
Remove Filters: Texas James Perry

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Date State Bill No. Title Outcome
June 19, 2009 TX SB 2141 Relating to Lawsuits Against Engineers and Architects Vetoed
June 19, 2009 TX SB 1760 Ordering Creation of Texas Save and Match Program Vetoed
June 19, 2009 TX SB 223 Allowing Gubernatorial Pardons to Persons who Received Deferred Adjudication Vetoed
June 19, 2009 TX HB 1293 Life Insurance Disclosure Requirements Vetoed
June 19, 2009 TX HB 103 Student Health Benefit Plan Amendments Vetoed
June 19, 2009 TX SB 978 Relating to Public Improvement Districts Vetoed
June 19, 2009 TX SB 1206 Relating to Parole Vetoed
June 19, 2009 TX SB 2558 Relating to Beer and Malt Beverage Tastings Vetoed
June 19, 2009 TX SB 488 Relating to "Vulnerable Road Users" Vetoed
June 19, 2009 TX SB 2325 Confidentiality of Certain State Commission on Judicial Conduct Activities Vetoed
June 19, 2009 TX SB 2169 Austin Community Planning Amendments Vetoed
June 19, 2009 TX HB 821 Relating to Television Recycling Vetoed
June 15, 2007 TX HB 2087 Relating to a restriction on the frequency with which a county, municipality, or junior college district may hold a petition-initiated election on whether to establish a limitation on ad valorem taxes imposed by the county ... Vetoed
June 15, 2007 TX HB 3084 Relating to the municipal street maintenance sales tax. Vetoed
June 15, 2007 TX HB 1179 Relating to procurements by the Texas Lottery Commission. Vetoed
June 15, 2007 TX HB 1092 Relating to the prosecution of an offense of criminal trespass. Vetoed
June 15, 2007 TX SB 960 Relating to the administration of exit-level state assessment instruments to transfer students who are dependents of military personnel. Vetoed
June 15, 2007 TX HB 447 Relating to contracts by governmental entities for construction projects and related professional services and to public works performance and payment bonds. Vetoed
June 15, 2007 TX HB 2265 Relating to the prizes awarded in a progressive bingo game. Vetoed
June 15, 2007 TX HB 2103 Relating to a pilot program to award scholarships to certain correctional officers enrolled at Sam Houston State University. Vetoed
June 15, 2007 TX HB 3619 Relating to the authority of a political subdivision other than a county to change the date of its general election. Vetoed
June 15, 2007 TX HB 3352 Relating to municipal civil service for firefighters and police officers in certain municipalities. Vetoed
June 15, 2007 TX HB 3281 Relating to the recovery of medical or health care expenses in civil actions. Vetoed
June 15, 2007 TX HB 2990 Relating to use of certain electronic monitoring technology in certain correctional facilities by the Texas Department of Criminal Justice. Vetoed
June 15, 2007 TX SB 1735 Relating to the effect of a charter provision relating to the sale of alcoholic beverages off-premise consumption on a subsequent local option election. Vetoed
Date No. Title Outcome
6/19 SB 2141 Relating to Lawsuits Against Engineers and Architects Vetoed
6/19 SB 1760 Ordering Creation of Texas Save and Match Program Vetoed
6/19 SB 223 Allowing Gubernatorial Pardons to Persons who Received Deferred Adjudication Vetoed
6/19 HB 1293 Life Insurance Disclosure Requirements Vetoed
6/19 HB 103 Student Health Benefit Plan Amendments Vetoed
6/19 SB 978 Relating to Public Improvement Districts Vetoed
6/19 SB 1206 Relating to Parole Vetoed
6/19 SB 2558 Relating to Beer and Malt Beverage Tastings Vetoed
6/19 SB 488 Relating to "Vulnerable Road Users" Vetoed
6/19 SB 2325 Confidentiality of Certain State Commission on Judicial Conduct Activities Vetoed
6/19 SB 2169 Austin Community Planning Amendments Vetoed
6/19 HB 821 Relating to Television Recycling Vetoed
6/15 HB 2087 Relating to a restriction on the frequency with which a county, municipality, or junior college district may hold a petition-initiated election on whether to establish a limitation on ad valorem taxes imposed by the county ... Vetoed
6/15 HB 3084 Relating to the municipal street maintenance sales tax. Vetoed
6/15 HB 1179 Relating to procurements by the Texas Lottery Commission. Vetoed
6/15 HB 1092 Relating to the prosecution of an offense of criminal trespass. Vetoed
6/15 SB 960 Relating to the administration of exit-level state assessment instruments to transfer students who are dependents of military personnel. Vetoed
6/15 HB 447 Relating to contracts by governmental entities for construction projects and related professional services and to public works performance and payment bonds. Vetoed
6/15 HB 2265 Relating to the prizes awarded in a progressive bingo game. Vetoed
6/15 HB 2103 Relating to a pilot program to award scholarships to certain correctional officers enrolled at Sam Houston State University. Vetoed
6/15 HB 3619 Relating to the authority of a political subdivision other than a county to change the date of its general election. Vetoed
6/15 HB 3352 Relating to municipal civil service for firefighters and police officers in certain municipalities. Vetoed
6/15 HB 3281 Relating to the recovery of medical or health care expenses in civil actions. Vetoed
6/15 HB 2990 Relating to use of certain electronic monitoring technology in certain correctional facilities by the Texas Department of Criminal Justice. Vetoed
6/15 SB 1735 Relating to the effect of a charter provision relating to the sale of alcoholic beverages off-premise consumption on a subsequent local option election. Vetoed
