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Date Title Politician
July 23, 2022 Tweet - "I convened more than 20 Virginia state legislators and advocates who are fighting on the frontlines to protect reproductive rights. Our Administration is working closely with state and local leaders around the country on steps we can take." Kamala Harris
Aug. 3, 2022 Tweet - "I created the Task Force on Reproductive Healthcare Access to ensure the government acts during this moment. As medical care is denied to women. As pharmacies are unsure whether they can fill prescriptions. As rape survivors, including a 10-year-old, have to travel for care." Pres. Joe Biden
Aug. 3, 2022 Tweet - "I don't think the Supreme Court or for that matter Congressional Republicans -- who for decades have pushed their extremist agenda -- have a clue about the power of American women. Last night in Kansas they found out." Pres. Joe Biden
Aug. 17, 2022 Tweet - "I strongly believe that reproductive rights are an issue of freedom and liberty. Our Administration has taken action to stand up for the women of America and President Biden has signed two executive orders to protect reproductive health care." Kamala Harris
Oct. 7, 2020 Tweet - "I will always fight for a woman's right to make a decision about her own body. It should be her decision and not Donald Trump's." Kamala Harris
May 21, 2022 Tweet - "If Roe v. Wade is overturned, it will be an extreme step backward and a direct assault on the fundamental right to self-determination. It represents a threat not just to women but to all Americans." Kamala Harris
July 7, 2022 Tweet - "If extremist governors try to block a woman from traveling from a state that prohibits her from seeking the medical help she needs to a state that provides that care, we will act to protect her bedrock rights." Pres. Joe Biden
July 7, 2022 Tweet - "If states try to block a woman from getting medication the FDA has already approved and that has been available for more than twenty years, we will act to protect that woman's right to that medication." Pres. Joe Biden
May 3, 2022 Tweet - "If the Court overturns Roe, it will fall on our nation's elected officials at all levels of government to protect a woman's right to choose. And it will fall on voters to elect pro-choice officials this November." Pres. Joe Biden
June 4, 2022 Tweet - "If the Supreme Court overturns Roe, abortion could be banned in states across the country, putting women's lives at risk. Since day one, our position has been clear: We will defend women's constitutional rights and fight to protect the right to self-determination." Kamala Harris
June 6, 2022 Tweet - "If the Supreme Court overturns Roe, abortion could be banned in states across the country, putting women's lives at risk. Since day one, our position has been clear: We will defend women's constitutional rights and fight to protect the fundamental right to self-determination." Kamala Harris
Sept. 23, 2022 Tweet - "If you give me two more Democratic senators, and Democrats keep the House, I promise you we will codify Roe v. Wade. We will once again make Roe the law of the land. We will once again protect a woman's right to choose." Pres. Joe Biden
July 14, 2022 Tweet - "Immediately after Roe was reversed, I laid out how our Administration would use executive action to protect a woman's right to travel across state borders to get the care she needs. Today, Senate Republicans blocked a bill that would make that right a law." Pres. Joe Biden
Jan. 2, 2023 Tweet - "In 2023, we will continue the fight for reproductive rights. It's time Congress pass the Women's Health Protection Act." Kamala Harris
Aug. 6, 2022 Tweet - "Indiana passed a near-total abortion ban yesterday. By the time a woman realizes she's pregnant, she will effectively be prohibited from having access to reproductive health care. This is an absolutely shameful decision made by the Indiana legislature and governor." Kamala Harris
Jan. 5, 2023 Tweet - "It can be incredibly dangerous to be pregnant in an abortion-restricted state. I am concerned about women, like Kaitlyn, who cannot get the care they need because of laws that criminalize doctors for doing their job. These restrictions on women's bodies are absolutely shameful." Kamala Harris
July 6, 2022 Tweet - "Last month, the Supreme Court took away a constitutional right from the women of America. People should be able to make decisions about issues like contraception and who they marry without government interference." Kamala Harris
Sept. 2, 2021 Tweet - "Last night, the Supreme Court's decision on Texas' SB8 dealt a significant blow to Roe v. Wade. We will not stand by and allow our nation to go back to the days of back-alley abortions. We will use every lever to defend the right to safe and legal abortion. We will fight this." Kamala Harris
Jan. 18, 2023 Tweet - "Last week, House Republicans passed an extreme bill that would further jeopardize the right to reproductive health care in our nation. This is yet another attempt by Republican legislators to control women's bodies." Kamala Harris
Nov. 9, 2022 Tweet - "Make no mistake--the majority of Americans support a woman's right to make decisions about her own body. And the people of Michigan, Kentucky, Vermont and California stood up to protect reproductive rights with their vote last night." Kamala Harris
June 24, 2022 Tweet - "Millions of women in America will go to bed tonight without access to the health care and reproductive health care they had this morning. Without access to the same health care or reproductive health care their mothers and grandmothers had for 50 years." Kamala Harris
Aug. 16, 2022 Tweet - "Mothers need better access to care. Under the American Rescue Plan, states may extend Medicaid postpartum coverage from two months to one year. I applaud Maryland, Ohio, and Hawaii for joining our efforts to improve maternal health by expanding this critical care in their states." Kamala Harris
June 28, 2022 Tweet - "My Administration will do everything in its lawful power to fight back against the devastating decision overturning Roe v. Wade and to protect the fundamental rights of women. Now, Congress must take action." Pres. Joe Biden
Oct. 2, 2022 Tweet - "My dad used to say, "Joey, don't compare me to the Almighty. Compare me to the alternative." And here's the deal: Democrats want to codify Roe. Republicans want a national ban on abortion. The choice is clear." Pres. Joe Biden
June 30, 2022 Tweet - "New Jersey passed two proactive abortion bills through their state legislature protecting health care providers and out-of-state patients. I applaud @GovMurphy and both chambers in getting this done. I look forward to supporting further action on reproductive freedom." Kamala Harris
Nov. 3, 2020 Tweet - "Now is your chance to elect a leader who will: Work to stop the virus Defend reproductive rights Build an economy that works for working people Protect health care Unite the nation VOTE:" Kamala Harris
May 26, 2022 Tweet - "Oklahoma enacted an absolutely shameful law banning abortion yesterday. This law, which effectively outlaws abortion from the moment of fertilization and takes immediate effect, is the most extreme state law yet and threatens the fundamental rights of all women." Kamala Harris
Jan. 22, 2021 Tweet - "On the 48th Anniversary of Roe v. Wade, we recommit ourselves to ensuring that everyone has access to care--including reproductive health care--no matter their income, race, zip code, health insurance status, or immigration status." Kamala Harris
May 11, 2022 Tweet - "Once again -- as fundamental rights are at risk at the Supreme Court -- Senate Republicans have blocked passage of the Women's Health Protection Act, a bill that affirmatively protects access to reproductive health care." Pres. Joe Biden
Jan. 25, 2023 Tweet - "Our Administration has called on Congress to put the protections of Roe v. Wade into federal law. Meanwhile, Republicans in Congress are working to pass a national abortion ban that would take away reproductive freedom in all 50 states." Kamala Harris
July 13, 2022 Tweet - "Our Administration has issued guidance to 60,000 pharmacies reaffirming that any retail pharmacy that receives federal financial assistance must not discriminate in fulfilling prescriptions--including contraception and other prescription medications for reproductive health care." Kamala Harris
Sept. 16, 2021 Tweet - "Our Administration will always fight to defend the right of women to make decisions about their own bodies. It is non-negotiable." Kamala Harris
July 25, 2022 Tweet - "People do not need to abandon their faith to believe women should have the ability to make decisions about their own bodies without government interference." Kamala Harris
Jan. 22, 2023 Tweet - "President Biden and I agree: We will not back down from protecting reproductive freedom. We know this fight will not be won until we secure the right to reproductive freedom for every American. Congress must pass a bill that protects freedom, liberty, and reproductive rights." Kamala Harris
Oct. 21, 2022 Tweet - "President Biden has said he will sign a bill that would put into law the protections of Roe v. Wade if it's presented to him. If you care about reproductive health care, let your elected officials know where you stand and make your voices heard." Kamala Harris
Oct. 4, 2022 Tweet - "Reproductive health care is an issue that impacts your freedom and liberty. All women should have the freedom to make decisions about their own bodies--not the government." Kamala Harris
July 16, 2022 Tweet - "Republican legislators in Pennsylvania advanced an extremist constitutional amendment to clear the way for a ban on abortion. I am heading to Philadelphia to meet with members of the General Assembly who are fighting on the frontlines to protect reproductive rights." Kamala Harris
May 3, 2022 Tweet - "Republican legislators in states across the country are weaponizing the use of Roe v. Wade against women. The rights of all Americans are at risk. This is the time to fight for women and our country with everything we have." Kamala Harris
May 15, 2019 Tweet - "Republicans in AL, FL, GA, and OH are ushering in laws that clearly violate Roe v Wade and they should be declared unconstitutional. Roe v Wade is settled law and should not be overturned. This choice should remain between a woman and her doctor." Pres. Joe Biden
Jan. 26, 2023 Tweet - "Republicans in Congress are now calling for a nationwide abortion ban. The right of every woman across the country to make decisions about her own body is on the line. How dare they?" Kamala Harris
Sept. 18, 2022 Tweet - "Republicans in Congress are officially introducing a national abortion ban. Let's be clear--any ban will harm women and prevent them from making their own health care decisions." Kamala Harris
Oct. 17, 2022 Tweet - "Republicans want a national ban on abortion--but if we elect two more Democratic senators and keep the House, we will codify Roe v. Wade." Pres. Joe Biden
Oct. 9, 2022 Tweet - "Republicans want a national ban on abortion--but if you give me two more Democratic senators and Democrats keep the House, I promise you we will codify Roe v. Wade." Pres. Joe Biden
April 6, 2022 Tweet - "Right now, reproductive rights are under attack in states across our nation. The Oklahoma legislature advanced a shameful bill that would prohibit almost all abortions if put into effect. If signed, this bill will only prevent women from getting the health care they need." Kamala Harris
Oct. 14, 2022 Tweet - "Right now, young people across the country are feeling the effects of the Supreme Court taking away a constitutional right in the Dobbs decision. This afternoon I will convene student leaders to discuss our fight to protect reproductive health care." Kamala Harris
Oct. 5, 2020 Tweet - "Roe v. Wade must remain the law of the land." Pres. Joe Biden
Sept. 16, 2022 Tweet - "Roe v. Wade reaffirmed the basic principle of equality -- the right of each of us to choose how to live our lives. A nationwide abortion ban is dangerous. Not just for choice, but for the personal autonomy of every American." Pres. Joe Biden
Nov. 4, 2022 Tweet - "Senator Lindsey Graham made it clear: Republicans want a national ban on abortion. But if we elect two more Democratic senators and keep control of the House, we will codify Roe v. Wade." Pres. Joe Biden
Sept. 25, 2022 Tweet - "Senators are attempting to pass a national abortion ban and criminalize doctors for simply doing the job they were trained to do: Deliver health care. There's a clear disconnect with the priorities of everyday Americans." Kamala Harris
Aug. 3, 2022 Tweet - "Since May, I have organized more than two dozen convenings with leaders to discuss reproductive health care and abortion access. Today I'm in Boston, Massachusetts to hold a roundtable with Gov. Baker, state legislators, and advocates." Kamala Harris
Date Title Politician
July 23, 2022 Tweet - "I convened more than 20 Virginia state legislators and advocates who are fighting on the frontlines to protect reproductive rights. Our Administration is working closely with state and local leaders around the country on steps we can take." Kamala Harris
Aug. 3, 2022 Tweet - "I created the Task Force on Reproductive Healthcare Access to ensure the government acts during this moment. As medical care is denied to women. As pharmacies are unsure whether they can fill prescriptions. As rape survivors, including a 10-year-old, have to travel for care." Pres.Joe Biden
Aug. 3, 2022 Tweet - "I don't think the Supreme Court or for that matter Congressional Republicans -- who for decades have pushed their extremist agenda -- have a clue about the power of American women. Last night in Kansas they found out." Pres.Joe Biden
Aug. 17, 2022 Tweet - "I strongly believe that reproductive rights are an issue of freedom and liberty. Our Administration has taken action to stand up for the women of America and President Biden has signed two executive orders to protect reproductive health care." Kamala Harris
Oct. 7, 2020 Tweet - "I will always fight for a woman's right to make a decision about her own body. It should be her decision and not Donald Trump's." Kamala Harris
May 21, 2022 Tweet - "If Roe v. Wade is overturned, it will be an extreme step backward and a direct assault on the fundamental right to self-determination. It represents a threat not just to women but to all Americans." Kamala Harris
July 7, 2022 Tweet - "If extremist governors try to block a woman from traveling from a state that prohibits her from seeking the medical help she needs to a state that provides that care, we will act to protect her bedrock rights." Pres.Joe Biden
July 7, 2022 Tweet - "If states try to block a woman from getting medication the FDA has already approved and that has been available for more than twenty years, we will act to protect that woman's right to that medication." Pres.Joe Biden
May 3, 2022 Tweet - "If the Court overturns Roe, it will fall on our nation's elected officials at all levels of government to protect a woman's right to choose. And it will fall on voters to elect pro-choice officials this November." Pres.Joe Biden
June 4, 2022 Tweet - "If the Supreme Court overturns Roe, abortion could be banned in states across the country, putting women's lives at risk. Since day one, our position has been clear: We will defend women's constitutional rights and fight to protect the right to self-determination." Kamala Harris
June 6, 2022 Tweet - "If the Supreme Court overturns Roe, abortion could be banned in states across the country, putting women's lives at risk. Since day one, our position has been clear: We will defend women's constitutional rights and fight to protect the fundamental right to self-determination." Kamala Harris
Sept. 23, 2022 Tweet - "If you give me two more Democratic senators, and Democrats keep the House, I promise you we will codify Roe v. Wade. We will once again make Roe the law of the land. We will once again protect a woman's right to choose." Pres.Joe Biden
July 14, 2022 Tweet - "Immediately after Roe was reversed, I laid out how our Administration would use executive action to protect a woman's right to travel across state borders to get the care she needs. Today, Senate Republicans blocked a bill that would make that right a law." Pres.Joe Biden
Jan. 2, 2023 Tweet - "In 2023, we will continue the fight for reproductive rights. It's time Congress pass the Women's Health Protection Act." Kamala Harris
Aug. 6, 2022 Tweet - "Indiana passed a near-total abortion ban yesterday. By the time a woman realizes she's pregnant, she will effectively be prohibited from having access to reproductive health care. This is an absolutely shameful decision made by the Indiana legislature and governor." Kamala Harris
Jan. 5, 2023 Tweet - "It can be incredibly dangerous to be pregnant in an abortion-restricted state. I am concerned about women, like Kaitlyn, who cannot get the care they need because of laws that criminalize doctors for doing their job. These restrictions on women's bodies are absolutely shameful." Kamala Harris
July 6, 2022 Tweet - "Last month, the Supreme Court took away a constitutional right from the women of America. People should be able to make decisions about issues like contraception and who they marry without government interference." Kamala Harris
Sept. 2, 2021 Tweet - "Last night, the Supreme Court's decision on Texas' SB8 dealt a significant blow to Roe v. Wade. We will not stand by and allow our nation to go back to the days of back-alley abortions. We will use every lever to defend the right to safe and legal abortion. We will fight this." Kamala Harris
Jan. 18, 2023 Tweet - "Last week, House Republicans passed an extreme bill that would further jeopardize the right to reproductive health care in our nation. This is yet another attempt by Republican legislators to control women's bodies." Kamala Harris
Nov. 9, 2022 Tweet - "Make no mistake--the majority of Americans support a woman's right to make decisions about her own body. And the people of Michigan, Kentucky, Vermont and California stood up to protect reproductive rights with their vote last night." Kamala Harris
June 24, 2022 Tweet - "Millions of women in America will go to bed tonight without access to the health care and reproductive health care they had this morning. Without access to the same health care or reproductive health care their mothers and grandmothers had for 50 years." Kamala Harris
Aug. 16, 2022 Tweet - "Mothers need better access to care. Under the American Rescue Plan, states may extend Medicaid postpartum coverage from two months to one year. I applaud Maryland, Ohio, and Hawaii for joining our efforts to improve maternal health by expanding this critical care in their states." Kamala Harris
June 28, 2022 Tweet - "My Administration will do everything in its lawful power to fight back against the devastating decision overturning Roe v. Wade and to protect the fundamental rights of women. Now, Congress must take action." Pres.Joe Biden
Oct. 2, 2022 Tweet - "My dad used to say, "Joey, don't compare me to the Almighty. Compare me to the alternative." And here's the deal: Democrats want to codify Roe. Republicans want a national ban on abortion. The choice is clear." Pres.Joe Biden
June 30, 2022 Tweet - "New Jersey passed two proactive abortion bills through their state legislature protecting health care providers and out-of-state patients. I applaud @GovMurphy and both chambers in getting this done. I look forward to supporting further action on reproductive freedom." Kamala Harris
Nov. 3, 2020 Tweet - "Now is your chance to elect a leader who will: Work to stop the virus Defend reproductive rights Build an economy that works for working people Protect health care Unite the nation VOTE:" Kamala Harris
May 26, 2022 Tweet - "Oklahoma enacted an absolutely shameful law banning abortion yesterday. This law, which effectively outlaws abortion from the moment of fertilization and takes immediate effect, is the most extreme state law yet and threatens the fundamental rights of all women." Kamala Harris
Jan. 22, 2021 Tweet - "On the 48th Anniversary of Roe v. Wade, we recommit ourselves to ensuring that everyone has access to care--including reproductive health care--no matter their income, race, zip code, health insurance status, or immigration status." Kamala Harris
May 11, 2022 Tweet - "Once again -- as fundamental rights are at risk at the Supreme Court -- Senate Republicans have blocked passage of the Women's Health Protection Act, a bill that affirmatively protects access to reproductive health care." Pres.Joe Biden
Jan. 25, 2023 Tweet - "Our Administration has called on Congress to put the protections of Roe v. Wade into federal law. Meanwhile, Republicans in Congress are working to pass a national abortion ban that would take away reproductive freedom in all 50 states." Kamala Harris
July 13, 2022 Tweet - "Our Administration has issued guidance to 60,000 pharmacies reaffirming that any retail pharmacy that receives federal financial assistance must not discriminate in fulfilling prescriptions--including contraception and other prescription medications for reproductive health care." Kamala Harris
Sept. 16, 2021 Tweet - "Our Administration will always fight to defend the right of women to make decisions about their own bodies. It is non-negotiable." Kamala Harris
July 25, 2022 Tweet - "People do not need to abandon their faith to believe women should have the ability to make decisions about their own bodies without government interference." Kamala Harris
Jan. 22, 2023 Tweet - "President Biden and I agree: We will not back down from protecting reproductive freedom. We know this fight will not be won until we secure the right to reproductive freedom for every American. Congress must pass a bill that protects freedom, liberty, and reproductive rights." Kamala Harris
Oct. 21, 2022 Tweet - "President Biden has said he will sign a bill that would put into law the protections of Roe v. Wade if it's presented to him. If you care about reproductive health care, let your elected officials know where you stand and make your voices heard." Kamala Harris
Oct. 4, 2022 Tweet - "Reproductive health care is an issue that impacts your freedom and liberty. All women should have the freedom to make decisions about their own bodies--not the government." Kamala Harris
July 16, 2022 Tweet - "Republican legislators in Pennsylvania advanced an extremist constitutional amendment to clear the way for a ban on abortion. I am heading to Philadelphia to meet with members of the General Assembly who are fighting on the frontlines to protect reproductive rights." Kamala Harris
May 3, 2022 Tweet - "Republican legislators in states across the country are weaponizing the use of Roe v. Wade against women. The rights of all Americans are at risk. This is the time to fight for women and our country with everything we have." Kamala Harris
May 15, 2019 Tweet - "Republicans in AL, FL, GA, and OH are ushering in laws that clearly violate Roe v Wade and they should be declared unconstitutional. Roe v Wade is settled law and should not be overturned. This choice should remain between a woman and her doctor." Pres.Joe Biden
Jan. 26, 2023 Tweet - "Republicans in Congress are now calling for a nationwide abortion ban. The right of every woman across the country to make decisions about her own body is on the line. How dare they?" Kamala Harris
Sept. 18, 2022 Tweet - "Republicans in Congress are officially introducing a national abortion ban. Let's be clear--any ban will harm women and prevent them from making their own health care decisions." Kamala Harris
Oct. 17, 2022 Tweet - "Republicans want a national ban on abortion--but if we elect two more Democratic senators and keep the House, we will codify Roe v. Wade." Pres.Joe Biden
Oct. 9, 2022 Tweet - "Republicans want a national ban on abortion--but if you give me two more Democratic senators and Democrats keep the House, I promise you we will codify Roe v. Wade." Pres.Joe Biden
April 6, 2022 Tweet - "Right now, reproductive rights are under attack in states across our nation. The Oklahoma legislature advanced a shameful bill that would prohibit almost all abortions if put into effect. If signed, this bill will only prevent women from getting the health care they need." Kamala Harris
Oct. 14, 2022 Tweet - "Right now, young people across the country are feeling the effects of the Supreme Court taking away a constitutional right in the Dobbs decision. This afternoon I will convene student leaders to discuss our fight to protect reproductive health care." Kamala Harris
Oct. 5, 2020 Tweet - "Roe v. Wade must remain the law of the land." Pres.Joe Biden
Sept. 16, 2022 Tweet - "Roe v. Wade reaffirmed the basic principle of equality -- the right of each of us to choose how to live our lives. A nationwide abortion ban is dangerous. Not just for choice, but for the personal autonomy of every American." Pres.Joe Biden
Nov. 4, 2022 Tweet - "Senator Lindsey Graham made it clear: Republicans want a national ban on abortion. But if we elect two more Democratic senators and keep control of the House, we will codify Roe v. Wade." Pres.Joe Biden
Sept. 25, 2022 Tweet - "Senators are attempting to pass a national abortion ban and criminalize doctors for simply doing the job they were trained to do: Deliver health care. There's a clear disconnect with the priorities of everyday Americans." Kamala Harris
Aug. 3, 2022 Tweet - "Since May, I have organized more than two dozen convenings with leaders to discuss reproductive health care and abortion access. Today I'm in Boston, Massachusetts to hold a roundtable with Gov. Baker, state legislators, and advocates." Kamala Harris