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Date Title Politician
Feb. 8, 2021 Tweet - "The American Rescue Plan will get the pandemic under control and support struggling communities across our country. People need help. We can't wait. Congress needs to act." Kamala Harris
Feb. 8, 2021 Tweet - "We don't have a second to waste when it comes to delivering the American people the relief they desperately need. I'm calling on Congress to act quickly and pass the American Rescue Plan." Pres. Joe Biden
Feb. 6, 2021 Tweet - "We can get through this crisis. We can save lives. We can help people. But Congress needs to act -- and pass the American Rescue Plan." Kamala Harris
Feb. 5, 2021 Tweet - "We can reduce suffering in this country. We can put people back to work. We can gain control of this virus. Congress needs to pass the American Rescue Plan to get it done." Pres. Joe Biden
Feb. 5, 2021 Tweet - "This morning, I met with House Democratic leaders to discuss the American Rescue Plan. As I said during the meeting: this isn't just about numbers, it's about people's lives. Folks are really hurting, and we need to move quickly to deliver the relief they need." Pres. Joe Biden
Feb. 5, 2021 Remarks by President Biden on the State of the Economy and the Need for the American Rescue Plan Pres. Joe Biden
Feb. 5, 2021 Tweet - "From software to healthcare, restaurants to manufacturers, Black businesses are small, large, and everything in between. And they are critical to our economy and communities. We need to pass the American Rescue Plan so that they get the help they need." Kamala Harris
Feb. 3, 2021 Tweet - "This morning, I met with a group of Democratic Senators to discuss the American Rescue Plan and how we emerge from the crises we face. One thing is clear: we all agree that now is the time for big, bold action to change the course of the pandemic and begin economic recovery." Pres. Joe Biden
Feb. 3, 2021 Tweet - "Tonight, the House took an important step toward passing a COVID relief package and getting help to Americans who need it most. I'm grateful for @SpeakerPelosi 's continued leadership as we work to get this pandemic under control and build our economy back better." Pres. Joe Biden
Feb. 3, 2021 Tweet - "Let me be clear: The risk in this moment isn't that we do too much -- it's that we don't do enough. Congress must pass the American Rescue Plan to change the course of this pandemic and start our economic recovery." Pres. Joe Biden
Feb. 1, 2021 Tweet - "Hardworking Americans need help and they need it now. That's why I'm calling on Congress to immediately pass my American Rescue Plan that will deliver direct relief, extend unemployment insurance, help folks put food on the table and keep a roof over their heads, and more." Pres. Joe Biden
Jan. 29, 2021 Tweet - "As Treasury Secretary @JanetYellen said during today's meeting, the price of doing nothing when it comes to economic relief is too high. Congress must act quickly and pass the American Rescue Plan to deliver relief and help dig us out of this crisis." Pres. Joe Biden
Jan. 29, 2021 Tweet - "As Treasury Secretary @JanetYellen said during today's meeting, the price of doing nothing when it comes to economic relief is too high. Congress must act quickly and pass the American Rescue Plan to deliver relief and help dig us out of this crisis." Pres. Joe Biden
Jan. 22, 2021 Tweet - "I'm grateful for the Senate's continued bipartisanship and swift confirmation of Lloyd Austin. His confirmation is historic -- and there's no question that he's the right person to lead the @DeptofDefense at this moment." Pres. Joe Biden
Jan. 20, 2021 Tweet - "I applaud the Senate for putting partisanship aside to prioritize our national security. Americans can rest easy tonight knowing Avril Haines has been confirmed as the Director of National Intelligence." Pres. Joe Biden
Jan. 20, 2021 Tweet - "It was an honor to return to the Senate to swear in Senators Padilla, Warnock, and Ossoff. They are dedicated to lifting up all Americans--and I look forward to working with them." Kamala Harris
Jan. 18, 2021 Medium - Thank you, California Kamala Harris
Jan. 18, 2021 Tweet - "Vice President-elect Harris bids farewell to her Senate seat today. But as she says, it's not goodbye--it's hello as Vice President of the United States." Pres. Joe Biden, ...
Jan. 13, 2021 Tweet - "Today, in a bipartisan vote, the House voted to impeach and hold President Trump accountable. Now, the process continues to the Senate--and I hope they'll deal with their Constitutional responsibilities on impeachment while also working on the other urgent business of this nation." Pres. Joe Biden
Jan. 12, 2021 Tweet - "It's long past time to raise the minimum wage, so hardworking people earn at least $15 an hour. I hope that Democratic control of the House and Senate will ensure prompt action to get it done." Pres. Joe Biden
Jan. 9, 2021 Tweet - "Black women turned out this week to help elect @ReverendWarnock and @Ossoff . But we must do more than thank them-- @JoeBiden and I are committed to addressing issues that disproportionately affect Black women, including pay disparity and maternal mortality." Kamala Harris
Jan. 8, 2021 Readout of President-elect Biden's Calls with Speaker Nancy Pelosi & Senate Democratic Leader Chuck Schumer Pres. Joe Biden
Jan. 6, 2021 Remarks to the Nation as Prepared for Delivery by President-elect Joe Biden in Wilmington, Delaware Pres. Joe Biden
Jan. 6, 2021 Tweet - "I called Reverend Warnock and Jon Ossoff this morning to congratulate them on their hard-fought campaigns. Georgia voters delivered a resounding message yesterday: they want action on the crises we face and they want it right now. Together, we'll get it done." Pres. Joe Biden
Jan. 5, 2021 Tweet - "I know @ReverendWarnock and @Ossoff . We've talked about the promise of our country. How we must help Americans with $2,000 stimulus checks, ensure our children have clean air to breathe, and our small businesses can thrive. That's who they are--and who they'll be as U.S. Senators." Kamala Harris
Jan. 4, 2021 Tweet - "The debate over $2,000 isn't some abstract debate in Washington. It's about real lives. Hardworking Americans need help, and they need it now. Georgia -- you have the power to make it happen. Vote." Pres. Joe Biden
Jan. 3, 2021 Tweet - "Congratulations to fellow Californian, @SpeakerPelosi , for being reelected as Speaker of the House. I look forward to working together on behalf of the American people to move our nation forward and build a brighter future for generations to come." Kamala Harris
Jan. 3, 2021 Haaland Announces New 117th Congressional Office Locations Deb Haaland
Jan. 3, 2021 Statement by President-elect Joe Biden on Nancy Pelosi's Reelection as Speaker of the House Pres. Joe Biden
Dec. 17, 2020 Tweet - "Millions of people are out of work. Small businesses are closing. People are struggling to pay their bills, stay in their homes, and put food on the table. Congress needs to pass a relief package immediately." Pres. Joe Biden
Dec. 16, 2020 Tweet - "People are suffering. The moratorium on evictions is about to end. 12 million Americans will lose unemployment benefits if Congress and President Trump fail to come together before the end of the month. It could not be more urgent that our leaders act." Kamala Harris
Dec. 12, 2020 Tweet - "Congress needs to act now on a COVID relief package. The American people can't wait." Pres. Joe Biden
Dec. 5, 2020 Tweet - "If Congress and President Trump fail to act by the end of December: - 12 million Americans will lose unemployment benefits - Emergency paid leave will end - The moratorium on evictions will expire The situation is urgent. Americans need help and they need it now." Pres. Joe Biden
Dec. 4, 2020 Letter to Hon. Nancy Pelosi, Speaker of the House, Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, Senate Majority Mitch McConnell, Minority Leader Charles Schumer - SRS and PILT Deb Haaland, ...
Dec. 4, 2020 Tweet - "Congress must pass economic relief for workers and businesses as soon as possible. People across our country are hurting and Congress has not done enough for folks struggling to pay rent and put food on the table." Kamala Harris
Nov. 20, 2020 Native American Heritage Month Resolution Filed in House Deb Haaland, ...
Nov. 20, 2020 Tweet - "It was great meeting with @SpeakerPelosi and @SenSchumer today. We have a lot of work ahead of us, but I know that together we can build a better future for our children and grandchildren." Kamala Harris
Oct. 26, 2020 Harris Statement on Confirmation of Judge Amy Coney Barrett Kamala Harris
Oct. 22, 2020 Tweet - "My Democratic Senate colleagues and I boycotted the Supreme Court nominee committee vote today. Let's be clear: this nomination process is a sham and shows how Republicans will stop at nothing to strip health care from millions of Americans with pre-existing conditions." Kamala Harris
Oct. 18, 2020 Tweet - "Many Americans aren't sure how they're going to pay rent at the end of the month. The Senate should be working day and night to provide economic relief--instead, they chose to rush through a Supreme Court confirmation." Kamala Harris
Oct. 12, 2020 Tweet - "This Supreme Court nomination process is illegitimate and deliberately defies the will of the people. Republicans will stop at nothing to jam through a nominee who will take health care away from millions of Americans during a global pandemic." Kamala Harris
Oct. 8, 2020 Letter to Hon. Peter DeFazio, chair of the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee; Hon. Sam Graves, Ranking Member of the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee; Hon. Grace Napolitano, Chairwoman of the House Subcommittee on Water Resources and Environment; Hon. Bruce Westerman, Ranking Member of the House Subcommittee on Water Resources and Environment - Great Lakes Task Force Urges Support for Great Lakes in Water Resources Development Act Marcia Fudge, ...
Sept. 26, 2020 Tweet - "The Senate shouldn't vote until the American people do." Pres. Joe Biden
Sept. 26, 2020 Tweet - "Supreme Court decisions affect our everyday lives, and the Constitution was designed to give voters a voice on who makes those decisions. The Senate shouldn't act until after the American people select their next president and the next Congress. Americans deserve to be heard." Pres. Joe Biden
Sept. 24, 2020 Tweet - "I've spent my career working to end violence against women and will fight to end the epidemic of missing and murdered indigenous women. I applaud Congress for passing Savanna's Act this week. Now, the Senate and President Trump need to reauthorize VAWA. It's long overdue." Pres. Joe Biden
Sept. 1, 2020 Tweet - "Across the country, people rely on public transportation to get to work, see loved ones, and access essential services. But that's all under threat because Republicans refuse to do their jobs. Congress must act now to save public transit." Pres. Joe Biden
Aug. 14, 2020 Tweet - "People are losing their homes. Millions have already lost their paychecks. Our country is in crisis. The virus isn't taking a break -- Republicans shouldn't either. The House did their job. President Trump, bring the Senate back and pass a relief bill. Now." Pres. Joe Biden
July 28, 2020 Sanders Leads 14 Senators in Introducing Masks for All Act to Curb Deadly Coronavirus Surge Kamala Harris, ...
July 28, 2020 Governor Raimondo Directs Flags to Fly at Half-Staff in Honor of Representative John Lewis Gina Raimondo
July 27, 2020 Letter to Chairman Lindsey Graham - Leahy Leads Judiciary Committee Democrats In Pressing Chairman Graham For Committee Action On The John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act Kamala Harris, ...
Date Title Politician
Feb. 8, 2021 Tweet - "The American Rescue Plan will get the pandemic under control and support struggling communities across our country. People need help. We can't wait. Congress needs to act." Kamala Harris
Feb. 8, 2021 Tweet - "We don't have a second to waste when it comes to delivering the American people the relief they desperately need. I'm calling on Congress to act quickly and pass the American Rescue Plan." Pres.Joe Biden
Feb. 6, 2021 Tweet - "We can get through this crisis. We can save lives. We can help people. But Congress needs to act -- and pass the American Rescue Plan." Kamala Harris
Feb. 5, 2021 Tweet - "We can reduce suffering in this country. We can put people back to work. We can gain control of this virus. Congress needs to pass the American Rescue Plan to get it done." Pres.Joe Biden
Feb. 5, 2021 Tweet - "This morning, I met with House Democratic leaders to discuss the American Rescue Plan. As I said during the meeting: this isn't just about numbers, it's about people's lives. Folks are really hurting, and we need to move quickly to deliver the relief they need." Pres.Joe Biden
Feb. 5, 2021 Remarks by President Biden on the State of the Economy and the Need for the American Rescue Plan Pres.Joe Biden
Feb. 5, 2021 Tweet - "From software to healthcare, restaurants to manufacturers, Black businesses are small, large, and everything in between. And they are critical to our economy and communities. We need to pass the American Rescue Plan so that they get the help they need." Kamala Harris
Feb. 3, 2021 Tweet - "This morning, I met with a group of Democratic Senators to discuss the American Rescue Plan and how we emerge from the crises we face. One thing is clear: we all agree that now is the time for big, bold action to change the course of the pandemic and begin economic recovery." Pres.Joe Biden
Feb. 3, 2021 Tweet - "Tonight, the House took an important step toward passing a COVID relief package and getting help to Americans who need it most. I'm grateful for @SpeakerPelosi 's continued leadership as we work to get this pandemic under control and build our economy back better." Pres.Joe Biden
Feb. 3, 2021 Tweet - "Let me be clear: The risk in this moment isn't that we do too much -- it's that we don't do enough. Congress must pass the American Rescue Plan to change the course of this pandemic and start our economic recovery." Pres.Joe Biden
Feb. 1, 2021 Tweet - "Hardworking Americans need help and they need it now. That's why I'm calling on Congress to immediately pass my American Rescue Plan that will deliver direct relief, extend unemployment insurance, help folks put food on the table and keep a roof over their heads, and more." Pres.Joe Biden
Jan. 29, 2021 Tweet - "As Treasury Secretary @JanetYellen said during today's meeting, the price of doing nothing when it comes to economic relief is too high. Congress must act quickly and pass the American Rescue Plan to deliver relief and help dig us out of this crisis." Pres.Joe Biden
Jan. 29, 2021 Tweet - "As Treasury Secretary @JanetYellen said during today's meeting, the price of doing nothing when it comes to economic relief is too high. Congress must act quickly and pass the American Rescue Plan to deliver relief and help dig us out of this crisis." Pres.Joe Biden
Jan. 22, 2021 Tweet - "I'm grateful for the Senate's continued bipartisanship and swift confirmation of Lloyd Austin. His confirmation is historic -- and there's no question that he's the right person to lead the @DeptofDefense at this moment." Pres.Joe Biden
Jan. 20, 2021 Tweet - "I applaud the Senate for putting partisanship aside to prioritize our national security. Americans can rest easy tonight knowing Avril Haines has been confirmed as the Director of National Intelligence." Pres.Joe Biden
Jan. 20, 2021 Tweet - "It was an honor to return to the Senate to swear in Senators Padilla, Warnock, and Ossoff. They are dedicated to lifting up all Americans--and I look forward to working with them." Kamala Harris
Jan. 18, 2021 Medium - Thank you, California Kamala Harris
Jan. 18, 2021 Tweet - "Vice President-elect Harris bids farewell to her Senate seat today. But as she says, it's not goodbye--it's hello as Vice President of the United States." Pres.Joe Biden, ...
Jan. 13, 2021 Tweet - "Today, in a bipartisan vote, the House voted to impeach and hold President Trump accountable. Now, the process continues to the Senate--and I hope they'll deal with their Constitutional responsibilities on impeachment while also working on the other urgent business of this nation." Pres.Joe Biden
Jan. 12, 2021 Tweet - "It's long past time to raise the minimum wage, so hardworking people earn at least $15 an hour. I hope that Democratic control of the House and Senate will ensure prompt action to get it done." Pres.Joe Biden
Jan. 9, 2021 Tweet - "Black women turned out this week to help elect @ReverendWarnock and @Ossoff . But we must do more than thank them-- @JoeBiden and I are committed to addressing issues that disproportionately affect Black women, including pay disparity and maternal mortality." Kamala Harris
Jan. 8, 2021 Readout of President-elect Biden's Calls with Speaker Nancy Pelosi & Senate Democratic Leader Chuck Schumer Pres.Joe Biden
Jan. 6, 2021 Remarks to the Nation as Prepared for Delivery by President-elect Joe Biden in Wilmington, Delaware Pres.Joe Biden
Jan. 6, 2021 Tweet - "I called Reverend Warnock and Jon Ossoff this morning to congratulate them on their hard-fought campaigns. Georgia voters delivered a resounding message yesterday: they want action on the crises we face and they want it right now. Together, we'll get it done." Pres.Joe Biden
Jan. 5, 2021 Tweet - "I know @ReverendWarnock and @Ossoff . We've talked about the promise of our country. How we must help Americans with $2,000 stimulus checks, ensure our children have clean air to breathe, and our small businesses can thrive. That's who they are--and who they'll be as U.S. Senators." Kamala Harris
Jan. 4, 2021 Tweet - "The debate over $2,000 isn't some abstract debate in Washington. It's about real lives. Hardworking Americans need help, and they need it now. Georgia -- you have the power to make it happen. Vote." Pres.Joe Biden
Jan. 3, 2021 Tweet - "Congratulations to fellow Californian, @SpeakerPelosi , for being reelected as Speaker of the House. I look forward to working together on behalf of the American people to move our nation forward and build a brighter future for generations to come." Kamala Harris
Jan. 3, 2021 Haaland Announces New 117th Congressional Office Locations Deb Haaland
Jan. 3, 2021 Statement by President-elect Joe Biden on Nancy Pelosi's Reelection as Speaker of the House Pres.Joe Biden
Dec. 17, 2020 Tweet - "Millions of people are out of work. Small businesses are closing. People are struggling to pay their bills, stay in their homes, and put food on the table. Congress needs to pass a relief package immediately." Pres.Joe Biden
Dec. 16, 2020 Tweet - "People are suffering. The moratorium on evictions is about to end. 12 million Americans will lose unemployment benefits if Congress and President Trump fail to come together before the end of the month. It could not be more urgent that our leaders act." Kamala Harris
Dec. 12, 2020 Tweet - "Congress needs to act now on a COVID relief package. The American people can't wait." Pres.Joe Biden
Dec. 5, 2020 Tweet - "If Congress and President Trump fail to act by the end of December: - 12 million Americans will lose unemployment benefits - Emergency paid leave will end - The moratorium on evictions will expire The situation is urgent. Americans need help and they need it now." Pres.Joe Biden
Dec. 4, 2020 Letter to Hon. Nancy Pelosi, Speaker of the House, Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, Senate Majority Mitch McConnell, Minority Leader Charles Schumer - SRS and PILT Deb Haaland, ...
Dec. 4, 2020 Tweet - "Congress must pass economic relief for workers and businesses as soon as possible. People across our country are hurting and Congress has not done enough for folks struggling to pay rent and put food on the table." Kamala Harris
Nov. 20, 2020 Native American Heritage Month Resolution Filed in House Deb Haaland, ...
Nov. 20, 2020 Tweet - "It was great meeting with @SpeakerPelosi and @SenSchumer today. We have a lot of work ahead of us, but I know that together we can build a better future for our children and grandchildren." Kamala Harris
Oct. 26, 2020 Harris Statement on Confirmation of Judge Amy Coney Barrett Kamala Harris
Oct. 22, 2020 Tweet - "My Democratic Senate colleagues and I boycotted the Supreme Court nominee committee vote today. Let's be clear: this nomination process is a sham and shows how Republicans will stop at nothing to strip health care from millions of Americans with pre-existing conditions." Kamala Harris
Oct. 18, 2020 Tweet - "Many Americans aren't sure how they're going to pay rent at the end of the month. The Senate should be working day and night to provide economic relief--instead, they chose to rush through a Supreme Court confirmation." Kamala Harris
Oct. 12, 2020 Tweet - "This Supreme Court nomination process is illegitimate and deliberately defies the will of the people. Republicans will stop at nothing to jam through a nominee who will take health care away from millions of Americans during a global pandemic." Kamala Harris
Oct. 8, 2020 Letter to Hon. Peter DeFazio, chair of the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee; Hon. Sam Graves, Ranking Member of the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee; Hon. Grace Napolitano, Chairwoman of the House Subcommittee on Water Resources and Environment; Hon. Bruce Westerman, Ranking Member of the House Subcommittee on Water Resources and Environment - Great Lakes Task Force Urges Support for Great Lakes in Water Resources Development Act Marcia Fudge, ...
Sept. 26, 2020 Tweet - "The Senate shouldn't vote until the American people do." Pres.Joe Biden
Sept. 26, 2020 Tweet - "Supreme Court decisions affect our everyday lives, and the Constitution was designed to give voters a voice on who makes those decisions. The Senate shouldn't act until after the American people select their next president and the next Congress. Americans deserve to be heard." Pres.Joe Biden
Sept. 24, 2020 Tweet - "I've spent my career working to end violence against women and will fight to end the epidemic of missing and murdered indigenous women. I applaud Congress for passing Savanna's Act this week. Now, the Senate and President Trump need to reauthorize VAWA. It's long overdue." Pres.Joe Biden
Sept. 1, 2020 Tweet - "Across the country, people rely on public transportation to get to work, see loved ones, and access essential services. But that's all under threat because Republicans refuse to do their jobs. Congress must act now to save public transit." Pres.Joe Biden
Aug. 14, 2020 Tweet - "People are losing their homes. Millions have already lost their paychecks. Our country is in crisis. The virus isn't taking a break -- Republicans shouldn't either. The House did their job. President Trump, bring the Senate back and pass a relief bill. Now." Pres.Joe Biden
July 28, 2020 Sanders Leads 14 Senators in Introducing Masks for All Act to Curb Deadly Coronavirus Surge Kamala Harris, ...
July 28, 2020 Governor Raimondo Directs Flags to Fly at Half-Staff in Honor of Representative John Lewis Gina Raimondo
July 27, 2020 Letter to Chairman Lindsey Graham - Leahy Leads Judiciary Committee Democrats In Pressing Chairman Graham For Committee Action On The John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act Kamala Harris, ...