Public Statements

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Date Title Politician
May 26, 2022 Letter to Hon. Gary Peters, Chairman of the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee Sen. Rick Scott
May 24, 2022 Letter to Victor Wahba, Chair and CEO of Mazars USA LLP - Wyden Presses Trump Accounting Firm on Trump Taxes Sen. Ron Wyden
May 19, 2022 Rep. Jackson Supports Rural America, Introduces Legislation to Ease Tax Filing Rep. Ronny Jackson
May 19, 2022 Tweet - "This is what a rigged and corrupt system looks like. Effective Tax Rate: 0.1%: Warren Buffett worth $111 billion 1.1%: Jeff Bezos worth $131 billion 1.8% Mike Bloomberg worth $82 billion 2.1%: Elon Musk worth $210 billion 13.5%: Registered Nurse Yes. It's time to #TaxTheRich" Sen. Bernie Sanders
May 14, 2022 Tweet - "No, Mr. Bezos. Disinformation is Amazon spreading anti-union propaganda & forcing workers to attend illegal captive audience meetings. Disinformation is Amazon blaming a 17% price increase on "inflation" while making a record $35 billion in profits & avoiding $5 billion in taxes." Sen. Bernie Sanders
May 12, 2022 Tweet - "Raising taxes on millions of working families and opening the door to sunset Social Security and Medicare and put them on the chopping block is not a "positive thing."" Sen. Tammy Baldwin
May 12, 2022 Tweet - "It's time for Congress to be honest with the American people & work for YOU. I'm fighting to preserve Social Security & Medicare. I'm fighting to cut taxes for hardworking families. We need to get people back in jobs and get this country going again. Let's get to work." Sen. Rick Scott
May 12, 2022 Wyden, Portman Introduce Bipartisan Bill to Disallow Foreign Tax Credits and Other Tax Benefits for Companies Operating in Russia Sen. Ron Wyden
May 12, 2022 Senator Murray, Casey, Colleagues Introduce Bill to Crack Down on Union Busting Sen. Patty Murray
Date Title Politician
May 26, 2022 Letter to Hon. Gary Peters, Chairman of the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee Sen.Rick Scott
May 24, 2022 Letter to Victor Wahba, Chair and CEO of Mazars USA LLP - Wyden Presses Trump Accounting Firm on Trump Taxes Sen.Ron Wyden
May 19, 2022 Rep. Jackson Supports Rural America, Introduces Legislation to Ease Tax Filing Rep.Ronny Jackson
May 19, 2022 Tweet - "This is what a rigged and corrupt system looks like. Effective Tax Rate: 0.1%: Warren Buffett worth $111 billion 1.1%: Jeff Bezos worth $131 billion 1.8% Mike Bloomberg worth $82 billion 2.1%: Elon Musk worth $210 billion 13.5%: Registered Nurse Yes. It's time to #TaxTheRich" Sen.Bernie Sanders
May 14, 2022 Tweet - "No, Mr. Bezos. Disinformation is Amazon spreading anti-union propaganda & forcing workers to attend illegal captive audience meetings. Disinformation is Amazon blaming a 17% price increase on "inflation" while making a record $35 billion in profits & avoiding $5 billion in taxes." Sen.Bernie Sanders
May 12, 2022 Tweet - "Raising taxes on millions of working families and opening the door to sunset Social Security and Medicare and put them on the chopping block is not a "positive thing."" Sen.Tammy Baldwin
May 12, 2022 Tweet - "It's time for Congress to be honest with the American people & work for YOU. I'm fighting to preserve Social Security & Medicare. I'm fighting to cut taxes for hardworking families. We need to get people back in jobs and get this country going again. Let's get to work." Sen.Rick Scott
May 12, 2022 Wyden, Portman Introduce Bipartisan Bill to Disallow Foreign Tax Credits and Other Tax Benefits for Companies Operating in Russia Sen.Ron Wyden
May 12, 2022 Senator Murray, Casey, Colleagues Introduce Bill to Crack Down on Union Busting Sen.Patty Murray