Public Statements

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Date Title Politician
June 11, 2022 Tweet - "Today, young people around the country once again march with @AMarch4OurLives to call on Congress to pass commonsense gun safety legislation supported by the majority of Americans and gun owners. I join them by repeating my call to Congress: do something." Pres. Joe Biden
June 23, 2022 Statement by President Joe Biden on Supreme Court Ruling on Guns Pres. Joe Biden
June 3, 2022 Tweet - "We should repeal the liability shield that often protects gun manufacturers from being sued for the death and destruction caused by their weapons. They're the only industry in the country that has this kind of immunity. It's outrageous. It must end." Pres. Joe Biden
June 9, 2022 Tweet - "Fort Hood, Texas in 2009 -- 13 dead, more than 30 injured. Parkland, Florida in 2018 -- 17 dead, 17 injured. Red flag laws could have stopped both shooters." Pres. Joe Biden
June 11, 2022 Tweet - "Congress needs to: - Ban assault weapons and high-capacity magazines - Strengthen background checks - Enact safe storage laws and red flag laws - Repeal gun manufacturers' immunity from liability We can't fail the American people again." Pres. Joe Biden
June 17, 2022 Statement by President Joe Biden on Passage of Delaware Assault Weapons Ban and Other Gun Safety Legislation Pres. Joe Biden
June 2, 2022 Tweet - "Tonight, I'm addressing the nation on the recent tragic mass shootings, and the need for Congress to pass commonsense laws to combat the epidemic of gun violence." Pres. Joe Biden
June 2, 2022 Tweet - "We need to: Ban assault weapons -- and if we can't, then we should raise the age to purchase them from 18 to 21. Ban high-capacity magazines. Strengthen background checks. Enact safe storage laws and red flag laws. Repeal gun manufacturers' immunity from liability." Pres. Joe Biden
June 4, 2021 Tweet - "This Gun Violence Awareness Day, I'm wearing orange in honor of the Americans killed every day by gun violence and the survivors and families living with the consequences. It's a public health epidemic -- and it's time we end it. I urge Congress to take action to save lives." Pres. Joe Biden
June 7, 2022 Tweet - "In 1994, Congress passed a bipartisan assault weapons ban. Nine categories of semi-automatic weapons were included, like AK-47s and AR-15s. In the 10 years it was law, mass shootings went down. After Republicans let the law expire in 2004, mass shootings tripled." Pres. Joe Biden
June 12, 2021 Statement by President Joe Biden on the 5th Anniversary of the Pulse Nightclub Shooting Pres. Joe Biden
July 12, 2021 Tweet - "The surge in gun violence and violent crime over the last year and a half is unacceptable -- and we're carrying out our comprehensive strategy to combat it." Pres. Joe Biden
June 23, 2021 Remarks by President Biden and Attorney General Garland on Gun Crime Prevention Strategy Pres. Joe Biden
June 12, 2022 Tweet - "I want to thank Senator Chris Murphy and the bipartisan group for their gun safety proposal. It does not do everything that I think is needed, but it reflects important steps in the right direction. With bipartisan support, there are no excuses for delay. Let's get this done." Pres. Joe Biden
June 23, 2021 Tweet - "The fact is we've seen a surge in gun violence across the country since the beginning of the pandemic. It's unacceptable -- and we've got to take action to combat it. That's why we're announcing a comprehensive approach to prevent and respond to gun crime and ensure public safety." Pres. Joe Biden
June 2, 2022 Remarks by President Biden on Gun Violence in America Pres. Joe Biden
Oct. 1, 2021 Tweet - "Four years ago today, 60 lives were cut short -- and countless more were forever changed -- in a mass shooting in Las Vegas. Today we remember those lost and reaffirm our commitment to reducing gun violence across the country." Pres. Joe Biden
June 12, 2021 Tweet - "Five years ago, we suffered the deadliest attack affecting the LGBTQ+ community in our history. Within minutes, Pulse Nightclub turned from a place of acceptance and joy to a place of unspeakable pain. As we remember those we lost, we must recommit to honoring them with action." Pres. Joe Biden
Feb. 3, 2022 Tweet - "Every day in this country 316 people are shot and 106 are killed. Enough -- the scourge of gun violence has to end. Today, I traveled to New York City to meet with leaders and discuss how we can work together to reduce gun crime and make our communities safer." Pres. Joe Biden
Feb. 3, 2022 Tweet - "I will keep doing everything I can to make our communities safer, but Congress needs to do its part: - Pass universal background checks - Ban assault weapons and high-capacity magazines - Close loopholes and repeal the liability shield for gun manufacturers" Pres. Joe Biden
June 5, 2022 Tweet - "Why should an ordinary citizen be able to purchase an assault weapon that holds 30-round magazines and fires hundreds of bullets in minutes? The damage was so devastating in Uvalde parents had to do DNA swabs to identify remains of their 9- and 10-year old children. Enough." Pres. Joe Biden
June 6, 2022 Tweet - "Over the last two decades, more school-aged children have died from guns than on-duty police officers and active-duty military combined. Think about that. How much more carnage are we willing to accept? How many more innocent lives must be taken before we say enough?" Pres. Joe Biden
April 3, 2022 Statement by President Joe Biden on the Mass Shooting in Sacramento Pres. Joe Biden
June 17, 2021 Tweet - "Today marks six years since a white supremacist took nine precious lives at Mother Emanuel in an act of domestic terrorism. We must honor their lives with action, including reducing gun violence and addressing domestic terrorism." Pres. Joe Biden
April 11, 2022 Remarks by President Biden Announcing Actions to Fight Gun Crime and His Nominee for ATF Director, Steve Dettelbach Pres. Joe Biden
April 12, 2022 Tweet - "Jill and I are praying for those injured in the New York City subway shooting. We are grateful for the first responders and civilians who jumped into action. My team has been in touch with city officials and we are working to support efforts on the ground." Pres. Joe Biden
July 12, 2021 Tweet - "This afternoon, I met with the Attorney General, law enforcement officials, and local leaders to discuss our comprehensive strategy to reduce gun crimes. We're committed to working together with state and local officials to keep Americans safe." Pres. Joe Biden
April 15, 2022 Tweet - "One year ago, a lone gunman took the lives of eight people -- four of whom were Sikh -- at a FedEx facility in Indianapolis. As we remember those we lost and all those impacted, we must renew our fight to end the epidemic of gun violence in America." Pres. Joe Biden
May 14, 2022 Statement by President Biden on Mass Shooting in Buffalo, New York Pres. Joe Biden
July 21, 2021 CNN "CNN Live Event/special" - Transcript: Interview with Joe Biden Pres. Joe Biden
Aug. 3, 2021 Remarks by President Biden at a Meeting with Latino Community Leaders to Discuss His Economic Agenda, Immigration Reform, and the Need to Protect the Sacred, Constitutional Right to Vote Pres. Joe Biden
May 15, 2022 Tweet - "Jill and I pray for the victims, their families and devastated community from yesterday's mass shooting in Buffalo, New York. Our hearts are heavy once again but our resolve must not waver; we must work together to address the hate that remains a stain on the soul of this nation." Pres. Joe Biden
Sept. 9, 2021 Statement from the President on Withdrawal of David Chipman's Nomination to Lead ATF Pres. Joe Biden
May 17, 2022 Remarks by President Biden Before Air Force One Departure Pres. Joe Biden
May 17, 2022 Remarks by President Biden and First Lady Biden Honoring the Lives Lost in Buffalo, New York, and Calling on All Americans to Condemn White Supremacy Pres. Joe Biden
May 17, 2022 Tweet - "We have to refuse to live in a country where Black people grocery shopping can be gunned down by weapons of war deployed in a racist cause. We have to refuse to live in a country where fear and lies are packaged for power and for profit." Pres. Joe Biden
June 23, 2021 Tweet - "To combat gun violence and violent crime, we're going to: - Stem the flow of firearms - Advance community policing - Invest in evidence-based community violence interventions - Expand summer programming and employment opportunities" Pres. Joe Biden
May 24, 2022 Remarks by President Biden on the School Shooting in Uvalde, Texas Pres. Joe Biden
May 24, 2022 Tweet - "These kinds of mass shootings rarely happen elsewhere in the world. Why are we willing to live with this carnage? Why do we keep letting this happen? Where in God's name is our backbone to have the courage to deal with it? It's time to turn this pain into action." Pres. Joe Biden
May 24, 2022 Tweet - "Tonight, there are parents who will never see their child again. Parents who will never be the same. To lose a child is to have a piece of your soul ripped away forever. I ask the nation to pray for them -- to give them strength in the darkness." Pres. Joe Biden
May 24, 2022 Tweet - "As a nation we must ask: When in God's name will we stand up to the gun lobby? When in God's name will we do what needs to be done? I'm sick and tired of it. We have to act." Pres. Joe Biden
May 25, 2022 Tweet - "We know common sense gun laws can't and won't prevent every tragedy. But we know they work and have a positive impact. When we passed the assault weapons ban -- mass shootings went down. When the law expired -- mass shootings tripled." Pres. Joe Biden
Feb. 14, 2022 Statement by President Biden Four Years After the Parkland Shooting Pres. Joe Biden
July 12, 2021 Remarks by President Biden Discussing His Administration's Comprehensive Strategy to Reduce Gun Crimes Pres. Joe Biden
Feb. 9, 2022 Statement by President Biden on the Introduction of the Violence Against Women Act Reauthorization Act of 2022 Pres. Joe Biden
May 30, 2022 Remarks by President Biden After Marine One Arrival Pres. Joe Biden
May 26, 2022 Tweet - "Congress needs to pass universal background checks, ban assault weapons and high-capacity magazines, and confirm Steve Dettelbach as head of the ATF. It's time to turn this pain into action." Pres. Joe Biden
May 25, 2022 Tweet - "These kinds of mass shootings rarely happen anywhere else in the world. Why are we willing to live with this carnage? Where in God's name is our backbone to have the courage to stand up to the gun lobby? It is time to turn this pain into action." Pres. Joe Biden
July 12, 2021 Tweet - "Gun violence has plagued our nation for too long -- and my Administration is taking action to end it. In that effort, I'm meeting with the Attorney General, law enforcement officials, and local leaders this afternoon to discuss our comprehensive strategy to reduce gun crimes." Pres. Joe Biden
June 23, 2022 Statement by President Biden on Bipartisan Vote to Advance Gun Safety Legislation Pres. Joe Biden
Date Title Politician
June 11, 2022 Tweet - "Today, young people around the country once again march with @AMarch4OurLives to call on Congress to pass commonsense gun safety legislation supported by the majority of Americans and gun owners. I join them by repeating my call to Congress: do something." Pres.Joe Biden
June 23, 2022 Statement by President Joe Biden on Supreme Court Ruling on Guns Pres.Joe Biden
June 3, 2022 Tweet - "We should repeal the liability shield that often protects gun manufacturers from being sued for the death and destruction caused by their weapons. They're the only industry in the country that has this kind of immunity. It's outrageous. It must end." Pres.Joe Biden
June 9, 2022 Tweet - "Fort Hood, Texas in 2009 -- 13 dead, more than 30 injured. Parkland, Florida in 2018 -- 17 dead, 17 injured. Red flag laws could have stopped both shooters." Pres.Joe Biden
June 11, 2022 Tweet - "Congress needs to: - Ban assault weapons and high-capacity magazines - Strengthen background checks - Enact safe storage laws and red flag laws - Repeal gun manufacturers' immunity from liability We can't fail the American people again." Pres.Joe Biden
June 17, 2022 Statement by President Joe Biden on Passage of Delaware Assault Weapons Ban and Other Gun Safety Legislation Pres.Joe Biden
June 2, 2022 Tweet - "Tonight, I'm addressing the nation on the recent tragic mass shootings, and the need for Congress to pass commonsense laws to combat the epidemic of gun violence." Pres.Joe Biden
June 2, 2022 Tweet - "We need to: Ban assault weapons -- and if we can't, then we should raise the age to purchase them from 18 to 21. Ban high-capacity magazines. Strengthen background checks. Enact safe storage laws and red flag laws. Repeal gun manufacturers' immunity from liability." Pres.Joe Biden
June 4, 2021 Tweet - "This Gun Violence Awareness Day, I'm wearing orange in honor of the Americans killed every day by gun violence and the survivors and families living with the consequences. It's a public health epidemic -- and it's time we end it. I urge Congress to take action to save lives." Pres.Joe Biden
June 7, 2022 Tweet - "In 1994, Congress passed a bipartisan assault weapons ban. Nine categories of semi-automatic weapons were included, like AK-47s and AR-15s. In the 10 years it was law, mass shootings went down. After Republicans let the law expire in 2004, mass shootings tripled." Pres.Joe Biden
June 12, 2021 Statement by President Joe Biden on the 5th Anniversary of the Pulse Nightclub Shooting Pres.Joe Biden
July 12, 2021 Tweet - "The surge in gun violence and violent crime over the last year and a half is unacceptable -- and we're carrying out our comprehensive strategy to combat it." Pres.Joe Biden
June 23, 2021 Remarks by President Biden and Attorney General Garland on Gun Crime Prevention Strategy Pres.Joe Biden
June 12, 2022 Tweet - "I want to thank Senator Chris Murphy and the bipartisan group for their gun safety proposal. It does not do everything that I think is needed, but it reflects important steps in the right direction. With bipartisan support, there are no excuses for delay. Let's get this done." Pres.Joe Biden
June 23, 2021 Tweet - "The fact is we've seen a surge in gun violence across the country since the beginning of the pandemic. It's unacceptable -- and we've got to take action to combat it. That's why we're announcing a comprehensive approach to prevent and respond to gun crime and ensure public safety." Pres.Joe Biden
June 2, 2022 Remarks by President Biden on Gun Violence in America Pres.Joe Biden
Oct. 1, 2021 Tweet - "Four years ago today, 60 lives were cut short -- and countless more were forever changed -- in a mass shooting in Las Vegas. Today we remember those lost and reaffirm our commitment to reducing gun violence across the country." Pres.Joe Biden
June 12, 2021 Tweet - "Five years ago, we suffered the deadliest attack affecting the LGBTQ+ community in our history. Within minutes, Pulse Nightclub turned from a place of acceptance and joy to a place of unspeakable pain. As we remember those we lost, we must recommit to honoring them with action." Pres.Joe Biden
Feb. 3, 2022 Tweet - "Every day in this country 316 people are shot and 106 are killed. Enough -- the scourge of gun violence has to end. Today, I traveled to New York City to meet with leaders and discuss how we can work together to reduce gun crime and make our communities safer." Pres.Joe Biden
Feb. 3, 2022 Tweet - "I will keep doing everything I can to make our communities safer, but Congress needs to do its part: - Pass universal background checks - Ban assault weapons and high-capacity magazines - Close loopholes and repeal the liability shield for gun manufacturers" Pres.Joe Biden
June 5, 2022 Tweet - "Why should an ordinary citizen be able to purchase an assault weapon that holds 30-round magazines and fires hundreds of bullets in minutes? The damage was so devastating in Uvalde parents had to do DNA swabs to identify remains of their 9- and 10-year old children. Enough." Pres.Joe Biden
June 6, 2022 Tweet - "Over the last two decades, more school-aged children have died from guns than on-duty police officers and active-duty military combined. Think about that. How much more carnage are we willing to accept? How many more innocent lives must be taken before we say enough?" Pres.Joe Biden
April 3, 2022 Statement by President Joe Biden on the Mass Shooting in Sacramento Pres.Joe Biden
June 17, 2021 Tweet - "Today marks six years since a white supremacist took nine precious lives at Mother Emanuel in an act of domestic terrorism. We must honor their lives with action, including reducing gun violence and addressing domestic terrorism." Pres.Joe Biden
April 11, 2022 Remarks by President Biden Announcing Actions to Fight Gun Crime and His Nominee for ATF Director, Steve Dettelbach Pres.Joe Biden
April 12, 2022 Tweet - "Jill and I are praying for those injured in the New York City subway shooting. We are grateful for the first responders and civilians who jumped into action. My team has been in touch with city officials and we are working to support efforts on the ground." Pres.Joe Biden
July 12, 2021 Tweet - "This afternoon, I met with the Attorney General, law enforcement officials, and local leaders to discuss our comprehensive strategy to reduce gun crimes. We're committed to working together with state and local officials to keep Americans safe." Pres.Joe Biden
April 15, 2022 Tweet - "One year ago, a lone gunman took the lives of eight people -- four of whom were Sikh -- at a FedEx facility in Indianapolis. As we remember those we lost and all those impacted, we must renew our fight to end the epidemic of gun violence in America." Pres.Joe Biden
May 14, 2022 Statement by President Biden on Mass Shooting in Buffalo, New York Pres.Joe Biden
July 21, 2021 CNN "CNN Live Event/special" - Transcript: Interview with Joe Biden Pres.Joe Biden
Aug. 3, 2021 Remarks by President Biden at a Meeting with Latino Community Leaders to Discuss His Economic Agenda, Immigration Reform, and the Need to Protect the Sacred, Constitutional Right to Vote Pres.Joe Biden
May 15, 2022 Tweet - "Jill and I pray for the victims, their families and devastated community from yesterday's mass shooting in Buffalo, New York. Our hearts are heavy once again but our resolve must not waver; we must work together to address the hate that remains a stain on the soul of this nation." Pres.Joe Biden
Sept. 9, 2021 Statement from the President on Withdrawal of David Chipman's Nomination to Lead ATF Pres.Joe Biden
May 17, 2022 Remarks by President Biden Before Air Force One Departure Pres.Joe Biden
May 17, 2022 Remarks by President Biden and First Lady Biden Honoring the Lives Lost in Buffalo, New York, and Calling on All Americans to Condemn White Supremacy Pres.Joe Biden
May 17, 2022 Tweet - "We have to refuse to live in a country where Black people grocery shopping can be gunned down by weapons of war deployed in a racist cause. We have to refuse to live in a country where fear and lies are packaged for power and for profit." Pres.Joe Biden
June 23, 2021 Tweet - "To combat gun violence and violent crime, we're going to: - Stem the flow of firearms - Advance community policing - Invest in evidence-based community violence interventions - Expand summer programming and employment opportunities" Pres.Joe Biden
May 24, 2022 Remarks by President Biden on the School Shooting in Uvalde, Texas Pres.Joe Biden
May 24, 2022 Tweet - "These kinds of mass shootings rarely happen elsewhere in the world. Why are we willing to live with this carnage? Why do we keep letting this happen? Where in God's name is our backbone to have the courage to deal with it? It's time to turn this pain into action." Pres.Joe Biden
May 24, 2022 Tweet - "Tonight, there are parents who will never see their child again. Parents who will never be the same. To lose a child is to have a piece of your soul ripped away forever. I ask the nation to pray for them -- to give them strength in the darkness." Pres.Joe Biden
May 24, 2022 Tweet - "As a nation we must ask: When in God's name will we stand up to the gun lobby? When in God's name will we do what needs to be done? I'm sick and tired of it. We have to act." Pres.Joe Biden
May 25, 2022 Tweet - "We know common sense gun laws can't and won't prevent every tragedy. But we know they work and have a positive impact. When we passed the assault weapons ban -- mass shootings went down. When the law expired -- mass shootings tripled." Pres.Joe Biden
Feb. 14, 2022 Statement by President Biden Four Years After the Parkland Shooting Pres.Joe Biden
July 12, 2021 Remarks by President Biden Discussing His Administration's Comprehensive Strategy to Reduce Gun Crimes Pres.Joe Biden
Feb. 9, 2022 Statement by President Biden on the Introduction of the Violence Against Women Act Reauthorization Act of 2022 Pres.Joe Biden
May 30, 2022 Remarks by President Biden After Marine One Arrival Pres.Joe Biden
May 26, 2022 Tweet - "Congress needs to pass universal background checks, ban assault weapons and high-capacity magazines, and confirm Steve Dettelbach as head of the ATF. It's time to turn this pain into action." Pres.Joe Biden
May 25, 2022 Tweet - "These kinds of mass shootings rarely happen anywhere else in the world. Why are we willing to live with this carnage? Where in God's name is our backbone to have the courage to stand up to the gun lobby? It is time to turn this pain into action." Pres.Joe Biden
July 12, 2021 Tweet - "Gun violence has plagued our nation for too long -- and my Administration is taking action to end it. In that effort, I'm meeting with the Attorney General, law enforcement officials, and local leaders this afternoon to discuss our comprehensive strategy to reduce gun crimes." Pres.Joe Biden
June 23, 2022 Statement by President Biden on Bipartisan Vote to Advance Gun Safety Legislation Pres.Joe Biden
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