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Date Title Politician
March 30, 2023 Thune: Bipartisanship and Compromise are Key Pillars That Should be Safeguarded, Not Threatened Sen. John Thune
Jan. 20, 2022 Thune: Democrats' Arrogance of Power is on Full Display in Crusade to Weaken Minority Party Rights Sen. John Thune
Jan. 19, 2022 Tweet: Right now the filibuster is the only thing standing in the way of Democrats passing whatever radical, socialist agenda they want. "Free-everything," Green New Deal-style, debt-exploding bills are on the table. Every American should be watching what Senate Democrats do today. Sen. John Thune
Jan. 13, 2022 Thune: Democrats Continue Their Campaign to Abolish the Filibuster, Break the Senate Sen. John Thune
Jan. 12, 2022 Tweet: Democrats' plan to nuke the filibuster, a lazy shortcut to force through their socialist agenda, would have terrible long-term consequences for our country. All majorities are temporary, and Dems will eventually have to live with the reality they create. Sen. John Thune
Jan. 12, 2022 Thune on Fox News: Desperate Democrats Want to Destroy the Senate Sen. John Thune
Jan. 11, 2022 Thune: Democrats Threaten to Change the Rules if They Can't Get Their Way Sen. John Thune
Jan. 11, 2022 Tweet: The filibuster is a critically important part of our government. It ensures 3 KEY things: 1. The majority of laws are bipartisan 2. Laws that impact Americans' lives aren't changing every few years 3. Americans w/ representatives in the minority party still have a voice in gov't Sen. John Thune
Jan. 5, 2022 Thune: Democrats Want to Change the Rules in the Middle of the Game to Pass Radical Policies Sen. John Thune
Jan. 4, 2022 Tweet: "It'll be a doomsday for democracy." That's how @SenSchumer described eliminating the Senate filibuster when the shoe was on the other foot. Sen. John Thune
July 14, 2021 Texas Sen. John Thune
June 22, 2021 For the People Act of 2021 Sen. John Thune
April 20, 2021 Infrastructure Sen. John Thune
March 25, 2021 Tweet - "POTUS claimed that the filibuster has been "abused in a gigantic way." There have been *zero* filibusters this Congress. So he must be referring to last Congress? Or the one before that? Or the one before that? You know, during the 6 years when Dems filibustered GOP initiatives." Sen. John Thune
March 24, 2021 Tweet - "What's the first bill Dems would likely pass if they break the Senate filibuster rule? A bill to federalize elections, restrict states' rights, & eliminate protections for election integrity." Sen. John Thune
March 24, 2021 Filibuster Sen. John Thune
March 23, 2021 Tweet - "Absolutely true. Americans see through their antics. Democrats are abandoning what's right for a shortsighted power grab, & the policies they could force through would be disastrous." Sen. John Thune
March 23, 2021 Tweet - "Dems loved the filibuster when they were in the minority, & it meant they could have a say in GOP bills. But just a few months into their new majority & they don't want to bother w/ bipartisanship. They want to do whatever they want, whenever they want it." Sen. John Thune
March 23, 2021 Filibuster Sen. John Thune
March 18, 2021 Filibuster Sen. John Thune
Jan. 26, 2021 Tweet - "The page turns quickly in Washington. Less than four years ago, 26 current Democrat senators signed a letter in defense of the filibuster. Now Dems want to strip this protection from Republicans to advance bills that could never get bipartisan support." Sen. John Thune
Jan. 26, 2021 Filibuster Sen. John Thune
Jan. 26, 2021 Tweet - "Sens. Sinema & Manchin are standing by principle. Minority protections (which Dems used for years under a GOP majority) are a vital part of the Senate. Ending the filibuster would make it easier to pass their radical-left agenda but would come at a great cost to bipartisanship." Sen. John Thune
Jan. 25, 2021 Tweet - "Still true (Special Character). The @SenateGOP majority had many opportunities to strip filibuster power from Democrats, but -- despite pressure from many & frustration for ourselves -- we protected the filibuster because we respect the U.S. Senate. Filibuster = more bipartisan bills & cooperation." Sen. John Thune
Date Title Politician
March 30, 2023 Thune: Bipartisanship and Compromise are Key Pillars That Should be Safeguarded, Not Threatened Sen.John Thune
Jan. 20, 2022 Thune: Democrats' Arrogance of Power is on Full Display in Crusade to Weaken Minority Party Rights Sen.John Thune
Jan. 19, 2022 Tweet: Right now the filibuster is the only thing standing in the way of Democrats passing whatever radical, socialist agenda they want. "Free-everything," Green New Deal-style, debt-exploding bills are on the table. Every American should be watching what Senate Democrats do today. Sen.John Thune
Jan. 13, 2022 Thune: Democrats Continue Their Campaign to Abolish the Filibuster, Break the Senate Sen.John Thune
Jan. 12, 2022 Tweet: Democrats' plan to nuke the filibuster, a lazy shortcut to force through their socialist agenda, would have terrible long-term consequences for our country. All majorities are temporary, and Dems will eventually have to live with the reality they create. Sen.John Thune
Jan. 12, 2022 Thune on Fox News: Desperate Democrats Want to Destroy the Senate Sen.John Thune
Jan. 11, 2022 Thune: Democrats Threaten to Change the Rules if They Can't Get Their Way Sen.John Thune
Jan. 11, 2022 Tweet: The filibuster is a critically important part of our government. It ensures 3 KEY things: 1. The majority of laws are bipartisan 2. Laws that impact Americans' lives aren't changing every few years 3. Americans w/ representatives in the minority party still have a voice in gov't Sen.John Thune
Jan. 5, 2022 Thune: Democrats Want to Change the Rules in the Middle of the Game to Pass Radical Policies Sen.John Thune
Jan. 4, 2022 Tweet: "It'll be a doomsday for democracy." That's how @SenSchumer described eliminating the Senate filibuster when the shoe was on the other foot. Sen.John Thune
July 14, 2021 Texas Sen.John Thune
June 22, 2021 For the People Act of 2021 Sen.John Thune
April 20, 2021 Infrastructure Sen.John Thune
March 25, 2021 Tweet - "POTUS claimed that the filibuster has been "abused in a gigantic way." There have been *zero* filibusters this Congress. So he must be referring to last Congress? Or the one before that? Or the one before that? You know, during the 6 years when Dems filibustered GOP initiatives." Sen.John Thune
March 24, 2021 Tweet - "What's the first bill Dems would likely pass if they break the Senate filibuster rule? A bill to federalize elections, restrict states' rights, & eliminate protections for election integrity." Sen.John Thune
March 24, 2021 Filibuster Sen.John Thune
March 23, 2021 Tweet - "Absolutely true. Americans see through their antics. Democrats are abandoning what's right for a shortsighted power grab, & the policies they could force through would be disastrous." Sen.John Thune
March 23, 2021 Tweet - "Dems loved the filibuster when they were in the minority, & it meant they could have a say in GOP bills. But just a few months into their new majority & they don't want to bother w/ bipartisanship. They want to do whatever they want, whenever they want it." Sen.John Thune
March 23, 2021 Filibuster Sen.John Thune
March 18, 2021 Filibuster Sen.John Thune
Jan. 26, 2021 Tweet - "The page turns quickly in Washington. Less than four years ago, 26 current Democrat senators signed a letter in defense of the filibuster. Now Dems want to strip this protection from Republicans to advance bills that could never get bipartisan support." Sen.John Thune
Jan. 26, 2021 Filibuster Sen.John Thune
Jan. 26, 2021 Tweet - "Sens. Sinema & Manchin are standing by principle. Minority protections (which Dems used for years under a GOP majority) are a vital part of the Senate. Ending the filibuster would make it easier to pass their radical-left agenda but would come at a great cost to bipartisanship." Sen.John Thune
Jan. 25, 2021 Tweet - "Still true (Special Character). The @SenateGOP majority had many opportunities to strip filibuster power from Democrats, but -- despite pressure from many & frustration for ourselves -- we protected the filibuster because we respect the U.S. Senate. Filibuster = more bipartisan bills & cooperation." Sen.John Thune