Public Statements

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Date Title Politician
March 11, 2024 Remarks by President Biden on Lowering Healthcare Costs for American Families | Goffstown, NH Pres. Joe Biden
Feb. 1, 2024 Statement by President Joe Biden on Medicare Drug Price Negotiation Progress Pres. Joe Biden
Jan. 25, 2023 Statement from President Joe Biden on Record ACA Enrollment Numbers Pres. Joe Biden
Jan. 8, 2023 Tweet - "Four out of five people who sign up for health insurance through the Affordable Care Act can find a health care plan for $10 a month or less. These lower rates were set to expire at the end of 2022, but thanks to the Inflation Reduction Act, we were able to extend them." Pres. Joe Biden
Nov. 1, 2022 Tweet - "The open enrollment period begins today. Thanks to the Inflation Reduction Act, 13 million Americans will save an average of $800 a year on their health care premiums. Head to to sign up." Pres. Joe Biden
Oct. 16, 2022 Tweet - "Last year, we saved a family of four with health coverage through the Affordable Care Act an average of $2,400. This year, we're locking in place those lower health care premiums for millions of families with the Inflation Reduction Act." Pres. Joe Biden
Oct. 15, 2022 Tweet - "Today marks the beginning of Medicare's open enrollment period. So when seniors pick plans for next year, they will be able to take advantage of the progress we've made -- lower premiums because of the Inflation Reduction Act." Pres. Joe Biden
Sept. 12, 2022 Remarks by President Biden on the Cancer Moonshot Initiative Pres. Joe Biden
Aug. 23, 2022 Tweet - "It's my job to restore the promise of America to our young people. That includes affordable health care. The Inflation Reduction Act protects access to affordable coverage for our nation's most uninsured: 18 to 24-year-olds, keeping them covered, healthier, and less in-debt." Pres. Joe Biden
Aug. 18, 2022 Tweet - "No one should have to worry about being able to care for a sick family member because of a pre-existing condition. Or because their insurer says "no more." Under the Inflation Reduction Act, I won't just protect the healthcare of millions of Americans. I'll build on it." Pres. Joe Biden
Aug. 2, 2022 Statement by President Joe Biden on All-Time Low Uninsured Rate Pres. Joe Biden
Date Title Politician
March 11, 2024 Remarks by President Biden on Lowering Healthcare Costs for American Families | Goffstown, NH Pres.Joe Biden
Feb. 1, 2024 Statement by President Joe Biden on Medicare Drug Price Negotiation Progress Pres.Joe Biden
Jan. 25, 2023 Statement from President Joe Biden on Record ACA Enrollment Numbers Pres.Joe Biden
Jan. 8, 2023 Tweet - "Four out of five people who sign up for health insurance through the Affordable Care Act can find a health care plan for $10 a month or less. These lower rates were set to expire at the end of 2022, but thanks to the Inflation Reduction Act, we were able to extend them." Pres.Joe Biden
Nov. 1, 2022 Tweet - "The open enrollment period begins today. Thanks to the Inflation Reduction Act, 13 million Americans will save an average of $800 a year on their health care premiums. Head to to sign up." Pres.Joe Biden
Oct. 16, 2022 Tweet - "Last year, we saved a family of four with health coverage through the Affordable Care Act an average of $2,400. This year, we're locking in place those lower health care premiums for millions of families with the Inflation Reduction Act." Pres.Joe Biden
Oct. 15, 2022 Tweet - "Today marks the beginning of Medicare's open enrollment period. So when seniors pick plans for next year, they will be able to take advantage of the progress we've made -- lower premiums because of the Inflation Reduction Act." Pres.Joe Biden
Sept. 12, 2022 Remarks by President Biden on the Cancer Moonshot Initiative Pres.Joe Biden
Aug. 23, 2022 Tweet - "It's my job to restore the promise of America to our young people. That includes affordable health care. The Inflation Reduction Act protects access to affordable coverage for our nation's most uninsured: 18 to 24-year-olds, keeping them covered, healthier, and less in-debt." Pres.Joe Biden
Aug. 18, 2022 Tweet - "No one should have to worry about being able to care for a sick family member because of a pre-existing condition. Or because their insurer says "no more." Under the Inflation Reduction Act, I won't just protect the healthcare of millions of Americans. I'll build on it." Pres.Joe Biden
Aug. 2, 2022 Statement by President Joe Biden on All-Time Low Uninsured Rate Pres.Joe Biden