - Timber Tax Treatment John Fleming, ...
Feb. 17, 2012 Letter to President Obama John Fleming, ...
Feb. 4, 2010 Letter to President Obama - No Cost Stimulus John Fleming, ...
Sept. 30, 2010 Letter to Robert Gates, Secretary of Defense U.S. Department of Defense - Testify John Fleming, ...
Oct. 23, 2013 Letter to Senator Patty Murray and Representative Paul Ryan - Maintain Defense Spending in House Budget John Fleming, ...
Feb. 27, 2015 Letter to Tom Price, Chair of the House Budget Committee - Budget Views and Estimates Letter for FY2016 John Fleming, ...
April 20, 2016 Letter to the Honorable Gina McCarthy, Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency - Management of EPA Funds Spent on Lobbying Efforts John Fleming, ...
April 2, 2009 Making a Paradigm Shift John Fleming
March 6, 2012 Members Question Obama Admin on FY13 Budget Priorities, Raise Concern Over Endangered Species Act Litigation, Settlements John Fleming, ...
April 15, 2015 Minden Press-Herald - Fleming: Tax Code in Need of Change John Fleming
July 8, 2009 No Second Stimulus John Fleming
March 10, 2009 Oil and Gas Lease Sales John Fleming
July 18, 2011 One Solution and Three Simple Steps John Fleming
Sept. 28, 2010 Op-Ed: Colbert Flap is Emblematic of Democrats' Lack of Leadership John Fleming
June 18, 2009 Op-Ed: Reckless, Runaway Spending - But How Are We Going to Pay the Bill? John Fleming
Sept. 24, 2010 Op-Ed: The Pledge to America: An agenda set by the people (The Hill) John Fleming
Nov. 18, 2011 Proposing a Balanced Budget Amendment to the Constitution John Fleming
Jan. 26, 2010 Put Americans Back To Work John Fleming
Sept. 22, 2011 Rep Fleming Fights Excess Government Spending John Fleming
Aug. 1, 2011 Rep Fleming Rejects "Deal" to Raise Debt Ceiling John Fleming
Aug. 15, 2011 Rep Fleming to Obama: STOP Insulting the American People John Fleming
July 11, 2011 Rep. Fleming Calls For Open Debt Ceiling Negotiations John Fleming
April 8, 2011 Rep. Fleming Declines Salary if Government Shuts Down John Fleming
July 11, 2011 Rep. Louie Gohmert Calls For Open Debt Ceiling Negotiations John Fleming, ...
July 31, 2013 Repeal Obamacare and Cut Taxes John Fleming
April 17, 2013 Seniors' Tax Simplification Act John Fleming
May 31, 2011 Setting the Record Straight on Medicare John Fleming