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Date Title Politician
Aug. 2, 2023 Thune, Ricketts, Hickenlooper Introduce Bill to Address Seasonal Labor Needs Sen. John Thune
April 25, 2023 Thune, Johnson Introduce Bill to Protect South Dakota Workers and Support Small Businesses Sen. John Thune
April 20, 2023 Thune: Julie Su is the Wrong Choice to Lead the U.S. Department of Labor Sen. John Thune
Dec. 13, 2022 Letter to Martin Walsh, Secretary of Labor - Sens. Braun, Burr, Thune and Rep. Foxx Lead Republican Colleagues in Urging Department of Labor to Protect Independent Contractor Classification Sen. Mike Rounds, ...
June 7, 2022 Letter to Joesph R. Biden, President of the United States - West Coast Ports | Sen. Braun leads 15 Senators & 11 Representatives in follow-up letter to President Biden: "Your Administration does not share the same urgency raised by stakeholders and Congress' on West Coast Ports disaster Sen. John Thune, ...
May 17, 2022 Letter to Martin J. Walsh, Secretary of Labor - Re: Updating the Davis-Bacon Act and Related Regulations Sen. John Thune, ...
March 24, 2022 Rounds, Kaine, Boozman and Hassan Introduce Bipartisan Legislation to Boost Hiring of Military Spouses Sen. Mike Rounds, ...
March 7, 2022 Thune, Scott Introduce Legislation to Combat Workforce Challenges Sen. John Thune, ...
Feb. 10, 2022 Letter to Hon. Alejandro Mayorkas, Secretary of Homeland Security, and Hon. Martin J. Walsh, Secretary of Labor - Warner, Kaine Urge Biden Administration to Ensure Virginia Seafood Processors Receive Necessary Visas Sen. Mike Rounds, ...
Dec. 3, 2021 Tweet - "You know things are bad when you give a 15-minute speech touting a jobs report that CNBC called a "huge miss." Just over 200K new jobs added last month (vs 573K expected). With crisis after crisis looming, Pres. Biden is grasping at straws. It's delusional to claim this as a win." Sen. John Thune
Oct. 28, 2021 Lummis Introduces Legislation Requiring Federal Employees to Return to Work Sen. Mike Rounds, ...
Oct. 7, 2021 Tweet - "Dismal #JobsReport today. U.S. job growth fell to the slowest pace of the year. There are millions of job openings, but Americans are leaving the workforce in staggering numbers. Dem promises of tax hikes & "free everything" isn't helping job growth or rising inflation." Sen. John Thune
Sept. 14, 2021 Tweet - "South Dakotans are shocked at the level of incompetence from this admin as crisis after crisis has piled up under Pres. Biden's watch. The policies of this admin are dangerous. Dangerous for families, dangerous for businesses & workers, & dangerous for our national security." Sen. John Thune
June 28, 2021 Rounds, Braun Introduce the IRS Customer Service Improvement Act Sen. Mike Rounds
May 11, 2021 Tweet - "Today's BLS report showed there were 8.1 million job openings in March, so why were only 266,000 new jobs added in April? Because many Americans are earning more on unemployment than they could in the workforce." Sen. John Thune
May 7, 2021 Tweet - "If you need proof that Democrats' "throw money at the problem" policies don't work, look no further than this morning's jobs report. American ingenuity, hard work, and enterprise drive the economy, not big government spending & handouts." Sen. John Thune
May 7, 2021 Tweet - "The jobs report was so bad this morning @steveliesman @CNBC couldn't believe what he was reading. Dow Jones estimated 1 million new jobs. The reality was 266K. That's more than disappointing. It's abysmal. And it's a direct reflection of Democrats' completely misguided policies." Sen. John Thune
April 28, 2021 Thune Bill to Address Telecommunications Workforce Shortage Clears Key Senate Hurdle Sen. John Thune
April 21, 2021 Thune, Peters Introduce Legislation to Strengthen Future Federal Workforce's Capabilities in Artificial Intelligence Sen. John Thune
April 3, 2021 Tweet - "Help Is Here! Thanks to the #AmericanRescuePlan, we have regained nearly 62% of the 22.2M jobs lost during the pandemic. We're putting vaccines in arms and money in pockets to help get people back in jobs!" Sen. John Thune
April 3, 2021 Tweet - "The March jobs report is resounding evidence that, under @HouseDemocrats & @POTUS, Help Is Here. Over 100M vaccine doses & 100M checks have been delivered and nearly $1 trillion are being put in workers' pockets by the life-saving #AmericanRescuePlan." Sen. John Thune
April 2, 2021 Pelosi Statement on March Jobs Report Sen. John Thune
March 5, 2021 Tweet - "For weeks, I've been talking about how doubling the minimum wage could potentially hurt businesses, and the NY/DC press has attacked me for it every step of the way. Today, EIGHT DEMOCRATS voted against @SenSanders' proposal. Why? Because it's bad policy." Sen. John Thune
March 1, 2021 Thune Reintroduces Bill to Prioritize H-2B Visa Allocation to Low Unemployment States Sen. John Thune
Feb. 26, 2021 Tweet - "Once again, the NY/DC media shows how out of touch they are with the real world. It took 5 years for me to work my way up to cook. The point is there were jobs available. With a $15 min wage, for small-town businesses in the hard-hit travel industry, there won't be." Sen. John Thune
Feb. 24, 2021 Tweet - "I started working by bussing tables at the Star Family Restaurant for $1/hour & slowly moved up to cook -- the big leagues for a kid like me-- to earn $6/hour. Businesses in small towns survive on narrow margins. Mandating a $15 minimum wage would put many of them out of business." Sen. John Thune
Feb. 23, 2021 Tweet - "The so-called "COVID relief" bill (only 10% goes directly to COVID) being pushed through Congress by Dems would raise the minimum wage to $15/hour in all 50 states. This is BAD policy that will cost Americans 1.4 million jobs. Dems must stop pushing these job-killing policies." Sen. John Thune
Feb. 11, 2021 Rounds: $15 Minimum Wage Would Damage Our Economy By Killing 1.4 Million Jobs Sen. Mike Rounds
Feb. 8, 2021 Johnson: Cancelling Keystone Hurts Everyday Americans Rep. Dusty Johnson, ...
Feb. 4, 2021 Tweet - "If Democrats are going to push through more COVID relief on a partisan basis, they should include my fix that would protect health care workers & those working remotely from surprise tax bills." Sen. John Thune
Feb. 4, 2021 Thune Introduces Amendment to Relieve Mobile and Remote Workers of Unfair Tax Burdens Caused by the COVID-19 Pandemic Sen. John Thune
Feb. 3, 2021 Tweet - "I'm focused on making policies that create good-paying jobs. I just announced a bipartisan bill that would help workers get the skills they need to succeed in telecom jobs & also help address workforce shortages that could hinder deployment of #5G & rural broadband -- a win-win." Sen. John Thune
Feb. 2, 2021 Thune, Colleagues Reintroduce Bill to Address the Telecommunications Workforce Shortage Sen. John Thune, ...
Jan. 27, 2021 Tweet - "I've been raising this issue for months. Many workers could be in for a surprise tax bill on tax day -- including many health care heroes who went to COVID hotspots to lend a helping hand. I introduced a bill last Congress to fix this needless problem and plan to do so again." Sen. John Thune
Jan. 21, 2021 Tweet - "Disappointing to see the new admin jump at the first opportunity to eliminate a project that provides high-paying jobs to 11,000 Americans & bolsters energy security. Blocking the Keystone XL pipeline -- after years of work already put in-- is a bad decision. SD delegation letter(Special Character)" Sen. John Thune
Date Title Politician
Aug. 2, 2023 Thune, Ricketts, Hickenlooper Introduce Bill to Address Seasonal Labor Needs Sen.John Thune
April 25, 2023 Thune, Johnson Introduce Bill to Protect South Dakota Workers and Support Small Businesses Sen.John Thune
April 20, 2023 Thune: Julie Su is the Wrong Choice to Lead the U.S. Department of Labor Sen.John Thune
Dec. 13, 2022 Letter to Martin Walsh, Secretary of Labor - Sens. Braun, Burr, Thune and Rep. Foxx Lead Republican Colleagues in Urging Department of Labor to Protect Independent Contractor Classification Sen.Mike Rounds, ...
June 7, 2022 Letter to Joesph R. Biden, President of the United States - West Coast Ports | Sen. Braun leads 15 Senators & 11 Representatives in follow-up letter to President Biden: "Your Administration does not share the same urgency raised by stakeholders and Congress' on West Coast Ports disaster Sen.John Thune, ...
May 17, 2022 Letter to Martin J. Walsh, Secretary of Labor - Re: Updating the Davis-Bacon Act and Related Regulations Sen.John Thune, ...
March 24, 2022 Rounds, Kaine, Boozman and Hassan Introduce Bipartisan Legislation to Boost Hiring of Military Spouses Sen.Mike Rounds, ...
March 7, 2022 Thune, Scott Introduce Legislation to Combat Workforce Challenges Sen.John Thune, ...
Feb. 10, 2022 Letter to Hon. Alejandro Mayorkas, Secretary of Homeland Security, and Hon. Martin J. Walsh, Secretary of Labor - Warner, Kaine Urge Biden Administration to Ensure Virginia Seafood Processors Receive Necessary Visas Sen.Mike Rounds, ...
Dec. 3, 2021 Tweet - "You know things are bad when you give a 15-minute speech touting a jobs report that CNBC called a "huge miss." Just over 200K new jobs added last month (vs 573K expected). With crisis after crisis looming, Pres. Biden is grasping at straws. It's delusional to claim this as a win." Sen.John Thune
Oct. 28, 2021 Lummis Introduces Legislation Requiring Federal Employees to Return to Work Sen.Mike Rounds, ...
Oct. 7, 2021 Tweet - "Dismal #JobsReport today. U.S. job growth fell to the slowest pace of the year. There are millions of job openings, but Americans are leaving the workforce in staggering numbers. Dem promises of tax hikes & "free everything" isn't helping job growth or rising inflation." Sen.John Thune
Sept. 14, 2021 Tweet - "South Dakotans are shocked at the level of incompetence from this admin as crisis after crisis has piled up under Pres. Biden's watch. The policies of this admin are dangerous. Dangerous for families, dangerous for businesses & workers, & dangerous for our national security." Sen.John Thune
June 28, 2021 Rounds, Braun Introduce the IRS Customer Service Improvement Act Sen.Mike Rounds
May 11, 2021 Tweet - "Today's BLS report showed there were 8.1 million job openings in March, so why were only 266,000 new jobs added in April? Because many Americans are earning more on unemployment than they could in the workforce." Sen.John Thune
May 7, 2021 Tweet - "If you need proof that Democrats' "throw money at the problem" policies don't work, look no further than this morning's jobs report. American ingenuity, hard work, and enterprise drive the economy, not big government spending & handouts." Sen.John Thune
May 7, 2021 Tweet - "The jobs report was so bad this morning @steveliesman @CNBC couldn't believe what he was reading. Dow Jones estimated 1 million new jobs. The reality was 266K. That's more than disappointing. It's abysmal. And it's a direct reflection of Democrats' completely misguided policies." Sen.John Thune
April 28, 2021 Thune Bill to Address Telecommunications Workforce Shortage Clears Key Senate Hurdle Sen.John Thune
April 21, 2021 Thune, Peters Introduce Legislation to Strengthen Future Federal Workforce's Capabilities in Artificial Intelligence Sen.John Thune
April 3, 2021 Tweet - "Help Is Here! Thanks to the #AmericanRescuePlan, we have regained nearly 62% of the 22.2M jobs lost during the pandemic. We're putting vaccines in arms and money in pockets to help get people back in jobs!" Sen.John Thune
April 3, 2021 Tweet - "The March jobs report is resounding evidence that, under @HouseDemocrats & @POTUS, Help Is Here. Over 100M vaccine doses & 100M checks have been delivered and nearly $1 trillion are being put in workers' pockets by the life-saving #AmericanRescuePlan." Sen.John Thune
April 2, 2021 Pelosi Statement on March Jobs Report Sen.John Thune
March 5, 2021 Tweet - "For weeks, I've been talking about how doubling the minimum wage could potentially hurt businesses, and the NY/DC press has attacked me for it every step of the way. Today, EIGHT DEMOCRATS voted against @SenSanders' proposal. Why? Because it's bad policy." Sen.John Thune
March 1, 2021 Thune Reintroduces Bill to Prioritize H-2B Visa Allocation to Low Unemployment States Sen.John Thune
Feb. 26, 2021 Tweet - "Once again, the NY/DC media shows how out of touch they are with the real world. It took 5 years for me to work my way up to cook. The point is there were jobs available. With a $15 min wage, for small-town businesses in the hard-hit travel industry, there won't be." Sen.John Thune
Feb. 24, 2021 Tweet - "I started working by bussing tables at the Star Family Restaurant for $1/hour & slowly moved up to cook -- the big leagues for a kid like me-- to earn $6/hour. Businesses in small towns survive on narrow margins. Mandating a $15 minimum wage would put many of them out of business." Sen.John Thune
Feb. 23, 2021 Tweet - "The so-called "COVID relief" bill (only 10% goes directly to COVID) being pushed through Congress by Dems would raise the minimum wage to $15/hour in all 50 states. This is BAD policy that will cost Americans 1.4 million jobs. Dems must stop pushing these job-killing policies." Sen.John Thune
Feb. 11, 2021 Rounds: $15 Minimum Wage Would Damage Our Economy By Killing 1.4 Million Jobs Sen.Mike Rounds
Feb. 8, 2021 Johnson: Cancelling Keystone Hurts Everyday Americans Rep.Dusty Johnson, ...
Feb. 4, 2021 Tweet - "If Democrats are going to push through more COVID relief on a partisan basis, they should include my fix that would protect health care workers & those working remotely from surprise tax bills." Sen.John Thune
Feb. 4, 2021 Thune Introduces Amendment to Relieve Mobile and Remote Workers of Unfair Tax Burdens Caused by the COVID-19 Pandemic Sen.John Thune
Feb. 3, 2021 Tweet - "I'm focused on making policies that create good-paying jobs. I just announced a bipartisan bill that would help workers get the skills they need to succeed in telecom jobs & also help address workforce shortages that could hinder deployment of #5G & rural broadband -- a win-win." Sen.John Thune
Feb. 2, 2021 Thune, Colleagues Reintroduce Bill to Address the Telecommunications Workforce Shortage Sen.John Thune, ...
Jan. 27, 2021 Tweet - "I've been raising this issue for months. Many workers could be in for a surprise tax bill on tax day -- including many health care heroes who went to COVID hotspots to lend a helping hand. I introduced a bill last Congress to fix this needless problem and plan to do so again." Sen.John Thune
Jan. 21, 2021 Tweet - "Disappointing to see the new admin jump at the first opportunity to eliminate a project that provides high-paying jobs to 11,000 Americans & bolsters energy security. Blocking the Keystone XL pipeline -- after years of work already put in-- is a bad decision. SD delegation letter(Special Character)" Sen.John Thune