Public Statements

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Date Title Politician
April 21, 2022 Statement by President Biden on Veterans Unemployment Matching Historic Low Pres. Joe Biden
April 20, 2022 Tweet - "If we are going to build America for a future prepared to meet its challenges, we have to strengthen labor unions." Kamala Harris
April 16, 2022 Tweet - "Unemployment is at 3.6%, down from 6.4% when I took office. The fastest decline in unemployment to start a President's term ever recorded." Pres. Joe Biden
April 16, 2022 Tweet - "Last year, we made a historic investment in our nation's infrastructure when we passed the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law. It'll put thousands of union workers, sheet metal workers, carpenters, pipefitters, and plumbers to work across the country to modernize our infrastructure." Kamala Harris
April 15, 2022 Tweet - "We created 365,000 new manufacturing jobs in America just last year. The best year for U.S. manufacturing jobs in nearly 30 years. Good-paying jobs. Jobs you can raise a family on. Jobs that can't be outsourced." Pres. Joe Biden
April 15, 2022 Statement from President Biden on State Unemployment Rates Pres. Joe Biden
April 15, 2022 Tweet - "Today, we learned that in March, twelve states hit record low unemployment. More families than ever before -- in states from Alaska to Wisconsin -- have a little more breathing room. We're not letting up." Pres. Joe Biden
April 14, 2022 Tweet - "Unions bring people together, protect workers from harassment and discrimination, and give workers a voice. They move our nation forward. When unions win, America wins." Kamala Harris
April 14, 2022 Tweet - "American manufacturing is coming back. And when we build more in America, it increases our economic capacity and helps lower everyday prices for families." Pres. Joe Biden
Date Title Politician
April 21, 2022 Statement by President Biden on Veterans Unemployment Matching Historic Low Pres.Joe Biden
April 20, 2022 Tweet - "If we are going to build America for a future prepared to meet its challenges, we have to strengthen labor unions." Kamala Harris
April 16, 2022 Tweet - "Unemployment is at 3.6%, down from 6.4% when I took office. The fastest decline in unemployment to start a President's term ever recorded." Pres.Joe Biden
April 16, 2022 Tweet - "Last year, we made a historic investment in our nation's infrastructure when we passed the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law. It'll put thousands of union workers, sheet metal workers, carpenters, pipefitters, and plumbers to work across the country to modernize our infrastructure." Kamala Harris
April 15, 2022 Tweet - "We created 365,000 new manufacturing jobs in America just last year. The best year for U.S. manufacturing jobs in nearly 30 years. Good-paying jobs. Jobs you can raise a family on. Jobs that can't be outsourced." Pres.Joe Biden
April 15, 2022 Statement from President Biden on State Unemployment Rates Pres.Joe Biden
April 15, 2022 Tweet - "Today, we learned that in March, twelve states hit record low unemployment. More families than ever before -- in states from Alaska to Wisconsin -- have a little more breathing room. We're not letting up." Pres.Joe Biden
April 14, 2022 Tweet - "Unions bring people together, protect workers from harassment and discrimination, and give workers a voice. They move our nation forward. When unions win, America wins." Kamala Harris
April 14, 2022 Tweet - "American manufacturing is coming back. And when we build more in America, it increases our economic capacity and helps lower everyday prices for families." Pres.Joe Biden