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Date Title Politician
Sept. 14, 2023 Remarks by President Biden on Bidenomics Pres. Joe Biden
Sept. 12, 2023 Statement from President Joe Biden on Census Income, Poverty, and Health Insurance Coverage Reports Pres. Joe Biden
May 21, 2023 Meet the Press - May 21, 2023 Janet Yellen
Jan. 27, 2023 Tweet - "According to the Congressional Budget Office, House Republicans' proposed bill would add $114 billion to the deficit by reducing taxes on the wealthy. Listen, I know they campaigned on inflation. But they didn't say that -- if elected -- their plan was to make it worse." Pres. Joe Biden
Jan. 27, 2023 Tweet - "We're making corporations and the super-wealthy start to pay their fair share in taxes. It's about rewarding work, not wealth." Pres. Joe Biden
Jan. 26, 2023 Tweet - "House Republicans are starting the new term introducing bills that would: --Help wealthy tax cheats --Hike taxes on working families with a national sales tax --Block actions to help lower prices at the pump We can do better than that." Pres. Joe Biden
Jan. 26, 2023 Tweet - "House Republicans are pushing for a 30% national sales tax. Taxing the middle-class on thousands of everyday items from groceries to gas. And in the process -- cutting taxes for the wealthiest. What in God's name is that all about?" Pres. Joe Biden
Jan. 23, 2023 Tweet - "Folks, House Republicans have proposed a new national sales tax on American families, which would increase the price of everything from groceries and gas to food and medicine. Working families deserve better." Pres. Joe Biden
Jan. 21, 2023 Tweet - "Folks, House Republicans are telling us they want to pass legislation that would help wealthy tax cheats, hike taxes on working families with a 23% sales tax, and block actions to lower prices at the pump. We can do better than that." Pres. Joe Biden
Jan. 18, 2023 Tweet - "House Republicans have prioritized protecting rich tax cheats, allowing them to pay less in taxes than middle-class Americans. That's called trickle-down economics. Let me tell you a secret: it doesn't work." Pres. Joe Biden
Jan. 18, 2023 Tweet - "My law to help crack down on big corporations who are cheating on their taxes will help level the playing field for our small businesses, which is part of why it has been so disappointing to see House Republicans make protecting wealthy tax cheats their top legislative priority." Pres. Joe Biden
Jan. 18, 2023 Tweet - "An economy where a millionaire pays less in taxes than an educator or firefighter is an economy that doesn't work. Our Administration's work to build a fairer tax code begins to right that wrong." Pres. Joe Biden
Jan. 15, 2023 Tweet - "When we took office, @POTUS and I made a commitment to make sure everyone pays their fair share. The first bill House Republicans introduced in the new year would raise taxes on working families, cut taxes for big corporations, and add $114 billion to the deficit." Kamala Harris
Jan. 13, 2023 Tweet - "The first bill House Republicans passed would help wealthy people and big corporations cheat on their taxes at the expense of ordinary, middle-class taxpayers." Pres. Joe Biden
Jan. 9, 2023 Statement from Vice President Harris on House Republicans' First Bill Being a Giveaway to Rich Tax Cheats at the Expense of the Middle Class Kamala Harris
Jan. 3, 2023 Tweet - "This year, companies who choose to build clean construction projects -- like solar and wind -- right here in America will start receiving tax credits, helping to create thousands of good-paying jobs in our clean energy economy." Pres. Joe Biden
Jan. 2, 2023 Tweet - "It's 2023. That means the largest, most profitable corporations will have to start paying a 15% minimum tax. The days of the wealthiest companies not paying taxes are over." Pres. Joe Biden
Dec. 10, 2022 Tweet - "On my watch, the wealthiest corporations in America aren't getting another tax cut. With the Inflation Reduction Act, beginning New Year's Day, they'll move closer to paying their fair share." Pres. Joe Biden
Nov. 12, 2022 Tweet - "Americans don't want more tax cuts for the super wealthy and biggest corporations. That's why I'm keeping my focus on cost-cutting for working- and middle-class families, and building an economy from the bottom up in the middle out." Pres. Joe Biden
Oct. 28, 2022 Tweet - "Let me give you the facts. In 2020, 55 corporations made $40 billion. And they paid zero in federal taxes. My Inflation Reduction Act puts an end to this." Pres. Joe Biden
Oct. 22, 2022 Tweet - "Republican leaders made clear that they'd extend the reckless Trump Tax cuts, allow wealthy companies to go back to paying nothing in taxes, and repeal lower prescription drug costs -- costing the federal government billions. Their plan would add $3 trillion to the deficit." Pres. Joe Biden
Oct. 8, 2022 Tweet - "Republicans had no problem enacting a $2 trillion tax cut that overwhelmingly benefitted the wealthiest Americans and biggest corporations. Now, thanks to the Inflation Reduction Act, corporations will have to pay a minimum corporate tax of 15%." Pres. Joe Biden
Sept. 19, 2022 Tweet - "In 2020, 55 of the Fortune 500 companies didn't pay a single penny in federal income tax. Firefighters and nurses paid more in taxes than some of the largest corporations in the country. The Inflation Reduction Act rights that wrong." Pres. Joe Biden
Sept. 15, 2022 Tweet - "Hard-working Americans pay the taxes they owe. It's time billionaires did as well." Pres. Joe Biden
Sept. 7, 2022 Tweet - "If you're a cop, teacher, or steelworker, you shouldn't be paying two to three times the rate that millionaires and billionaires are paying in federal taxes. The Inflation Reduction Act builds a better, fairer tax code." Pres. Joe Biden
Sept. 6, 2022 Tweet - "The days of billion-dollar companies paying zero dollars in taxes are over." Pres. Joe Biden
Aug. 23, 2022 Tweet - "We'll no longer have a situation where 55 of the largest corporations in America pay zero in federal income taxes on $40 billion in profits thanks to the Inflation Reduction Act. And no one making less than $400,000 per year will pay a penny more in federal taxes." Pres. Joe Biden
Aug. 21, 2022 Tweet - "As we promised, we will not raise taxes on families making less than $400,000 a year. The Inflation Reduction Act will be paid for by our nation's largest corporations finally paying their fair share." Kamala Harris
Aug. 19, 2022 Tweet - "For decades, the tax code has allowed big corporations to avoid paying their fair share in this country. Not anymore under the Inflation Reduction Act." Kamala Harris
Aug. 18, 2022 Tweet - "It's now law that big corporations pay a minimum 15% tax on the profits they report to their shareholders, instead of getting away with paying zero dollars in federal income taxes." Pres. Joe Biden
Aug. 16, 2022 Tweet - "The Inflation Reduction Act will be paid for by our nation's largest corporations paying their fair share in taxes. This legislation does not raise taxes on anyone making less than $400,000 a year." Kamala Harris
June 24, 2022 Tweet - "Republicans in Congress still refuse to even consider changing any part of the Trump tax cuts. They still refuse to even consider a minimum corporate tax. They seem to think that the problem in America today is that working families aren't paying enough." Pres. Joe Biden
June 17, 2022 Tweet - "All I'm asking is for the largest corporations and the wealthiest Americans to begin to pay their fair share in taxes. I made this commitment from the beginning. Nothing's changed. No one making less than $400,000 will pay a single penny more in federal taxes." Pres. Joe Biden
June 14, 2022 Tweet - "The fact is we've got about 790 or so billionaires in America. You know what their average tax rate is? About 8%. I believe that no billionaire should be paying a lower tax rate than a teacher, a firefighter, an electrician, or a cop." Pres. Joe Biden
June 14, 2022 Tweet - "Under my plan no one making less than $400,000 per year will pay a penny more in federal taxes. But we'll no longer have a situation where 55 of the largest corporations in America pay zero in federal income taxes on $40 billion in profits." Pres. Joe Biden
June 8, 2022 Tweet - "Congressional Republicans want to raise taxes on working families by $1,500 and put Medicare, Social Security, and Medicaid on the chopping block. I disagree. And I'll work with anyone to deliver real savings to the American people -- not take money out of your pocket." Pres. Joe Biden
May 23, 2022 Tweet - "I proposed a minimum tax for corporations that asks them to pay their fair share in taxes. Senator Scott's plan lets them off scot-free." Pres. Joe Biden
May 22, 2022 Tweet - "Right now, the average billionaire--there are about 790 of them or so in America--has an average federal tax rate of 8%. No billionaire should be paying a lower tax rate than a teacher, a firefighter, an electrician, or a police officer." Pres. Joe Biden
May 17, 2022 Tweet - "A plan by Republican Senator Rick Scott would increase taxes on 70% of the American public and put Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid on the chopping block every five years. Under my plan, no one making less than $400,000 will see their taxes increase." Pres. Joe Biden
May 13, 2022 Tweet - "Republicans in Congress are so deeply committed to protecting big corporations that they would rather raise taxes on working American families." Pres. Joe Biden
May 12, 2022 Tweet - "Senator Rick Scott's ultra-MAGA agenda could raise taxes on 75 million American families, over 95% of whom make less than $100,000 a year. Their plan is going to make working families poorer." Pres. Joe Biden
May 10, 2022 Tweet - "The Congressional Republican plan will raise taxes on 75 million American families -- over 95% of whom earn less than $100,000. The average tax increase would be about $1,500 per family." Pres. Joe Biden
May 10, 2022 Tweet - "The bottom line is this: There are two paths, reflecting two very different sets of values." Pres. Joe Biden
May 4, 2022 Tweet - "Senator Rick Scott released an Ultra-MAGA Agenda. It could raise taxes on 75 million American families. Under this new plan, while big corporations and billionaires would pay nothing more, working-class folks are going to pay a hell of a lot more." Pres. Joe Biden
April 30, 2022 Tweet - "The Republican plan led by Senator Rick Scott of Florida would tax half of our small business owners an extra $1,200 a year on average." Pres. Joe Biden
April 28, 2022 Tweet - "We are working tirelessly to open doors for entrepreneurs. Unfortunately, Congressional Republicans have a different approach. Their plan would raise taxes on 6.1 million small business owners. My plan cuts taxes for 4 million small business owners and provides tools to thrive." Pres. Joe Biden
April 22, 2022 Tweet - "I am calling on Congress to pass new investments and tax credits to lower costs for families. That includes tax credits to buy an electric or fuel-cell vehicle, solar panels, heat pumps, and more efficient windows -- saving money on gas and energy bills. Get a bill to my desk." Pres. Joe Biden
April 19, 2022 Tweet - "While Congressional Republicans are proposing big tax increases on middle-class families, I am fighting for tax cuts for the middle class and to ensure that the super wealthy and large corporations pay their fair share." Pres. Joe Biden
April 18, 2022 Tweet - "Under the Congressional Republican Tax Plan, 75 million middle-class families' taxes will increase an average of almost $1,500 a year. Under my plan, no one making less than $400,000 will have their taxes raised. This Tax Day, the difference couldn't be clearer." Pres. Joe Biden
April 15, 2022 The President and Vice President release their 2021 tax returns Pres. Joe Biden, ...
Date Title Politician
Sept. 14, 2023 Remarks by President Biden on Bidenomics Pres.Joe Biden
Sept. 12, 2023 Statement from President Joe Biden on Census Income, Poverty, and Health Insurance Coverage Reports Pres.Joe Biden
May 21, 2023 Meet the Press - May 21, 2023 Janet Yellen
Jan. 27, 2023 Tweet - "According to the Congressional Budget Office, House Republicans' proposed bill would add $114 billion to the deficit by reducing taxes on the wealthy. Listen, I know they campaigned on inflation. But they didn't say that -- if elected -- their plan was to make it worse." Pres.Joe Biden
Jan. 27, 2023 Tweet - "We're making corporations and the super-wealthy start to pay their fair share in taxes. It's about rewarding work, not wealth." Pres.Joe Biden
Jan. 26, 2023 Tweet - "House Republicans are starting the new term introducing bills that would: --Help wealthy tax cheats --Hike taxes on working families with a national sales tax --Block actions to help lower prices at the pump We can do better than that." Pres.Joe Biden
Jan. 26, 2023 Tweet - "House Republicans are pushing for a 30% national sales tax. Taxing the middle-class on thousands of everyday items from groceries to gas. And in the process -- cutting taxes for the wealthiest. What in God's name is that all about?" Pres.Joe Biden
Jan. 23, 2023 Tweet - "Folks, House Republicans have proposed a new national sales tax on American families, which would increase the price of everything from groceries and gas to food and medicine. Working families deserve better." Pres.Joe Biden
Jan. 21, 2023 Tweet - "Folks, House Republicans are telling us they want to pass legislation that would help wealthy tax cheats, hike taxes on working families with a 23% sales tax, and block actions to lower prices at the pump. We can do better than that." Pres.Joe Biden
Jan. 18, 2023 Tweet - "House Republicans have prioritized protecting rich tax cheats, allowing them to pay less in taxes than middle-class Americans. That's called trickle-down economics. Let me tell you a secret: it doesn't work." Pres.Joe Biden
Jan. 18, 2023 Tweet - "My law to help crack down on big corporations who are cheating on their taxes will help level the playing field for our small businesses, which is part of why it has been so disappointing to see House Republicans make protecting wealthy tax cheats their top legislative priority." Pres.Joe Biden
Jan. 18, 2023 Tweet - "An economy where a millionaire pays less in taxes than an educator or firefighter is an economy that doesn't work. Our Administration's work to build a fairer tax code begins to right that wrong." Pres.Joe Biden
Jan. 15, 2023 Tweet - "When we took office, @POTUS and I made a commitment to make sure everyone pays their fair share. The first bill House Republicans introduced in the new year would raise taxes on working families, cut taxes for big corporations, and add $114 billion to the deficit." Kamala Harris
Jan. 13, 2023 Tweet - "The first bill House Republicans passed would help wealthy people and big corporations cheat on their taxes at the expense of ordinary, middle-class taxpayers." Pres.Joe Biden
Jan. 9, 2023 Statement from Vice President Harris on House Republicans' First Bill Being a Giveaway to Rich Tax Cheats at the Expense of the Middle Class Kamala Harris
Jan. 3, 2023 Tweet - "This year, companies who choose to build clean construction projects -- like solar and wind -- right here in America will start receiving tax credits, helping to create thousands of good-paying jobs in our clean energy economy." Pres.Joe Biden
Jan. 2, 2023 Tweet - "It's 2023. That means the largest, most profitable corporations will have to start paying a 15% minimum tax. The days of the wealthiest companies not paying taxes are over." Pres.Joe Biden
Dec. 10, 2022 Tweet - "On my watch, the wealthiest corporations in America aren't getting another tax cut. With the Inflation Reduction Act, beginning New Year's Day, they'll move closer to paying their fair share." Pres.Joe Biden
Nov. 12, 2022 Tweet - "Americans don't want more tax cuts for the super wealthy and biggest corporations. That's why I'm keeping my focus on cost-cutting for working- and middle-class families, and building an economy from the bottom up in the middle out." Pres.Joe Biden
Oct. 28, 2022 Tweet - "Let me give you the facts. In 2020, 55 corporations made $40 billion. And they paid zero in federal taxes. My Inflation Reduction Act puts an end to this." Pres.Joe Biden
Oct. 22, 2022 Tweet - "Republican leaders made clear that they'd extend the reckless Trump Tax cuts, allow wealthy companies to go back to paying nothing in taxes, and repeal lower prescription drug costs -- costing the federal government billions. Their plan would add $3 trillion to the deficit." Pres.Joe Biden
Oct. 8, 2022 Tweet - "Republicans had no problem enacting a $2 trillion tax cut that overwhelmingly benefitted the wealthiest Americans and biggest corporations. Now, thanks to the Inflation Reduction Act, corporations will have to pay a minimum corporate tax of 15%." Pres.Joe Biden
Sept. 19, 2022 Tweet - "In 2020, 55 of the Fortune 500 companies didn't pay a single penny in federal income tax. Firefighters and nurses paid more in taxes than some of the largest corporations in the country. The Inflation Reduction Act rights that wrong." Pres.Joe Biden
Sept. 15, 2022 Tweet - "Hard-working Americans pay the taxes they owe. It's time billionaires did as well." Pres.Joe Biden
Sept. 7, 2022 Tweet - "If you're a cop, teacher, or steelworker, you shouldn't be paying two to three times the rate that millionaires and billionaires are paying in federal taxes. The Inflation Reduction Act builds a better, fairer tax code." Pres.Joe Biden
Sept. 6, 2022 Tweet - "The days of billion-dollar companies paying zero dollars in taxes are over." Pres.Joe Biden
Aug. 23, 2022 Tweet - "We'll no longer have a situation where 55 of the largest corporations in America pay zero in federal income taxes on $40 billion in profits thanks to the Inflation Reduction Act. And no one making less than $400,000 per year will pay a penny more in federal taxes." Pres.Joe Biden
Aug. 21, 2022 Tweet - "As we promised, we will not raise taxes on families making less than $400,000 a year. The Inflation Reduction Act will be paid for by our nation's largest corporations finally paying their fair share." Kamala Harris
Aug. 19, 2022 Tweet - "For decades, the tax code has allowed big corporations to avoid paying their fair share in this country. Not anymore under the Inflation Reduction Act." Kamala Harris
Aug. 18, 2022 Tweet - "It's now law that big corporations pay a minimum 15% tax on the profits they report to their shareholders, instead of getting away with paying zero dollars in federal income taxes." Pres.Joe Biden
Aug. 16, 2022 Tweet - "The Inflation Reduction Act will be paid for by our nation's largest corporations paying their fair share in taxes. This legislation does not raise taxes on anyone making less than $400,000 a year." Kamala Harris
June 24, 2022 Tweet - "Republicans in Congress still refuse to even consider changing any part of the Trump tax cuts. They still refuse to even consider a minimum corporate tax. They seem to think that the problem in America today is that working families aren't paying enough." Pres.Joe Biden
June 17, 2022 Tweet - "All I'm asking is for the largest corporations and the wealthiest Americans to begin to pay their fair share in taxes. I made this commitment from the beginning. Nothing's changed. No one making less than $400,000 will pay a single penny more in federal taxes." Pres.Joe Biden
June 14, 2022 Tweet - "The fact is we've got about 790 or so billionaires in America. You know what their average tax rate is? About 8%. I believe that no billionaire should be paying a lower tax rate than a teacher, a firefighter, an electrician, or a cop." Pres.Joe Biden
June 14, 2022 Tweet - "Under my plan no one making less than $400,000 per year will pay a penny more in federal taxes. But we'll no longer have a situation where 55 of the largest corporations in America pay zero in federal income taxes on $40 billion in profits." Pres.Joe Biden
June 8, 2022 Tweet - "Congressional Republicans want to raise taxes on working families by $1,500 and put Medicare, Social Security, and Medicaid on the chopping block. I disagree. And I'll work with anyone to deliver real savings to the American people -- not take money out of your pocket." Pres.Joe Biden
May 23, 2022 Tweet - "I proposed a minimum tax for corporations that asks them to pay their fair share in taxes. Senator Scott's plan lets them off scot-free." Pres.Joe Biden
May 22, 2022 Tweet - "Right now, the average billionaire--there are about 790 of them or so in America--has an average federal tax rate of 8%. No billionaire should be paying a lower tax rate than a teacher, a firefighter, an electrician, or a police officer." Pres.Joe Biden
May 17, 2022 Tweet - "A plan by Republican Senator Rick Scott would increase taxes on 70% of the American public and put Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid on the chopping block every five years. Under my plan, no one making less than $400,000 will see their taxes increase." Pres.Joe Biden
May 13, 2022 Tweet - "Republicans in Congress are so deeply committed to protecting big corporations that they would rather raise taxes on working American families." Pres.Joe Biden
May 12, 2022 Tweet - "Senator Rick Scott's ultra-MAGA agenda could raise taxes on 75 million American families, over 95% of whom make less than $100,000 a year. Their plan is going to make working families poorer." Pres.Joe Biden
May 10, 2022 Tweet - "The Congressional Republican plan will raise taxes on 75 million American families -- over 95% of whom earn less than $100,000. The average tax increase would be about $1,500 per family." Pres.Joe Biden
May 10, 2022 Tweet - "The bottom line is this: There are two paths, reflecting two very different sets of values." Pres.Joe Biden
May 4, 2022 Tweet - "Senator Rick Scott released an Ultra-MAGA Agenda. It could raise taxes on 75 million American families. Under this new plan, while big corporations and billionaires would pay nothing more, working-class folks are going to pay a hell of a lot more." Pres.Joe Biden
April 30, 2022 Tweet - "The Republican plan led by Senator Rick Scott of Florida would tax half of our small business owners an extra $1,200 a year on average." Pres.Joe Biden
April 28, 2022 Tweet - "We are working tirelessly to open doors for entrepreneurs. Unfortunately, Congressional Republicans have a different approach. Their plan would raise taxes on 6.1 million small business owners. My plan cuts taxes for 4 million small business owners and provides tools to thrive." Pres.Joe Biden
April 22, 2022 Tweet - "I am calling on Congress to pass new investments and tax credits to lower costs for families. That includes tax credits to buy an electric or fuel-cell vehicle, solar panels, heat pumps, and more efficient windows -- saving money on gas and energy bills. Get a bill to my desk." Pres.Joe Biden
April 19, 2022 Tweet - "While Congressional Republicans are proposing big tax increases on middle-class families, I am fighting for tax cuts for the middle class and to ensure that the super wealthy and large corporations pay their fair share." Pres.Joe Biden
April 18, 2022 Tweet - "Under the Congressional Republican Tax Plan, 75 million middle-class families' taxes will increase an average of almost $1,500 a year. Under my plan, no one making less than $400,000 will have their taxes raised. This Tax Day, the difference couldn't be clearer." Pres.Joe Biden
April 15, 2022 The President and Vice President release their 2021 tax returns Pres.Joe Biden, ...
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