Public Statements

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Date Title Politician
Feb. 9, 2024 Sanders Urges Colleagues to Vote "NO" on Sending $14 Billion to Fund Netanyahu's Horrific War Sen. Bernie Sanders
Feb. 7, 2024 Sanders, "I will vote NO on any bill containing offensive military aid to Netanyahu" Sen. Bernie Sanders
Jan. 22, 2024 Sanders and Colleagues Introduce Legislation to Combat Corporate Greed and End Outrageous CEO Pay Sen. Bernie Sanders
Jan. 22, 2024 Sanders and Colleagues Introduce Legislation to Combat Corporate Greed and End Outrageous CEO Pay Sen. Bernie Sanders
Jan. 20, 2024 Sanders Statement on Netanyahu's Recent Comments Rejecting Two-State Solution Sen. Bernie Sanders
Dec. 5, 2023 Sanders Sends Dear Colleague Letter Expressing Serious Concerns Over $110.5 Billion Foreign Aid Bill Ahead of Wednesday Vote Sen. Bernie Sanders
Nov. 15, 2023 Chairman Sanders Delivers Senate Floor Speech in Defense of Student Debt Relief Sen. Bernie Sanders
Oct. 3, 2023 Warren, Whitehouse, Van Hollen, Sanders Urge Treasury to Use Rulemaking Authority to Close Loopholes, Make Tax System Fairer Sen. Bernie Sanders
Sept. 30, 2023 NEWS: Sanders Statement on Vote to Avert Shutdown Sen. Bernie Sanders
June 21, 2023 NEWS: Sanders, Grassley and Colleagues Make Bipartisan Push to Audit the Pentagon and End Wasteful Spending Sen. Bernie Sanders
May 31, 2023 NEWS: Sanders to Vote "No' on Debt Ceiling Deal Sen. Bernie Sanders
May 25, 2023 NEWS: Sanders, Braun, Grassley, Warren, Wyden Send Letter to Secretary of Defense Urging Investigation of Price Gouging by U.S. Defense Contractors Sen. Bernie Sanders
May 18, 2023 NEWS: As Republicans Demand Major Cuts to Hurt Working Americans, 11 Senate Democrats Urge President Biden to Prepare to Invoke the 14th Amendment to Avoid Default Sen. Bernie Sanders
April 30, 2023 State of the Union: Interview With Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) Sen. Bernie Sanders
April 18, 2023 NEWS: As Republicans Move to Provide a $1.8 Trillion Tax Giveaway to Billionaires, Sanders Introduces Bill to Make the Wealthy Pay Their Fair Share Sen. Bernie Sanders
March 16, 2023 Murray, 20 Colleagues to IRS and Treasury: Use New IRS Funding to Protect Taxpayer Rights and Increase Tax Enforcement on High-Income Individuals and Large Corporations Sen. Bernie Sanders, ...
Feb. 16, 2023 Senator Baldwin Calls on HHS to Release Remaining $1.5 Billion in LIHEAP Funding to Help Wisconsin Families Afford Energy Bills Sen. Peter Welch, ...
Jan. 17, 2023 PREPARED REMARKS: Sanders Delivers "State of the Working Class" Speech Sen. Bernie Sanders
Jan. 13, 2023 NEWS: GAO Study Finds 34% of Large, Profitable Corporations Pay Zero in Federal Income Taxes Sen. Bernie Sanders
Nov. 1, 2022 Tweet - "Oil Profits So Far This Year Exxon:⬆️203% to $43 billion Chevron:⬆️175% to $29 billion BP:⬆️161% to $22.8 billion Shell:⬆️133% to $30 billion Big Oil is using the war in Ukraine as an excuse to make obscene profits by jacking up gas prices. Yes. We need a windfall profits tax." Sen. Bernie Sanders
Oct. 31, 2022 Letter to Nancy Pelosi, Speaker of the House, Chuck Schumer, Senate Majority Leader - More Than 30 House Democrats Urge Leadership to Undo Threat Posed by Debt Ceiling Sen. Peter Welch, ...
Oct. 27, 2022 Tweet - "The 158-member House Republican Study Committee released a budget this year to: -Cut Social Security by $729 billion -Cut Medicare by $2.8 trillion -Give a tax break of up to $1.75 trillion to billionaires This is not how you improve the economy. This is how you make it worse." Sen. Bernie Sanders
Oct. 6, 2022 Letter to Shalanda Young, Director of the Office of Budget and Management - Senator Baldwin Leads 117 Members of Congress in Asking the Biden Administration to Request Budget Funding that Adequately Reflects the President's Priority to Advance LGBTQI+ Rights Around the World Sen. Peter Welch, ...
Sept. 27, 2022 NEWS: Sanders Statement on Removal of Big Oil's Side Deal from Government Funding Legislation Sen. Bernie Sanders
Sept. 3, 2022 Tweet - "If we can afford to give out tax breaks for the rich and large corporations, we can afford to address the needs of the working class. Period." Sen. Bernie Sanders
Aug. 27, 2022 Tweet - "Never Forget: 83% of the Trump tax breaks are going to the top 1%. 87% of Biden's student loan benefits are going to individuals making $75,000 or less and 0% are going to the top 1%. Yes. It's about time we stood up for working class families." Sen. Bernie Sanders
Aug. 24, 2022 Leahy, Sanders, Welch And Scott Announce $5.8 Million In Northern Border Regional Commission Grants For 14 Vermont Communities Sen. Peter Welch, ...
Aug. 15, 2022 Letter to Hon. Charles P. Rettig, Commissioner of the IRS - Manchin Leads Bipartisan, Bicameral Letter Urging IRS to Clear Backlogs, Address Customer Service Issues Sen. Bernie Sanders, ...
Aug. 10, 2022 Letter to Isabel Guzman, Administrator of the Small Business Administration - Cortez Masto Calls on Administration to Release Unspent COVID Relief Funds to Restaurants Sen. Bernie Sanders, ...
July 29, 2022 Tweet - "While you were feeling pain at the pump, Shell, Exxon, and Chevron raked in $46 BILLION in profits over the last three months and said they would spend up to $47 billion on stock buybacks after spending $18.8 billion so far this year. Yes, it's time for a windfall profits tax." Sen. Bernie Sanders
July 27, 2022 Tweet - "LIVE: My colleagues often say they're concerned about the deficit. Well, if they're really concerned, let us not give a $76 billion blank check to the highly profitable microchip industry with no protections at all for the American taxpayer." Sen. Bernie Sanders
July 26, 2022 Tweet - "When it comes to giving blank checks to profitable microchip companies, some of my colleagues think we should just "join the club" and do what other countries are doing. Well, there are a few other clubs I think we should join instead." Sen. Bernie Sanders
July 14, 2022 Letter to Janet Yellen, Secretary of the Treasury, Charles Rettig, Commissioner of the Internal Revenue Service - Menendez, Colleagues Urge Irs to Extend Filing Deadline for Itin Filers Affected by Processing Delays Sen. Bernie Sanders, ...
June 25, 2022 Tweet - "Big Oil's 1st Quarter Profit in 2022: $35 billion Average Price of Gas today: $4.91 Big Oil's 1st Quarter Profit in 2019: $13.8 billion Average Gas Price: $2.69 Big Oil's 1st Quarter Profit in 2015: $13.1 billion Average Gas Price: $2.41 Yes. We need a windfall profits tax." Sen. Bernie Sanders
June 15, 2022 Tweet - "President Biden is absolutely right. The big oil companies are making obscene profits gouging working Americans at an unprecedented level. Democrats in Congress should support the president's fight against their greed and enact a windfall profits tax NOW." Sen. Bernie Sanders
June 2, 2022 Tweet - "The time for endless talk is over. We must vote on Build Back Better THIS MONTH. Let those who are opposed explain why. The vast majority in our caucus deserve a chance to show they can stand up to powerful special interests and represent working families. We must vote NOW." Sen. Bernie Sanders
May 26, 2022 Letter to Chairman Smith, Chairman Reed, Ranking Member Rogers, and Ranking Member Inhofe - Closure of Guantanamo Bay Through NDAA Sen. Peter Welch, ...
May 19, 2022 Tweet - "This is what a rigged and corrupt system looks like. Effective Tax Rate: 0.1%: Warren Buffett worth $111 billion 1.1%: Jeff Bezos worth $131 billion 1.8% Mike Bloomberg worth $82 billion 2.1%: Elon Musk worth $210 billion 13.5%: Registered Nurse Yes. It's time to #TaxTheRich" Sen. Bernie Sanders
May 14, 2022 Tweet - "No, Mr. Bezos. Disinformation is Amazon spreading anti-union propaganda & forcing workers to attend illegal captive audience meetings. Disinformation is Amazon blaming a 17% price increase on "inflation" while making a record $35 billion in profits & avoiding $5 billion in taxes." Sen. Bernie Sanders
May 10, 2022 Letter to Jeanne Shaheen, Chair of the Senate Subcommittee on Commerce, Justice, Science, and Related Agencies, Jerry Moran, Ranking Member of the Senate Subcommittee on Commerce, Justice, Science, and Related Agencies - Padilla, Durbin Lead Colleagues in Advocating for Funding for DOJ's Newly Established Office of Environmental Justice Sen. Bernie Sanders, ...
May 6, 2022 Letter to Tammy Baldwin, Chair of the Senate Appropriations Committee Subcommittee on Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administration, and Other Related Agencies; and John Hoeven, Ranking Member of the Senate Appropriations Committee Subcommittee on Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administration, and Other Related Agencies - Sen. Bernie Sanders, ...
April 29, 2022 Letter to Matt Cartwright, Chairman of the Subcommittee on Commerce, Justice, Science, and Related Agencies, and Robert Aderholt, Ranking Member of the Subcommittee on Commerce, Justice, Science, and Related Agencies - To Improve Public Safety, We Must Better Support Local Law Enforcement Sen. Peter Welch, ...
April 27, 2022 Letter to Rosa DeLauro, Chair of the House Labor, HHS, and Education Subcommittee, Tom Cole, Ranking Member of the House Labor, HHS, and Education Subcommittee, David Price, Chair of the House Transportation-HUD Subcommittee, Mario Diaz-Balart, Ranking Member of the House Transportation-HUD Subcommittee - Representatives Cicilline, Moore, Katko Lead Call for Increased Funding for Federal Lead Poisoning Prevention Efforts Sen. Peter Welch, ...
April 27, 2022 Tweet - "Federal Income Taxes Paid in 2021: $0: AT&T $0: AIG $0: Dow $0: Charter Communications $0: Salesforce $0: Duke Energy $0: Kinder Morgan Combined profits: $55.6 billion But we're told inflation is rising because a worker got a 50 cent raise & a $1,400 check. #TaxTheRich" Sen. Bernie Sanders
April 18, 2022 Tweet - "If you paid $1 In federal income taxes, you paid more in taxes than: AT&T in 2021 Tesla in 2021 Amazon in 2017-2018 Nike in 2020 FedEx in 2020 Dish Network in 2020 Elon Musk in 2018 Jeff Bezos in 2007 & 2011 Carl Icahn in 2016-2017 Yes. It's time to tax the rich." Sen. Bernie Sanders
April 12, 2022 Tweet - "The Congressional Budget Office, run by a Republican, estimated that Medicare for All could save the American people $650 billion each year while Yale estimated that Medicare for All could save 68,000 lives each year." Sen. Bernie Sanders
April 11, 2022 Tweet - "If 700 U.S. billionaires could become nearly $2 trillion richer during the pandemic and Trump could provide over $1 trillion in tax breaks to the top 1% and profitable corporations, please don't tell me we can't cancel all $1.8 trillion in student debt for 45 million Americans." Sen. Bernie Sanders
April 7, 2022 NEWS: Rep. Jamaal Bowman Introduces The Ending Corporate Greed Act alongside Senator Bernie Sanders Sen. Bernie Sanders, ...
April 5, 2022 Tweet - "Enough is enough. The American people are sick of large corporations making record profits as millions are living paycheck to paycheck. Join me TODAY at 11 a.m. ET for a hearing in the Budget Committee to discuss how corporate greed and profiteering are fueling inflation." Sen. Bernie Sanders
March 28, 2022 NEWS: Senate Budget Committee Chairman Sanders Statement on President Biden's FY 2023 Budget Proposal Sen. Bernie Sanders
March 28, 2022 Senate Budget Committee Chairman Sanders Statement on President Biden's Budget Proposal Sen. Bernie Sanders
March 27, 2022 Tweet - "When we talk about oligarchy in America we are talking about 700 billionaires who became nearly $2 trillion richer during the pandemic & pay a lower tax rate than a nurse while the child poverty rate soared by 41% in January because the expanded Child Tax Credit ended." Sen. Bernie Sanders
March 23, 2022 Chairman Sanders Announces Budget Committee Hearing on President Biden's FY 2023 Budget Sen. Bernie Sanders
March 15, 2022 Tweet - "Why is the price of oil LOWER today than it was in 2014 while the average price for a gallon of gas nationwide is 80 cents a gallon HIGHER than it was eight years ago? Answer: Corporate greed. Now is no time for profiteering. Now is the time for a windfall profits tax." Sen. Bernie Sanders
March 14, 2022 Letter to the Commission on Planning, Programming, Budgeting and Execution Reform - Grassley Pushes For Financial Management Oversight At Department Of Defense Sen. Bernie Sanders, ...
March 12, 2022 Tweet - "If we can spend $782 billion on the military industrial complex and handout $52 billion in corporate welfare to the profitable micro-chip industry, please do not tell me we cannot afford Medicare for All during a pandemic or the Green New Deal during a climate emergency." Sen. Bernie Sanders
March 3, 2022 Letter to Tom Vilsack, Secretary of Agriculture - Warner & Kaine Urge Changes to SNAP Benefits Guidance to Address Food Insecurity among Students Sen. Peter Welch, ...
Feb. 28, 2022 Tweet - "Starbucks could give every one of its 383,000 workers a $5,000 bonus & still keep $2.6 billion in profits from last year. Instead they're raising prices while spending $20 billion on stock buybacks & dividends when profits are up 31%. Don't blame inflation. Blame corporate greed." Sen. Bernie Sanders
Feb. 18, 2022 Letter to Patrick Leahy, Chairman of the Senate Appropriations Committee, Richard Shelby, Vice Chair of the Senate Appropriations Committee - Duckworth, Cramer, Casey Lead Bipartisan Call for Diaper Banks Funding in Final FY2022 Appropriations Package Sen. Bernie Sanders, ...
Feb. 17, 2022 Letter to Patrick Leahy, Chair of the Senate Appropriations Committee, Richard Shelby, Vice-Chair of the Senate Appropriations Committee, Tammy Baldwin, Chair of the Senate Subcommittee on Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administration, and Related Agencies, John Hoeven, Ranking Member of the Senate Subcommittee on Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administration, and Related Agencies - Van Hollen, Peters Call for $3 Million in Funding for PAWS Act Sen. Bernie Sanders, ...
Feb. 17, 2022 Letter to Hon. Charles P. Rettig, Commissioner of the IRS - Warner Continues Push to Address IRS Issues Facing Taxpayers Sen. Bernie Sanders, ...
Feb. 16, 2022 Letter to Hon. Joseph Biden, President of the United States - Kaine Joins Colleagues in Urging President Biden to Prioritize Funding to Improve Election Administration in the President's Budget for Fiscal Year 2023 Sen. Bernie Sanders, ...
Feb. 11, 2022 Letter to Hon. Deb Haaland, Secretary of the Interior, Hon. Tom Vilsack, Secretary of Agriculture, Hon. Brenda Mallory, Chair of the Council on Environmental Quality, and Hon. Shalanda Young, Acting Director of the Office of Management and Budget - Congressman Neguse Leads Push To Increase Land And Water Conservation Funding In Next Year's Budget Sen. Peter Welch, ...
Jan. 31, 2022 Tweet - "The American people want the big money industries to start paying their fair share of taxes. They understand that it is absurd that 2 people own more wealth than the bottom 40%, and that the gap between the very rich and everyone else is wider than it has been in 100 years." Sen. Bernie Sanders
Jan. 20, 2022 Letter to Charles P. Rettig, Commissioner of the Internal Revenue Service - Meng Calls on Head of IRS to Reduce Large Backlog of Tax Returns Sen. Peter Welch, ...
Jan. 14, 2022 Letter to Charles Rettig, Commissioner of the IRS -SWALWELL LEADS DEMOCRATS IN PUSHING FOR IRS TO RESOLVE TAX RETURN BACKLOG Sen. Peter Welch, ...
Jan. 14, 2022 Letter to Charles P. Rettig, Commissioner of the Internal Revenue Service - Congresswoman Stansbury Calls on IRS to Resolve Tax Return Backlog Sen. Peter Welch, ...
Dec. 27, 2021 Tweet - "The expansion of the child tax credit this year has reduced child poverty in America by 40%. Incredible! But, if Build Back Better is not passed, that provision will soon expire and millions of children will be plunged back into poverty. Pathetic!" Sen. Bernie Sanders
Dec. 2, 2021 Tweet - "The bottom line is you can't talk about demanding the wealthy pay their fair share of taxes, and then give large tax breaks to millionaires. It's just too much hypocrisy." Sen. Bernie Sanders
Nov. 30, 2021 Tweet - "Let's be clear. The problem is not the worker who got a small raise & a $1,400 check 7 months ago. The problem is corporations making record-breaking profits while 700 billionaires became $2 trillion richer during the pandemic. We need an economy that works for all, not the 1%." Sen. Bernie Sanders
Nov. 29, 2021 Tweet - "What if instead of helping billionaires fund their space hobby, we invested in working people here on Earth?" Sen. Bernie Sanders
Nov. 27, 2021 Tweet - "It is expensive to raise kids, and working class parents are struggling. By expanding the Child Tax Credit we have helped millions of families and are cutting childhood poverty by 45%. A great accomplishment. Yet, not one Republican will vote to extend that program. Pathetic." Sen. Bernie Sanders
Nov. 23, 2021 Tweet - "Am I supposed to be impressed that billionaires are going to space while they've paid zero in federal income taxes some years? Nope. It's time to invest in working people here on Earth." Sen. Bernie Sanders
Nov. 22, 2021 Tweet - "Let me be clear: the rich do not need more tax breaks." Sen. Bernie Sanders
Nov. 22, 2021 Tweet - "My colleagues seem to be so concerned with the deficit when it comes to addressing the needs of working people, but all of a sudden forget about the deficit when we're talking about an annual defense budget of $778 BILLION. What hypocrisy." Sen. Bernie Sanders
Date Title Politician
Feb. 9, 2024 Sanders Urges Colleagues to Vote "NO" on Sending $14 Billion to Fund Netanyahu's Horrific War Sen.Bernie Sanders
Feb. 7, 2024 Sanders, "I will vote NO on any bill containing offensive military aid to Netanyahu" Sen.Bernie Sanders
Jan. 22, 2024 Sanders and Colleagues Introduce Legislation to Combat Corporate Greed and End Outrageous CEO Pay Sen.Bernie Sanders
Jan. 22, 2024 Sanders and Colleagues Introduce Legislation to Combat Corporate Greed and End Outrageous CEO Pay Sen.Bernie Sanders
Jan. 20, 2024 Sanders Statement on Netanyahu's Recent Comments Rejecting Two-State Solution Sen.Bernie Sanders
Dec. 5, 2023 Sanders Sends Dear Colleague Letter Expressing Serious Concerns Over $110.5 Billion Foreign Aid Bill Ahead of Wednesday Vote Sen.Bernie Sanders
Nov. 15, 2023 Chairman Sanders Delivers Senate Floor Speech in Defense of Student Debt Relief Sen.Bernie Sanders
Oct. 3, 2023 Warren, Whitehouse, Van Hollen, Sanders Urge Treasury to Use Rulemaking Authority to Close Loopholes, Make Tax System Fairer Sen.Bernie Sanders
Sept. 30, 2023 NEWS: Sanders Statement on Vote to Avert Shutdown Sen.Bernie Sanders
June 21, 2023 NEWS: Sanders, Grassley and Colleagues Make Bipartisan Push to Audit the Pentagon and End Wasteful Spending Sen.Bernie Sanders
May 31, 2023 NEWS: Sanders to Vote "No' on Debt Ceiling Deal Sen.Bernie Sanders
May 25, 2023 NEWS: Sanders, Braun, Grassley, Warren, Wyden Send Letter to Secretary of Defense Urging Investigation of Price Gouging by U.S. Defense Contractors Sen.Bernie Sanders
May 18, 2023 NEWS: As Republicans Demand Major Cuts to Hurt Working Americans, 11 Senate Democrats Urge President Biden to Prepare to Invoke the 14th Amendment to Avoid Default Sen.Bernie Sanders
April 30, 2023 State of the Union: Interview With Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) Sen.Bernie Sanders
April 18, 2023 NEWS: As Republicans Move to Provide a $1.8 Trillion Tax Giveaway to Billionaires, Sanders Introduces Bill to Make the Wealthy Pay Their Fair Share Sen.Bernie Sanders
March 16, 2023 Murray, 20 Colleagues to IRS and Treasury: Use New IRS Funding to Protect Taxpayer Rights and Increase Tax Enforcement on High-Income Individuals and Large Corporations Sen.Bernie Sanders, ...
Feb. 16, 2023 Senator Baldwin Calls on HHS to Release Remaining $1.5 Billion in LIHEAP Funding to Help Wisconsin Families Afford Energy Bills Sen.Peter Welch, ...
Jan. 17, 2023 PREPARED REMARKS: Sanders Delivers "State of the Working Class" Speech Sen.Bernie Sanders
Jan. 13, 2023 NEWS: GAO Study Finds 34% of Large, Profitable Corporations Pay Zero in Federal Income Taxes Sen.Bernie Sanders
Nov. 1, 2022 Tweet - "Oil Profits So Far This Year Exxon:⬆️203% to $43 billion Chevron:⬆️175% to $29 billion BP:⬆️161% to $22.8 billion Shell:⬆️133% to $30 billion Big Oil is using the war in Ukraine as an excuse to make obscene profits by jacking up gas prices. Yes. We need a windfall profits tax." Sen.Bernie Sanders
Oct. 31, 2022 Letter to Nancy Pelosi, Speaker of the House, Chuck Schumer, Senate Majority Leader - More Than 30 House Democrats Urge Leadership to Undo Threat Posed by Debt Ceiling Sen.Peter Welch, ...
Oct. 27, 2022 Tweet - "The 158-member House Republican Study Committee released a budget this year to: -Cut Social Security by $729 billion -Cut Medicare by $2.8 trillion -Give a tax break of up to $1.75 trillion to billionaires This is not how you improve the economy. This is how you make it worse." Sen.Bernie Sanders
Oct. 6, 2022 Letter to Shalanda Young, Director of the Office of Budget and Management - Senator Baldwin Leads 117 Members of Congress in Asking the Biden Administration to Request Budget Funding that Adequately Reflects the President's Priority to Advance LGBTQI+ Rights Around the World Sen.Peter Welch, ...
Sept. 27, 2022 NEWS: Sanders Statement on Removal of Big Oil's Side Deal from Government Funding Legislation Sen.Bernie Sanders
Sept. 3, 2022 Tweet - "If we can afford to give out tax breaks for the rich and large corporations, we can afford to address the needs of the working class. Period." Sen.Bernie Sanders
Aug. 27, 2022 Tweet - "Never Forget: 83% of the Trump tax breaks are going to the top 1%. 87% of Biden's student loan benefits are going to individuals making $75,000 or less and 0% are going to the top 1%. Yes. It's about time we stood up for working class families." Sen.Bernie Sanders
Aug. 24, 2022 Leahy, Sanders, Welch And Scott Announce $5.8 Million In Northern Border Regional Commission Grants For 14 Vermont Communities Sen.Peter Welch, ...
Aug. 15, 2022 Letter to Hon. Charles P. Rettig, Commissioner of the IRS - Manchin Leads Bipartisan, Bicameral Letter Urging IRS to Clear Backlogs, Address Customer Service Issues Sen.Bernie Sanders, ...
Aug. 10, 2022 Letter to Isabel Guzman, Administrator of the Small Business Administration - Cortez Masto Calls on Administration to Release Unspent COVID Relief Funds to Restaurants Sen.Bernie Sanders, ...
July 29, 2022 Tweet - "While you were feeling pain at the pump, Shell, Exxon, and Chevron raked in $46 BILLION in profits over the last three months and said they would spend up to $47 billion on stock buybacks after spending $18.8 billion so far this year. Yes, it's time for a windfall profits tax." Sen.Bernie Sanders
July 27, 2022 Tweet - "LIVE: My colleagues often say they're concerned about the deficit. Well, if they're really concerned, let us not give a $76 billion blank check to the highly profitable microchip industry with no protections at all for the American taxpayer." Sen.Bernie Sanders
July 26, 2022 Tweet - "When it comes to giving blank checks to profitable microchip companies, some of my colleagues think we should just "join the club" and do what other countries are doing. Well, there are a few other clubs I think we should join instead." Sen.Bernie Sanders
July 14, 2022 Letter to Janet Yellen, Secretary of the Treasury, Charles Rettig, Commissioner of the Internal Revenue Service - Menendez, Colleagues Urge Irs to Extend Filing Deadline for Itin Filers Affected by Processing Delays Sen.Bernie Sanders, ...
June 25, 2022 Tweet - "Big Oil's 1st Quarter Profit in 2022: $35 billion Average Price of Gas today: $4.91 Big Oil's 1st Quarter Profit in 2019: $13.8 billion Average Gas Price: $2.69 Big Oil's 1st Quarter Profit in 2015: $13.1 billion Average Gas Price: $2.41 Yes. We need a windfall profits tax." Sen.Bernie Sanders
June 15, 2022 Tweet - "President Biden is absolutely right. The big oil companies are making obscene profits gouging working Americans at an unprecedented level. Democrats in Congress should support the president's fight against their greed and enact a windfall profits tax NOW." Sen.Bernie Sanders
June 2, 2022 Tweet - "The time for endless talk is over. We must vote on Build Back Better THIS MONTH. Let those who are opposed explain why. The vast majority in our caucus deserve a chance to show they can stand up to powerful special interests and represent working families. We must vote NOW." Sen.Bernie Sanders
May 26, 2022 Letter to Chairman Smith, Chairman Reed, Ranking Member Rogers, and Ranking Member Inhofe - Closure of Guantanamo Bay Through NDAA Sen.Peter Welch, ...
May 19, 2022 Tweet - "This is what a rigged and corrupt system looks like. Effective Tax Rate: 0.1%: Warren Buffett worth $111 billion 1.1%: Jeff Bezos worth $131 billion 1.8% Mike Bloomberg worth $82 billion 2.1%: Elon Musk worth $210 billion 13.5%: Registered Nurse Yes. It's time to #TaxTheRich" Sen.Bernie Sanders
May 14, 2022 Tweet - "No, Mr. Bezos. Disinformation is Amazon spreading anti-union propaganda & forcing workers to attend illegal captive audience meetings. Disinformation is Amazon blaming a 17% price increase on "inflation" while making a record $35 billion in profits & avoiding $5 billion in taxes." Sen.Bernie Sanders
May 10, 2022 Letter to Jeanne Shaheen, Chair of the Senate Subcommittee on Commerce, Justice, Science, and Related Agencies, Jerry Moran, Ranking Member of the Senate Subcommittee on Commerce, Justice, Science, and Related Agencies - Padilla, Durbin Lead Colleagues in Advocating for Funding for DOJ's Newly Established Office of Environmental Justice Sen.Bernie Sanders, ...
May 6, 2022 Letter to Tammy Baldwin, Chair of the Senate Appropriations Committee Subcommittee on Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administration, and Other Related Agencies; and John Hoeven, Ranking Member of the Senate Appropriations Committee Subcommittee on Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administration, and Other Related Agencies - Sen.Bernie Sanders, ...
April 29, 2022 Letter to Matt Cartwright, Chairman of the Subcommittee on Commerce, Justice, Science, and Related Agencies, and Robert Aderholt, Ranking Member of the Subcommittee on Commerce, Justice, Science, and Related Agencies - To Improve Public Safety, We Must Better Support Local Law Enforcement Sen.Peter Welch, ...
April 27, 2022 Letter to Rosa DeLauro, Chair of the House Labor, HHS, and Education Subcommittee, Tom Cole, Ranking Member of the House Labor, HHS, and Education Subcommittee, David Price, Chair of the House Transportation-HUD Subcommittee, Mario Diaz-Balart, Ranking Member of the House Transportation-HUD Subcommittee - Representatives Cicilline, Moore, Katko Lead Call for Increased Funding for Federal Lead Poisoning Prevention Efforts Sen.Peter Welch, ...
April 27, 2022 Tweet - "Federal Income Taxes Paid in 2021: $0: AT&T $0: AIG $0: Dow $0: Charter Communications $0: Salesforce $0: Duke Energy $0: Kinder Morgan Combined profits: $55.6 billion But we're told inflation is rising because a worker got a 50 cent raise & a $1,400 check. #TaxTheRich" Sen.Bernie Sanders
April 18, 2022 Tweet - "If you paid $1 In federal income taxes, you paid more in taxes than: AT&T in 2021 Tesla in 2021 Amazon in 2017-2018 Nike in 2020 FedEx in 2020 Dish Network in 2020 Elon Musk in 2018 Jeff Bezos in 2007 & 2011 Carl Icahn in 2016-2017 Yes. It's time to tax the rich." Sen.Bernie Sanders
April 12, 2022 Tweet - "The Congressional Budget Office, run by a Republican, estimated that Medicare for All could save the American people $650 billion each year while Yale estimated that Medicare for All could save 68,000 lives each year." Sen.Bernie Sanders
April 11, 2022 Tweet - "If 700 U.S. billionaires could become nearly $2 trillion richer during the pandemic and Trump could provide over $1 trillion in tax breaks to the top 1% and profitable corporations, please don't tell me we can't cancel all $1.8 trillion in student debt for 45 million Americans." Sen.Bernie Sanders
April 7, 2022 NEWS: Rep. Jamaal Bowman Introduces The Ending Corporate Greed Act alongside Senator Bernie Sanders Sen.Bernie Sanders, ...
April 5, 2022 Tweet - "Enough is enough. The American people are sick of large corporations making record profits as millions are living paycheck to paycheck. Join me TODAY at 11 a.m. ET for a hearing in the Budget Committee to discuss how corporate greed and profiteering are fueling inflation." Sen.Bernie Sanders
March 28, 2022 NEWS: Senate Budget Committee Chairman Sanders Statement on President Biden's FY 2023 Budget Proposal Sen.Bernie Sanders
March 28, 2022 Senate Budget Committee Chairman Sanders Statement on President Biden's Budget Proposal Sen.Bernie Sanders
March 27, 2022 Tweet - "When we talk about oligarchy in America we are talking about 700 billionaires who became nearly $2 trillion richer during the pandemic & pay a lower tax rate than a nurse while the child poverty rate soared by 41% in January because the expanded Child Tax Credit ended." Sen.Bernie Sanders
March 23, 2022 Chairman Sanders Announces Budget Committee Hearing on President Biden's FY 2023 Budget Sen.Bernie Sanders
March 15, 2022 Tweet - "Why is the price of oil LOWER today than it was in 2014 while the average price for a gallon of gas nationwide is 80 cents a gallon HIGHER than it was eight years ago? Answer: Corporate greed. Now is no time for profiteering. Now is the time for a windfall profits tax." Sen.Bernie Sanders
March 14, 2022 Letter to the Commission on Planning, Programming, Budgeting and Execution Reform - Grassley Pushes For Financial Management Oversight At Department Of Defense Sen.Bernie Sanders, ...
March 12, 2022 Tweet - "If we can spend $782 billion on the military industrial complex and handout $52 billion in corporate welfare to the profitable micro-chip industry, please do not tell me we cannot afford Medicare for All during a pandemic or the Green New Deal during a climate emergency." Sen.Bernie Sanders
March 3, 2022 Letter to Tom Vilsack, Secretary of Agriculture - Warner & Kaine Urge Changes to SNAP Benefits Guidance to Address Food Insecurity among Students Sen.Peter Welch, ...
Feb. 28, 2022 Tweet - "Starbucks could give every one of its 383,000 workers a $5,000 bonus & still keep $2.6 billion in profits from last year. Instead they're raising prices while spending $20 billion on stock buybacks & dividends when profits are up 31%. Don't blame inflation. Blame corporate greed." Sen.Bernie Sanders
Feb. 18, 2022 Letter to Patrick Leahy, Chairman of the Senate Appropriations Committee, Richard Shelby, Vice Chair of the Senate Appropriations Committee - Duckworth, Cramer, Casey Lead Bipartisan Call for Diaper Banks Funding in Final FY2022 Appropriations Package Sen.Bernie Sanders, ...
Feb. 17, 2022 Letter to Patrick Leahy, Chair of the Senate Appropriations Committee, Richard Shelby, Vice-Chair of the Senate Appropriations Committee, Tammy Baldwin, Chair of the Senate Subcommittee on Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administration, and Related Agencies, John Hoeven, Ranking Member of the Senate Subcommittee on Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administration, and Related Agencies - Van Hollen, Peters Call for $3 Million in Funding for PAWS Act Sen.Bernie Sanders, ...
Feb. 17, 2022 Letter to Hon. Charles P. Rettig, Commissioner of the IRS - Warner Continues Push to Address IRS Issues Facing Taxpayers Sen.Bernie Sanders, ...
Feb. 16, 2022 Letter to Hon. Joseph Biden, President of the United States - Kaine Joins Colleagues in Urging President Biden to Prioritize Funding to Improve Election Administration in the President's Budget for Fiscal Year 2023 Sen.Bernie Sanders, ...
Feb. 11, 2022 Letter to Hon. Deb Haaland, Secretary of the Interior, Hon. Tom Vilsack, Secretary of Agriculture, Hon. Brenda Mallory, Chair of the Council on Environmental Quality, and Hon. Shalanda Young, Acting Director of the Office of Management and Budget - Congressman Neguse Leads Push To Increase Land And Water Conservation Funding In Next Year's Budget Sen.Peter Welch, ...
Jan. 31, 2022 Tweet - "The American people want the big money industries to start paying their fair share of taxes. They understand that it is absurd that 2 people own more wealth than the bottom 40%, and that the gap between the very rich and everyone else is wider than it has been in 100 years." Sen.Bernie Sanders
Jan. 20, 2022 Letter to Charles P. Rettig, Commissioner of the Internal Revenue Service - Meng Calls on Head of IRS to Reduce Large Backlog of Tax Returns Sen.Peter Welch, ...
Jan. 14, 2022 Letter to Charles Rettig, Commissioner of the IRS -SWALWELL LEADS DEMOCRATS IN PUSHING FOR IRS TO RESOLVE TAX RETURN BACKLOG Sen.Peter Welch, ...
Jan. 14, 2022 Letter to Charles P. Rettig, Commissioner of the Internal Revenue Service - Congresswoman Stansbury Calls on IRS to Resolve Tax Return Backlog Sen.Peter Welch, ...
Dec. 27, 2021 Tweet - "The expansion of the child tax credit this year has reduced child poverty in America by 40%. Incredible! But, if Build Back Better is not passed, that provision will soon expire and millions of children will be plunged back into poverty. Pathetic!" Sen.Bernie Sanders
Dec. 2, 2021 Tweet - "The bottom line is you can't talk about demanding the wealthy pay their fair share of taxes, and then give large tax breaks to millionaires. It's just too much hypocrisy." Sen.Bernie Sanders
Nov. 30, 2021 Tweet - "Let's be clear. The problem is not the worker who got a small raise & a $1,400 check 7 months ago. The problem is corporations making record-breaking profits while 700 billionaires became $2 trillion richer during the pandemic. We need an economy that works for all, not the 1%." Sen.Bernie Sanders
Nov. 29, 2021 Tweet - "What if instead of helping billionaires fund their space hobby, we invested in working people here on Earth?" Sen.Bernie Sanders
Nov. 27, 2021 Tweet - "It is expensive to raise kids, and working class parents are struggling. By expanding the Child Tax Credit we have helped millions of families and are cutting childhood poverty by 45%. A great accomplishment. Yet, not one Republican will vote to extend that program. Pathetic." Sen.Bernie Sanders
Nov. 23, 2021 Tweet - "Am I supposed to be impressed that billionaires are going to space while they've paid zero in federal income taxes some years? Nope. It's time to invest in working people here on Earth." Sen.Bernie Sanders
Nov. 22, 2021 Tweet - "Let me be clear: the rich do not need more tax breaks." Sen.Bernie Sanders
Nov. 22, 2021 Tweet - "My colleagues seem to be so concerned with the deficit when it comes to addressing the needs of working people, but all of a sudden forget about the deficit when we're talking about an annual defense budget of $778 BILLION. What hypocrisy." Sen.Bernie Sanders
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